Friday, November 4, 2022

"I think it was one of those years for him where he was constantly searching for that consistency. He'd have a few games where it seemed like, 'okay, here we go. He's about to take off.' And then he'd take a step back."

Aaron Boone wants Josh Donaldson back in 2023.

By the way, Boone is dead wrong about consistency. Donaldson was a pinnacle of congruity. 

In the first half of 2022, he hit .224. In the second half, .219. 

Consistently consistent, consistently bad.

Meanwhile, Phily looks phucked. That will let Houston claim the 2017 cheating scandal was overblown, and that the Astros qualify as a dynasty, the gold standard for the 2020s. 

If they simply deny-deny-deny the trash can scandal - Big Lies being fashionable  - several Astros could someday make the Hall: Jose Altuve, Justin Verlander, Alex Bregman... if they hold up, Yordan Alvarez and Kyle Tucker. Look at next year's lineup: Houston could win again.

But but BUT... if Phily somehow comes back - it would dispatch Houston to the trash heap of history. Their lone championship would be forever tainted, and though Verlander is probably a shoe-in for Cooperstown, Altuve and  Bregman might never clear their names. 

Juju gods, are you listening? 


  1. Just close your eyes, and it's 2015.

  2. Boone doesn’t want JD back, I was listening to the interview. He said he’s the third baseman at this time. He has to say that, he’s not Cashgrab and the guy is still on the roster. It was a dumb question from Kay that should’ve been directed at the gm.

  3. Boone also said that JD should have been nominated for a Gold Glove...jeez...

  4. I've stored up all my vitrol about this disappointing season and have sent a VALIS-ian pink laser blast into the skulls of every Asstro player in the hope of mass confusion, potentially disrupting their march to the promise land. It's beyond pathetic, but it's the only shred of baseball happiness I have left to look forward too,,, do you hear what you've reduced me to JuJu gods!???


    Is he right about any of it? Beats me. Some big names and big money on that list.

  6. Jasson Dominguez hitting .140/.250/.193 (.443 OPS) in the AFL

  7. If they want to win, they'd can Josh Donaldson. But they don't want to win, so they won't can him. And look for a few more guys like him to join the team for next year. Just to make doubly sure, and triply sure, that they won't win.

    When HAL finally decides to win one of these years, you'll know it by the moves they make over the winter.

    Philly ain't dead yet. All they have to is win two lousy games in Houston. They did win one there already. A lot better than the Yankees. Yanks haven't won in Houston in how long? The only one I can think of is the Gerrit Cole Master Class in Power Pitching and Perseverance, back in 2021 I think.

    Whoever wins this World Series, both teams have exhibited a lot of great at-bats, lots of excellent pitching. Really solid fundamentals displayed by hitters and pitchers. The hitters have protected the outside corner with two strikes. The pitchers have used the high inside corner a lot. These guys know what they're doing and it shows. The last two games Houston has been a little bit better at it than Philly.

    Good managing by Dusty Baker. So far, I'd say Baker has been a little better than Thompson. Baker did get a little lucky in the last game though. His search for the most ineffective reliever nearly succeeded. A safety squeeze bunt there in the 8th inning by Philly, and this series could've been 3-2 Philly. But a bad at-bat by Marsh against Pressly spelled Philly's doom.

  8. Ken of B - enjoyed your Philip Dick pink laser reference. Maybe during the next game the entire Houston team will suddenly melt away and be replaced by a piece of paper that says simply “Asstros”.

    But don’t worry about next year. After letting Judge walk he’ll simply replace him with your new Yankee right fielder - Michael Brantley. All is well.

  9. At the press conference just now, Boone was asked if Peraza would be the regular shortstop next year. Boone said he had a good year in AAA, and they had heard he was really good, and he would be competing for a position during Spring Training, but that he was very young.

    In other words, no. Morons.

  10. Nats took gm 6 & 7 from Houston in 2019. It can be done.

  11. Rooting for Philly all the way. And yes, Hammer, I'd say both these teams look a lot more professional than our boys.

    Trouble is, most of the baseball they play is still so damned dull.

  12. And also I think I can now claim credit for 1 of the 13 things I predicted you'd hear during the off-season, thank you, thank you!

  13. I wish I could superimpose photos as part of my replies. I cannot so just think of Manager Kumbaya the politician spouting his BS. Josh Doneldson will be even worse next season. He will be a year older. I wonder if Kumbaya goes into the bathroom or next to a mirror in his home and practices his bullshit. He probably believes his nonsense. Genius Cashman will b e in place. The ingredients for 14 years without a World Series appearance.

  14. Just too hurtful to think of Donaldson back at 3rd. next year.
    Maybe I'll watch lacrosse

  15. Boonie practices in front of a picture that increasingly looks like a rotting corpse every day.

    Oscar Wilde has alluded to it. It was the strangest book he had ever read. And against nature.

  16. Boonfoon also came up with cocamamy figures that supported Falafa being a great fielding shortstop and then benched him during the playoffs.


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