Monday, October 24, 2022


  1. That's great. Better than words, better than pictures.

  2. well - I'll always be rooting' for pictures ;)

  3. sleep well everyone

    dream of better days

    filled with music

    without words

    and some lovely pictures

  4. Looks like the last 2 seconds of The Sopranos finale.

  5. Aaron Judge is no longer an employee of the New York Yankees. Brian Cashman and Josh Donaldson still are though.

  6. Yankees the morning after;

    "I am real disappointed with how the season ended. I was hoping for another round of playoffs to sell tickets, parking, merchandise and food. Now excuse me, ACMilan is playing."

    " We will reevaluate everyone on the roster and see if anyone released off 40-man rosters in advance of the Rule 5 Draft can lead us to the next level'

    "It's going to be a long winter as we mediate on why we swung and missed again. But at least I did better that Joe Girardi this year.
    I look forward to Opening Day next year when I get to congratulate Aaron Judge on his MVP trophy and wish him well with the SF Giants.

    Archangel's 6-year old grandson,
    "why do they keep letting that 3rd baseman keep hitting?"
    'how about those NY Football Giants!!!"


  7. Out of the blue
    And into the black
    They give you this
    But you paid for that

  8. Publius said...

    Aaron Judge is no longer an employee of the New York Yankees. Brian Cashman and Josh Donaldson still are though.

    Add to that Aaron Boone.

  9. there is no mystique anymore. not even aura. just another mediocre franchise run by a penny-pinching gazillionaire and his vicious little ribbon clerk. but this run-of-the-mill organization is weighed down by the unreasonable expectations of the New York media and the glorious history of the greatest dynasty in sports history, which they will never come close to duplicating. sad.

  10. I want to thank you ALL for preparing me all season for this disappointment. I had no illusions that the Yankees could get past Houston, and the saddest part of this is the fact that Cashman will most likely return again to continue his reign of terror. I also can't fathom why Judge would want to return to this mess,,,,,



    Go Phillies (Barf> can't believe I have to root for them)

  11. If you really want to contemplate the blackness of Yankee-fandom under the Regime of the Unholy Three as we realize that many here will never see another Yankee World Series on this earth plane;

    2026- Salary adjusted for "cap" purposes per Sportrac;
    DJ- (37) 15 Mil
    Stanton-(36) 22Mil
    Cole-(35) 36 Mil
    Judge-(34) 37Mil [minimum if he res-signs]

    That goes to 110Mil for Salary Cap purposes for FOUR players all aged above their Expiration Date.

    I just hope that when the Yankees win another WS, that the Nursing Home where I will reside at 100 years of age, has futuristic googles that allows me to see the Parade.

    Hope Springs Eternal


  12. @ Parson Tom...

    "vicious little ribbon clerk" is pure gold, and so accurate

  13. The Last Decade of New York Yankees Baseball (2013-2022)

    2 division titles
    0 best records in baseball
    0 AL pennants
    0 World Series titles
    $2.3 billion spent

    Any other team in this situation would be looking for a new GM.

  14. If Hal won't do it, Cashman should. He should resign. I mean, this is complete professional humiliation. He is an industry punch line. A complete joke. Never mind the fans, the Ivy League and MIT grads running the other teams laugh at him, poor guy.

    You dont need this billshit, Cash. These little fuckers, these smartasses who don't have to deal with Hal and the NYC stress. Fuck them. You don't have anything to prove to anyone.

    Retire, take a little time off. Come back as somebody's consultant. An eminence grise. Who needs the stress and embarrassment? 5 years from now, only historians will give a shit about your mediocre reign and a few of them will muster superficially plausible arguments that you weren'treally that bad at your job, all things considered.

    In other words, life is short Cash. By any measure, except those of the most ignorant, mean spirited, and foul mouthed fans, you are a succes in life and your chosen profession. Did it end exactly the way you wanted? No, but look at Tom Brady. Things don't end the way even the most successful guys want. You've done your bit, Cash, and you've done it well. You are a good man who has lived an admirable life both personally and professionally. Thank you. Now please, for the love of God, resign.


  15. I don't remember where I read this, but this reminds me of what Winston Churchill once said;

    "Defeat is one thing, disgrace is another."

    [Soon to be the title of YES Network 2022 Season Review]


  16. As an ignorant, mean spirited, and foul-mouthed Yankees fan I concur.

  17. Fuck. Love all you Commentariat. Except Puckered.


    Benedícat vos omnípotens Ruthus, et Scooter, et Mantleus, et Spíritus Jeterus.

    So endeth the JuJu.

  18. Unfinished Business

    1) Mildred -

    "Out of the fog and into the smog"

    Any guesses?

    2) Parson

    What you wrote X100!

    3) Zach

    Great stats. Thank you. I am a better fan for having read you.

    4) Here's link to a long overdue article that had to be said, in the NY Post no less.

