Friday, December 16, 2022

Dear Mr. Steinbrenner: Thank you for signing Carlos Rodon. But now, in for a penny, in for a pound...

Dear Hal, 

On behalf of the Yankiverse, I hereby salute you.

I'm sure it's no fun, dropping $162 million on a pitcher who might on April 1 grab his elbow and trudge off the field, leaving you with catcalls and a broken showerhead. 

But in signing Carlos Rodon, you did the right thing. You did the Yankee thing. You did the Steinbrenner thing. Wherever he is, your dad is proud. 

However this unfolds - no guarantees - you stood your ground. You signed Anthony Rizzo. You signed Aaron Judge. Now, you've signed Rodon. For the first time since Judge tapped meekly to Jose Altuve, ending game four of the utterly rotten 2023 ALCS, the Yankees have given us hope. 

On paper, we have improved over last year. We lost Jamison Taillon and gained Rodon.  

But winter is not done, and neither should you be. A glaring hole remains. It is leftfield, where Roy White and Brett Gardner roamed, where Yogi said farewell, where Tom Tresh ran aground, where countless Red Thunders tried and failed. It's where - in a perfect world - Giancarlo Stanton would play, but, hey, that ship long ago sailed. It's where the Yankees need a lefty slugger, maybe someone who suffered from the defensive over-shifts, maybe the player Joey Gallo was supposed to be. (But don't get me wrong: A hard no on Gallo.)  

There's talk about Andrew Benintendi, who was starting to make an impact last fall, when he hurt his hand. It'd be nice to razz Redsock fans - we can chant "Franchy Cordero" when he comes to bat - but I can't shake the Ellsbury vibe. Dare we bet on his health?

Frankly, I dunno who should play LF. But here's the buried lede: 

You must dig once more into that checkbook. Don't leave LF up to Brian Cashman. His track record there is Mike Tauchman, Clint Frazier, Vernon Wells, Aaron Hicks, Gallo... disasters. Cashman's strength is the bullpen. He found Clay Holmes, Michael King, Wandy Peraza, et al. He finds arms - not leftfielders. 

So, thanks for landing Rodon. Now, one more... 

In for a penny, in for a pound. 

Your dad knew this. He would be proud. 


  1. I'd be fine with Benni. Anyone better would be gravy.
    I'm currently in Austria watching the snow lightly coming down. It's real purty. But I've been wondering, whatever happened to our Austrian baseball fan? I don't remember seeing him around for quite a while.

  2. I'd like to see Cabrera get a shot in left field. His OPS+ in his first year was the same as Benny's career mark. And I think he could be very good defensively there.

  3. Perhaps HAL is going for it next year. For the first time since 2009. That's 13 years of misery and waste in between. Are we supposed to hoorah?

    Hey, I'll take it. But let's not get carried away with adoration for HAL. If this was Washington or San Diego or Kansas City, fans should be thankful. But the Yankees are supposed to be doing this kind of thing every year, not once in 14 or 15 years. HAL's accountants must've advised him that he needs a large payroll to cut into his earnings and reduce income taxes for 2023.

    Now, let's keep working on getting another starting pitcher. If Miami has three kids in their rotation and they want to move one, we've got to pry the best one away. I don't know why the Gleyber Torres deal fell through at the trade deadline, but they should try to resurrect it.

    I'm not so keen on Benintendi. We thought that he was an injury time bomb. And lo and behold, a broken wrist magically appears with a wave of the bat. The Red Sox know when to get rid of their players. We should look elsewhere for a left fielder.

  4. What comfort, Conforto? His agent Scott Boras says the ex-met is healthy. That's good enough for me, lefty bat, titularly a left fielder. How's his arm? Howz your mom?

  5. The only addition to this team is Rondon and pitching was not really the problem last year. They need to add a few bats before the Canyon of Heroes parade

  6. Duque -

    Yes, his father WOULD be proud. That's a nice sentiment. I hope that Hal has finally remembered from who he sprang and will do this from now on.

    We've talked about a Scrooge moment. The lightbulb.

