Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Judge is staying! Sing along with John Sterling and Thuhhhhhhhh Boss



  1. Excellent, I'm all ready preparing for the WC round next year

  2. You mean the wild-cars loos, don’t you?

  3. I wonder if there's an actual ceiling for baseball salaries. 50 million a year? 75?

    We've got to be near or at the top price any team will pay. Maybe not. Is the first 100 million a year superstar now germinating in the minors?

    Meanwhile, as Robert Klein once said, Jonas Salk is sitting in a corner sucking a prune.

  4. Even the shitty players get more money than I can imagine.

  5. The Genius should learn from his mistake of putting the Yankees in this situation and almost losing Judge. He won't. He's an arrogant Geek.


  6. Welp, dodged that bullet.

    Let's see, what other moves has the Briantrust made thus far this offseason? Signed Tommy Tightpants, offsetting the "loss" of Castro. But Taillon signed with the Cubs. So, subtraction by subtraction?

  7. Pretty funny, Mildred!

    And yeah, Rufus, what everyone is making is unreal. I keep thinking that there's got to be a limit, at which pro sports in this country will just implode. But then, I've been saying that for 15 years!

  8. Losing Castro was certainly addition by subtraction. Kahnle was addition by addition, which could easily turn into subtraction by addition as the season wears on. Judge was addition by not-subtraction. Taillon was subtraction by subtraction, carry the two, add zero. Bellinger was possibly addition by not-addition.

    Now that the shift rules are changing, can we get Gallo back? That would be subtraction by addition by subtraction by addition. If we could get rid of Donaldson, that would be multiplication by subtraction.

  9. We're still in the deficit column as long as Cashole is back

  10. "Amongst my additions and subtractions are..."


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