Friday, October 14, 2022

ALDS Game 2: "Baseball and Ballantine/ Baseball and Ballantine/ What a combination/ All across the nation/ Ballantine, Ballantine beer."

UPDATE: Here's the song, courtesy of ranger_lp!


  1. Look at it from 47:40

    Three Ring Pete...

  2. I can't find the longer version with the umpire...

  3. Thanks, ranger! Post updated to include your find!

  4. And a sad note: Bruce Sutter, dead at 69.

  5. Nasty Nestor Shirt on and ready to GO

  6. Are any of you people employed???

    Work from home is my excuse…

  7. John just pronounced our lead off hitter as Aaron Joeggg

  8. Indeed—work from home. People really buy it!

  9. The Glass Giant gets a terrible strike call then pastes one. Nicely done.

  10. I knew this game was doomed from the moment they showed the Curtis Granderson clip on the pregame. The one from 2006, where Mussina slowly let a 3-1 lead slip away, as Granderson ran amok. I was in the stands that day, and it drove me crazy.

    Same sort of game exactly here. Cortes, who has nothing and is inexplicably wild, walking .173 hitters, letting it all slip away.

    Judge now, can't even seem to play the field.

    And the juju gods toying with us continuously. Donaldson hits the ball on the nose with men on second and third—and his ball stays up and is gloved. Their guy hits a 1-2 pitch and it drops.

    We're doomed. Doomed, I tells ya!

  11. Nifty play by Nestor. Kinda funny, too.

  12. Also, is Judge hurt? Because that was the first terrible throw I've ever seen him throw.

  13. And...there goes the lead.

    Ah, well. We knew this team was never going to beat Houston. Better the Guardians of Traffic go get their teeth knocked out in Texas.

  14. Judge has struck out five times so far in these two games. Might be something going on.

  15. Also Nestor is back to believing he's great. It changes the way he pitches.

  16. Can we please get robo umps?

  17. Make that six for Judge. I suspect an emotional letdown—though it doesn't help that the ump stinks.

    The throw makes me worry that he's hurt.

    But again—not to worry about. This team is not going anywhere.

  18. By the by, here comes the end. Nestor gives it up in this inning, Bieber goes at least another, and then their pen shuts us down.

    You heard it here first.

  19. Whattaya think? Third walk in a row to Mr. 163?

  20. They pulled Nestor, but we still can't/won't pitch to a .163 hitter.

  21. All right, they got him. Though the pitch actually missed. At least he swung.

  22. Justin looking completely in control now. Complete game?

  23. Can't get the master to sync with TBS feed. Have to listen to Mr. Met and ultra-loquacious Costass. Both are just fucking horrible.

    At least Costass called him justin beeber.

  24. More great running by Crusty Donaldson. How is he NOT on third there?

  25. Why does Francona talk out of the side of his mouth and sound like an even gruffer William Frawley? One of his illnesses?

  26. Hey, I’m still working. Missing the game, tryna (as the kids say) follow the game. I take it the lineup is sleepwalking again?


  27. I was thinking to myself the same thing RTF typed here -- how the F can I get paroled from Costas and Darling?

  28. I get the WFAN feed from mlb tv but no picture because my cable isn't one of the chosen tribes able to stream through the service THAT I FUCKING PAY FOR. And the workaround to bounce through Slovakia doesn't even work.

  29. The master is about 2 innings behind the tbs feed.

  30. It's not Yankees Nation, it's Red Sox Nation. This is the Yankeeverse.

  31. Judge is off his game. 4 Ks, that's Stanton territory.

  32. Break time….
    So, Judge 5 for his last 29 with 15K’s , a 52% K rate.
    The timing couldn’t be worse.

  33. Interesting that he sucked against Cleveland in the 2017 postseason, too. 20 AB, one hit, 16 Ks. Info from Costas.

  34. Rookie year when he hit 52 HRs.

  35. I am in fear that the only hope for the Yankees this year is for glass man to get hot until Judge breaks out of his funk.

    As they say in the military, "hope is not a plan".

  36. Five Yankee strikeouts in a row. Man, we can't touch their bullpen.

  37. Make-up walk for Stanton. We'll take it.

  38. Oh, and Boone pulls the only guy who has produced any offense for Tim LoCastro. Yeah, that makes sense. Can't wait for that key, LoCastro at-bat in the bottom of the 10th.

  39. It's late and tied 2-2 !!
    It's late and tied 2-2 !!
    It's late and tied 2-2 !!

  40. Waldo with a chance to be the hero.

  41. Hoss, I like the move with Locastro. Win now.

  42. plus he can score from second on a single

  43. Oh, fuck me. Costas is talking about hicksie being available on the bench.

  44. They have Justin beeber, is the backup catcher Benson?

  45. Loaded for Higgy and the signal goes nuts from TBS.

  46. Rizzuto would be calling for the squeeze play here.

  47. He hits the ball on the screws—and right at someone. We're bad enough already, jujubees. We don't need your help.

  48. Oy. But smart move by Boone to go settle him, and good throw by Crusty.

    Yeah, you better pump your fist, Mr. Rizzo.