    Hopefully Hal decided to get over his childhood jealousies and honor his father in a more lasting and profound way then naming a training facility after him and putting a picture of him that is 50 times bigger than the player's plaques in Monument Park.

    Spend. Win.

    There's one deal remaining. I don't think it's Benintendi.

    Somehow, knowing the Brain it will be a convoluted one. Did anyone here expect to get Donaldson and trade Urshala? On paper it seemed like a good move. A SS plus a catcher and Donaldson and get rid of Sanchez.

    It totally failed but that's the kind of out of the norm thinking that I believe will be in play here.


  7. something else is happening - but it won't be until Monday or Tuesday

    happiness is coming

  8. I hear too much talk about Kepler in left. That guy had one good year and has cratered over the past three years
    I've watched hundreds of at bats. Believe me, he is "from hunger" as I used to say when I still spoke New York.

    I warned you about Donaldson. Ive warned you about Hicks. Kepler is worse.

    Reynolds is a Lemahieu who plays outfield. Get him. Trade anything that is necessary.

  9. Der Mr. Steinbrenner, I have removed the Cheapskate Hal monica. Clueless remains. You resigned The Genius. He needed to go along with Kumbaya Boone. Hal, do not allow The Genius to convince you that Barren Hicks and Donaldson will make a turnaround. Eat their salaries and bring in more hitting. Unless The Astros will eat the Yankees alive again.

  10. All I can say's a Christmas Miracle! I am busy writing the Hallmark movie right now...

  11. Doug, agree with you about Cashie's way of thinking. But I wouldn't NECESSARILY reject Beni, if he's certifiably healthy.

    And I DO like Conforto idea, Yankee Daddy. I mean, he's GOT to be cheap, right? And a lefty, and has played in NYC and is no doubt dying to show up the Metsies.

    PLUS...even if we get Reynolds or Beni for LF, or stick Cabrera there (you have a good point, searay), we'll need somebody else. Or does everyone here think that our glass DH will last a whole season?

  12. Was not impressed at all by Benintendi. And a guy who breaks a bone on a missed swing? No thanks, there's enough glass in that OF already. I like Reynolds, but not at an inflated price. Would not trade a top prospect for him. I do like Vashno, the AZ OF-er, a LF power bat and a plus glove. Not sure what the price would be. I'm afraid we will be seeing Hicks in LF this season. Need to arrange a salary dump there. Definitely need another bat or two. From what I'm reading the team has no interest in bringing back Carpenter? Why? Beyond Peraza, Volpe, I'm very interred in seeing Austin Wells and perhaps Everson Pereira this season. Pereira has especially flown under the radar, but he might sit I'll be a tad young. (Better than a tad old) for Dominguez, he should be left alone to develop.


  13. The thing about trading for an outfielder, now that Benentendi is gone, is that it's Cashstrapped that does the trading. He ain't no wheeler-dealer on that front unless your idea of wheeling and dealing is two years of Jackie Asshole at 50 million. So Kepler? Not much of an improvement over Hicks. Conforto is worth a flyer I guess. May as well just leave Cabrera out there. Jesus, this team.

    Pereira sounds interesting. Not a top prospect but not every MLB player was.

  14. Hoss - I humbly request being included in the loop for this Hallmark movie.

    That said - as Hallmark as it will be - it would live a better life as a Netflix episodic - six to eight episodes - half hour each.

    The half hour length would insure a nimble tightness - keeping things spritely and fresh.

    Plus - having doctored a thing or two in my day - I believe that we can package this show up to appeal across a wide demographic range - insuring a better chance to secure an audience that - "stays through dessert" as they use to say when belts needed a few extra holes punched.

    Whattayah say?


  15. Can't blame Beni - the Sox game him five years.

    1. At 15mil which is a bit pricey for him I think

  16. Mildred, is Jackie Asshole from the same league as Frankie Fuckface and Sammy Shithead?

  17. Rodon is ok, but I was really hoping for Mothra.

  18. Get over it Rufus - There's going to be less melted flesh and grounds keepers gathering up silk with Rodon


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