    "Hal Steinbrenner lucky he can’t be fired for Yankees’ repeated failures"

    All the writers in the city should pile it on!

    5) On The Road Again.

    Starting tomorrow I'm going to be driving for the next eight days and won't be posting much if at all. I'm only saying this so you all don't think I quit on the only team that counts, us.

    Even though this season sucked in so many ways it's always great to be able to share it will all of you.

    6) Last -

    Bring home Derek and Donnie Baseball. They will suck too but at least they will care.

  19. Sic transit gloria mundi.

    I love you all.

    Fuck Hal and Cash-moron.

  20. Yup. That is what you get with Genius Cashman, at the helm.

  21. Aaron Judge was asked if his goal is still to remain a Yankee as he hits free agency:

    “I’ve been clear about that since I first wore the pinstripes. But we couldn’t get something done before spring training and now I'm a free agent and we’ll see what happens.”

  22. Translated from "soon to be gazillionaire jock"-speak: "They had their chance, and they blew it."

  23. It's obvious that Astros cheated again. They actually signed/drafted guys who can pitch. Their #1 starter actually shows up in big games. Their hitters try and make contact. According to Cashman and his crew, these are all counter to the Yankees way of business, so clearly they must be some shenanigans underfoot.


  24. @ Doug, you magnificent bastard!...

    I had to cheat but it all came back. Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me The Pliers was an evening classic with the band of ne'er do wells I was involved with back in the early 70's. It was suggested and widely accepted we would all become Tirebiter eventually, watching our younger selves on the late show playing in our heads. I haven't thought about the Firesign in years - thank you.

  25. Wait, Mildred, you were actually part of Firesign Theater? Wow!

  26. Very funny, Archie, great summary, Zach, and from your lips to God's ears, Publius!

    "After the ball is over,
    After the break of morn—
    After the dancers' leaving,
    After the stars are gone,
    Many a heart is aching,
    If you could read them all,
    Many the hopes that have vanished,
    After the ball."

    Eh—can't really say I'm heartbroken. To quote Stanley Kowalski, we had this date from the start. Still, hugely annoying!

  27. Here's something I posted on an earlier thread last night, before the game, not realizing that the conversation had already moved on from there. So, if you've already seen this, sorry for the repetition.
    If the Yankees lose tonight, this will be a dream season for Hal.

    The Yankees played well early, got a lot of attention and great ratings. ($$)

    Judge's home run chase brought TV attention, sold seats at the ballpark and likely sold tons of merch. ($$)

    Hal can insist that the Yankees were "competitive," and had a chance if not for those gosh-darn injuries!! We're still on the right path!! No reason the invest more in the minor-league system or a front-line starter.

    And Aaron Judge struggled in the playoffs, so when the Mets sign him, Hal can say, "it just wasn't reasonable to spend $400 million for someone who doesn't do the job when it counts." (Oh, and here's a prediction: At least one of Hal's in-the-pocket media stooges will use a phrase like "Judge is no Reggie Jackson" to justify Hal's low-ball offer.)

    Hal will laugh all the way to the polo club.

  28. "We understand his value"

    -Randy Levine on Aaron Judge, mid-season. Ominous.

  29. Here, below, is my fifth annual Brian Cashman resignation letter. So far, it has not produced an actual resignation. However, if everyone from IIHIIFIIC concentrates hard enough, perhaps we can make it happen! I believe in the power of prayer (regardless of what Jim Morrison proclaimed in the song Soft Parade). Lets make it so!

    Letter of Resignation

    Brian Cashman

    Yankee Stadium
    1 E 161st Street
    Bronx, NY 10451

    October 24, 2022

    New York Yankees, Inc.
    1 E 161st Street
    Bronx, NY 10451

    Dear Hal Steinbrenner:

    Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from General Manager effective November1, 2022.

    This announcement comes with a heavy heart, as I have sincerely enjoyed my time with the New York Yankees. With your guidance and mentorship, this position has been one of the most rewarding work experiences in my life. I will greatly miss my teammates and friends made in other departments. All this was possible due to the unique culture at New York Yankees.

    I am deeply appreciative of the numerous opportunities you’ve given me to build skills in numerous areas of baseball operations. As a result, I feel better prepared to face my next position’s challenges. I look forward to reconnecting with you and the team in the future.

    Please let me know how I can be of assistance during the transition period. I wish you and the organization the very best going forward.


    Brian McGuire Cashman

  30. Great, Carl Weitz! Though maybe you need to add a quick line about, "So sorry about that whole thing with the crazy lady I picked up at a party."?

    Just a suggestion!

  31. Great recommendation on the article, Doug. And here is the nut graf, a quote from the off-season:

    “Look, it’s a consideration,” Steinbrenner said of luxury-tax thresholds before the season. “That’s my job every year, to make sure we’re financially responsible. We’ve got a lot of partners and banks and bond holders and things that I answer to. At the same time, it’s always our goal to field a championship team.”

