Sunday, November 27, 2022

From watching the World Cup: Yet another difference between futbol and football...

When a 350-pound NFL lineman gets hurt, he lies belly-up, pointing to his tweaked gonad - which is the size of a Silver Stream camper - until a ref halts play. The networks cut away to a GEICO commercial, and fans rush off to get a beer. Trainers waddle out, massage the swollen body part, a doctor signs something on a clipboard, and some scruffy jabronie who gets paid in team swag carts the player off the field, into the sunset. He will miss six weeks.

When a scrawny, 165-pound soccer player gets hurt, he flops wildly around on the field, clutching his leg, writhing in pain and screaming like Jamie Lee Curtis in a closet. Nobody comes out to help. A ref kicks him a few times in the ribs. His teammates wander over to spit on him. The TV network replays the moment his femur snapped like a Hershey Bar. Clearly, he'll never walk again. Then, after a minute of thrashing, he pops up and starts running around. And no GEICO commercial for at least another 15 minutes, (which can save you 15 percent or more on car insurance.)



  1. And they wear silk pants and knee socks.
    Just saying....

  2. Blouse wearin’ poodle walkers if you ask me, which you didn’t


  3. You try running around constantly for 90 minutes chasing a ball, then have someone wearing cleats step on your foot and see if you don't go crying to your mama.

  4. Ties. Hmmm. Manfred is interested.


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