Sunday, November 13, 2022

More mush from the mush-master: "We're just going to keep plugging away like we did last year. We improved on defense, we improved in other areas, we're going to have to sit down like we always do and see what areas we need improvement in, who we're going to bring back that was with us this year, who we're not. We've got a couple of young kids, three young kids actually, that we're excited to see more and more of. So, we're just going to work. Unacceptable what happened. No doubt about it."

 Hal grants an interview to one of his employees. 

He says the Yankees will keep plugging away. Like they plugged away last year. 

And the year before that.

And the year before that.

And the year before that.

And the year before that.

And the year before that.

And the year before that. (By my count, we're at 2015.)

And the year before that.

And the year before that.

And the year before that.

And the year before that.

And the year before that.

And the year before that. (Which is 2009; we plugged away and won.)

He sees nothing wrong with the Yankees. Every year, they plug away and contend. There is no reason why Hal needs to spend more money or adopt new strategies.

They'll just keep plugging away...



    We will get fooled again!

  2. Pluggin' away, good for struggling hockey snipers, but as we all know, not so good for the status quo Yankees. We're in the Yankee Dark Ages. It started in 2010 and we didn't even know it until now. Pretty soon HAL will equal the achievement of King George, who, with his circus madhouse meddling, managed to keep the Yankees out of the World Series from 1982 to 1995. Come to think of it, that was the First Yankee Dark Age. We're now in the Second Yankee Dark Age. Opposite vibes, but the same results. Like father, like son!


  3. Hmmmm. It might be time to trot out the now-trite definition of insanity that frequently gets trotted out at times like these.

  4. HAL thinks he's running a department store in a mid-sized city, c. 1960.

    "Hey we had a pretty good year. Sure, we're not Macy's or anything, but profits were good, the staff seems happy. All good!"

  5. I understand that Cheapskate and Clueless Hal will be on Yankees Hot Stove which returns on the YES Network at 7 PM on Monday. The greatest collection of Propaganda. Even more than the Russians. I wonder if Hal will tell us that the Yankees have a Championship Caliber Team?

  6. @EBD...if it weren't for the injuries...smh

  7. He's like the Governor in the TV show Benson


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