    Yep. One can almost picture them, can't you? The old lady bondholders lined up outside the Stadium, waving their coupons and screeching, "You call this a return???" The bankers in their high collars and with their eyeshades, shaking their umbrellas at Hal, and demanding, "No more money on ballplayers!"

    Conspicuous in its absence is any mention of the public that has now built the Steinbrenner family not one but two shiny new Stadiums.


  32. Just a fan HC. Just a fan

    For a good read

    Thank you all for having me here this season. You helped me to keep things interesting and in perspective. Looking forward to the off-season speculation (with "speculation" meaning "bitching and complaining").

  33. Let us sing, soccer chant style:

    Soy un perdador
    I'm a loser baybeeee
    So why don't you kill me?

  34. And this from Jet:

    Oh look what you've done
    You've made a fool of everyone

    Oh it seemed like such fun
    Until you lose what you had won

  35. A final winnable game flushed down the toilet by BaBoone.

    And, just as El Duque feared, Judge making the final out. For once, he came up in the 9th inning, with a chance to tie a game the Yanks were losing, although asking for a homer in that situation is a bit much. But yet again, he came up with nobody on base. It would be interesting to crunch the data from these 9 postseason games and see just how many times Judge came up with somebody on base and how many times he came up for a 5th at bat in the late innings. I know it didn't happen much.


  36. The only benefit of this Sweep is that I -- for a few weeks -- won't be coming back here as frequently.

    It will be a relief (to me) to not think about Hal S and Brian C for a little while.

    I WILL see red when Judge walks away. But I could not possibly blame him.

    What would his season have been like if he had not hit lead-off so often? How would his stats look if guys were getting on-base ahead of him -- with some one or two substantial hitters behind him?

    ALSO: I would like to endorse the appreciation expressed above for Zachary A. I did learn a lot by reading his posts here.

    And previously, I thought I knew everything....

  37. From keefetothe city...

    "Within the Yankees on Sunday, Chad Bohling, the team’s Director of Mental Conditioning, sent around a video compilation of the 2004 Red Sox coming back against the Yankees...."

    "With ideas like this, it’s no surprise Bohling has been employed by the Yankees in his role for the last 12 years, which happens to be every season since the team’s last championship. Bohling has overseen the team’s mental skills since the first season after the 2009 World Series win, a period of 12 years in which the team has appeared in zero World Series and has lost five ALCS."

    Let's add Bohling to the must go list

  38. That's how you lose when you live and die with the home run. And before anyone says, "home runs are the best offensive play in baseball and look how all the ASS-stros and the Phillies won, with the home run", yeah, I know. But home runs weren't the only thing those teams did. They had plenty of baserunners, plenty of hits. Production up and down their lineups. Their hitters got the big hits and the important hits and that's why they're going to the World Series.

    The Yankees? Until this last game of the ASS-stros series, Yanks's lineup resembled a roadside corpse.

    Donaldson, wow, just fucking wow! Did I say WOW? He made Gary Sanchez look like Joe DiMaggio.

    IKF, why the fuck was he in that game? And why the fuck was he still playing late in that game? And why the fuck was he playing shortstop late in that game?

  39. @JoeFOB, I think that on a "normal" team, Judge wins the triple crown: .330/65 HR/175 RBI

    Leading him off for a while seemed to throw off his swing, which had been locked in tight for a long while. He was going great; he didn't need any help with the lineup position.

    In fact, I think hitting him lead off would be exactly what I would have done, IF I WERE TRYING TO DERAIL HIS SEASON.

    And you know what, it worked. Yankee management derailed his season. Got him to lose the triple crown. And then got him silenced in the postseason.

    I'm telling you guys, Yankee management didn't want to win this year. And they did a magnificent job of making sure that the Yankees didn't win.

  40. I'm not sure they're THAT devious, Hammer. But yes, I was howling from the get-go that it was ridiculous to put Judge there.

    I wanted the 3-4-5 to be Judge-Rizzo-Stanton.

    NOW, granted, that combo was often not available, during to constant injuries. And yes, granted, the Yanks did NOT have a lot of great 1-2 options, particularly once DJ and Porn Stache and Beni got hurt. But again, the question is, why not?

    This team, as always, needed more depth, for the expected wear-and-tear of a long season. They didn't get it.

  41. @Hoss, As always, they failed to develop new blood. Near the end of the season, they finally brought up the two Oswalds, Marinaccio, Clarke Schmidt. It was too little, too late.

    Think they're not that devious, eh? Oh, I think they are. And then some. Just look what they did with Montgomery for Bader. Wow, that was some piece of devious, I would say.

    It was quite obvious from the get-go that this team probably didn't have enough to win. But all their machinations went toward taking whatever 1 in 10,000 chance that they had, and flushing it down the toilet!


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