  49. Master Bader needs to keep his bat in his hands and take the walk.

    No swinging until there's two strikes.

  50. I don't like this pitcher, but I do like his cousin, Grand Cru.

  51. Well, at least more contact from Judge...

  52. Right now, a dozen headline writers are sobbing as they throw away their banner head: "CLASE CLOSED".

  53. Costass just pulled a sterling. "up the middle and through" but caught by the second baseman.

  54. no great play by cabrera and shit throw by donaldson. (sigh)

  55. I hate Crusty.

    Goes out just far enough to distract Cabrera, then throws the ball away.

  56. I knew this was a loss by the third inning

  57. I understand the reasons for the positioning. But if we had just had everyone playing where they normally play, there are now two outs and nobody on.

  58. They need to ban Spike Lee from ANY NY sporting event. He is a jinx.

  59. And because of the error, the infield is drawn in allowing the Gonzalez ball to drop in. All Donaldson's fault.

  60. Okay, that last one was Taillon's fault ...

  61. In a wider sense, two balls laced to left—by Donaldson and Higgy—that could have brought in three runs between them, hit right at people. They get a run thanks to Naylor hitting a squibbed that he injured himself on, thereby throwing off Nestor.

  62. And, in a wider sense, we don't have the team depth to win a championship. Taillon now allows a booming double. Had Ramirez been on second, he still would have scored.

  63. Game already over 4 hours long, with barely any scoring.

  64. Why bother playing the infield in? They aint gonna score in the bottom of the inning anyway.

  65. Hosstradamus:

    "Blogger HoraceClarke66 said...

    Oh, and Boone pulls the only guy who has produced any offense for Tim LoCastro. Yeah, that makes sense. Can't wait for that key, LoCastro at-bat in the bottom of the 10th.

    October 14, 2022 at 4:08 PM"

  66. "Stanton" up in the bottom of the tenth. What did I tell you?

  67. Let's hope where's Waldo comes through.

  68. Well-earned loss.

    Judge was horrific. One of his worst games ever.

    Taillon laid an egg.

    Bader, Rizzo, and Donaldson - all praiseworthy glovemen - made defensive mistakes.

    The lineup went 0-7 with RISP and had two hits (both singles) after the third inning.

    Boone's moves didn't work: lifting Stanton early, using Taillon against the heart of the order, leaving Nestor in for that extra inning, etc.


  69. AB,

    I have a friend that 'willed' me a cellar of 300 bottles. He's still alive, but both his and his wife's liver are on life support.

    They ruined their livers by drinking cheap wine and 'saving' the good stuff. A Shakespearean tragedy.

    To top it off, they gave us all the wine, and because, well moving multiple times is not good for it, it had some culling that needed to be performed. He figured (correctly) that we wouldn't mind opening ten bottles to get that one really good one. We do still have sad feelings about the ones that we KNOW were good, until they weren't.

    Like I said, a Shakespearean tragedy.

  70. I didn’t see the game but it seems to be the troika of trouble we’d all feared.
    -1. inadequate offense. Did I hear that at one point they went 13 straight AB’s with nothing but K’s or W’s?
    -2. Bullpen. Cant call it a collapse, but out BP blinked, theirs didn’t.
    -3. Boone. his moves didn’t work. There is no margin of error in the postseason

    Conclusion: just reaffirms what we already knew.
    We ain’t getting out of this series alive.

  71. Yes, bullpen was generally good, even quite good, but when you're already down to your No. 3-4 starter by the 10th, you're in big trouble in today's ballgame.

    Another example of how Cashie's deadline deals wrecked us...

  72. To be sure, a lot of bad breaks in this one. Balls we hit well...were right at people. Balls they DIDN'T hit well...dropped for hits.
    And of course, another awful game by a home plate ump.

    Bottom line, though: awfully hard to win when you have one real hitter, and he's mired in an awful slump.

  73. Also...if we had Carlos Correa in our infield instead of in the broadcast booth—hell, if we'd had Manny Machado in the infield—we win that game.

  74. And, of course, we got ROYALLY screwed on the scheduling.

    If, as usual, this game was schedule for Tuesday instead of Monday, Bieber has to go on short rest. Then we get screwed by the rain.

    On the other hand, Cleveland has some good pitching and good fielders. They seem VASTLY inferior to the remaining big three, Houston, LA, and Atlanta. Hell, they don't seem as good as SD.

    If the Yanks can't beat them, they can't beat anyone, and might as well fold up yet another disappointing postseason early.

  75. Getting bounced by this punchless Clevelandian team will revive florid, guilt free Cash bashing. So, there's that.

  76. The Fat Lady sang her fucking lungs out.

  77. Rufus - I'm sure many of us here (me included) would be happy to help cull those bottles . . .

  78. AA,

    I have two decanter/strainers just to keep up. Any help is welcome.

    ...and it is needed right now. Both the help and the drinking.

  79. Rufus

    My transporter is on the fritz due to a batch of crappy dilithium crystals I purchased on Amazon, otherwise I beam over from CA and help you out.


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