Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Game 162: How funny is it?

How funny is it that Gerrit Cole broke a Yankee single-season record yesterday and nobody cared? Is it very funny? Sort of funny? Pants-wettingly funny? Politely funny? Snot-drippingly funny? Funny in name only? Inarguably funny? Provisionally funny? Quietly funny? Sinfully funny? Dangerously funny? Dryly funny? Wetly funny? Drunkenly funny? Mournfully funny? Shamefully funny? 

No Judge today; he can start the long process of resting those colossal feet. No Stanton, either; he can start the long process of rubbing lotion on Judge's colossal feet. Before his own home run last night, Stanton was onscreen a lot, sitting next to a post-homer Judge. I had the sound off, so I don't know what Michael Kay was saying, and I never want to. But Stanton's face seemed to flash between feelings of inferiority, admiration, jealousy, and anger, to name only four. Maybe I read too much into it, but then he hit the dinger. 

In case you haven't seen it, here's WFAN's video of John making The Call.  


  1. No Judge, no care much.

    But yes, it is VERY funny.

  2. Cole’s K Record is directly tied to the current approach of MLB hitters, swing as hard as you can and striking out is no big deal.
    But let’s compare something, courtesy of Newsday:

    Gerrit Cole finished the regular season with a franchise-record 257 strikeouts in 200 2/3 innings. He broke the record of 248 strikeouts (in 273 2/3 innings) set by Ron Guidry in 1978.
    A few differences: Guidry went 25-3 with a 1.74 ERA and 13 homers allowed that season. Cole is 13-8 with a 3.50 ERA, 33 homers allowed.

    Just as Judge’s season is the most dominant I’ve ever seen by a Yankee hitter (although the always underrated Don Mattingly’s 1985-86 seasons come close) Guidry’s ‘78 season is unparalleled among pitchers in the team annals, nothing even comes close.

    Neither Mattingly or Guidry (or the redoubtable Thurman Munson) are in the HOF.

    Explanation please…

  3. Is Hip Hip Jose a new HR call? First I’ve heard it.

  4. I thought it was Very Funny how the Yanks made sure to fete Cole and play up his amazing feat. (Fete his feat? And not Judge's feet? Anyway...)

    I'm sure they knew that the giant baby would go into a snit if they didn't.

    Meanwhile, the guys on YES going on about how hard it is to concentrate during a meaningless game like this. It's a hard-knock life...


  5. Funny how? I mean, what’s funny about it?

    I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?

    I make you laugh? I’m here to fuckin’ amuse you? Waddya mean “funny”? Funny how? How am I funny?

  6. Arraez taken out after his hit....great he'll only be remembered in history as "the guy" who kept Judge from the triple crown....won't even remember his name

  7. How very funny that the American League was fixated on keeping Ruth's 60 HRs in 154 in tact...otherwise The Babe would no longer be talked about...hmmmm...

  8. These Our 2022 New York Yankees had 64 wins at the All Star break. They have a meager 35 since. Unfortunately we'll head into the playoff with These Our Second Half 2022 New York Yankees.

    I have tickets for ALDS game 5. I suspect I will not get a chance to use them.


  9. I concur with Mildred.

    Plus Boone is an idiot.

    PS Fuck you HAL. Fuck you Ca$hole.

  10. Ruth had 60HR in 155 games in 1927. A.J. had 61 in 155 now. Judge beat the Bambino in regulation.

    Neither Ruth nor Judge played every game. But Gehrig played every game in '27. One hundred fifty-five of them. You can look it up.

    None of which matters. All of which most of you already know. But for the newbies who care about whatever the Frick they care about, I had to say it.

    And congratulations to Mr. Arraez! Your bat got you close but your ass sealed the deal. Bravo!

  11. And yeah: no sane person on this planet or any other thinks Cole's strikeout record matters over The Gator's.


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