Thursday, December 15, 2022

Until Carlos Rodon decides his future team, and Hal Steinbrenner his future legacy, the Yankees have no moves

Sorry to be crabby today, but you know all this bloggery we're reading about potential Yankee trades or fallback free agents? Well, none of it amounts to a mouse turd until one Carlos Antonio Rodon makes up his mind. 

Until then, the Yankiverse is paralyzed in a whiteout of time, space and - most importantly - money. Aside from a few minor league contracts, nothing is moving, nothing is happening, nothing is everything. 

Right now, the 2023 Yankees present two alt-universes - one with a fearsome rotation, perhaps baseball's best (with Rodon), and one that hopes for rainouts, bullpen starts and Domingo German (sans Rodon.)  

The team suffers withering sinkholes in LF, SS and 3B - problems that will be either solved by Hal Steinbrenner's generosity (with Rodon) or deepened by his frugality (sans Rodon.) 

Every potential deal on Brian Cashman's iPad hinges on the vast differences between the Yankees with Rodon and without him. Most importantly, so does the legacy of Hal Steinbrenner. 

Either Hal kicks in the money for the best starter on the market - yes, Rodon is expensive; no denying it - or he pulls out his pockets and poormouths - in essence, quietly blaming Aaron Judge's big contract for the new austerity. 

This would betray a promise that surely was inferred when Judge was deciding to stay in New York. Yankee management must have assured No. 99 that he would have the full backing of the front office and never become the reason why other free agents are not signed. That promise will have lasted two weeks.

For better or worse, we have reached a world where the richest of the rich have too much money to be imagined, much less counted, and the siren call of their emotional whims can never be sated - or underestimated. 

The owners of the Mets, Phillies, Dodgers and Padres see their teams as toys, as extensions of their egos, if not their dicks. Hal sees the Yankees as a family business, perhaps as a legacy he never wanted. Trouble is, he's sitting on the most lucrative market in professional sports. He's sitting on the team we have loved all our lives, and in the end, he's counting nickels.

 What happens with Carlos Rodon will dictate how Yank fans view Hal this season and maybe forever. I don't believe he's a bad person. I think he truly wants the Yankees to win. I think if he ran a bar, we would drink there. But he's running the Yankees, and the world has changed around him. 

For us, the "pride of the Yankees" was always sacred. Twenty seven world championships. Ruth, Gehrig, Dimaggio, Mantle, Jackson, Jeter, Judge...  

We are not the Phillies. We are not the Padres. But if Hal cannot compete with Philadelphia and San Diego, it's time to sell the team to someone who will. 


  1. Hey, you ain't crabby, you're a realist!

  2. "I think if he ran a bar, we would drink there."

    Yeah, if you want to go to a bar with a $100 cover charge that’s mostly roped off for VIPs and charges $35 for a beer to watch ageing pole dancers tweak hammies twerking for the customers while younger prettier ones are forced to wash dishes in the back waiting for a turn that never comes.

  3. Excellent assessment, Doug K. Only thing I'd add is that he'd make sure you covered a bunch of the mortgage for him whether you drank there or not.

  4. I'd order the Colter Beans and chase it with a Mickey.

  5. Duque - What's in the Colter Bean? Is that a Colt 45 Malt liquor and a shot of Kahlua?


    Here are other drinks he would serve... (From a post back in November...)


    4 OZ Whisky

    Pour whiskey into glass. No mixes. No straws needed to stir the drink.

    Yes we know that a martini uses vodka or gin but try telling him that. He will put you on your ass faster than the drink will.

    (See DickA I got rid of the ice per your suggestion.)


    4 OZ Whisky

    Pour Whiskey in glass. Add a Roofie.


    One shot of one of the following depending on the analytics of the day’s matchup.






    Orange Juice


    Fill the glass with orange juice. Drink it all. Next, add ice to the glass. Save the shot of alcohol for a different, more important situation later in the holiday season.

    (Plus LBJ’s suggested amendment for the Boone: Open your freezer, empty out an ice cube tray, replace the ice cubes with Dubble Bubble pieces.

    When each drink is served, use the frozen Dubble Bubbles instead of ice cubes.


    Two ounces Tequila

    Two ounces Rum

    Two ounces of Brandy

    And a shot of Galliano for good measure.

    Mix and down in one. If you weren’t an asshole before. You are now.


    4 ounces Absinth

    2 tablespoons of sugar

    Mix. Drink. Then go make some deadline deals or call your ex. It will be fine.

  6. After getting back late last night from my wee little trip to NYC - its only local sparkling water and coffee until the weekend - then its ON TO BRANFORD AND BEYOND sometime this summer - perhaps stopping off for a pizza at Carl's favorite New Haven location (which one is it Carl?)

    That said, what time today are they announcing the Rodon signing? Don't wanna miss it!

  7. Killin' it, Doug K.! Yes, that's exactly what "Hal's"—sorry, "Mr. Steinbrenner's"—would be like as a bar. And yeah, the VIP section would be filled with local pols who had found a way to make sure HAL paid no property taxes on the place...

  8. Aside from the bar...yeah, a very good analysis, Duque. But how alarming is it that Hal STILL doesn't get what the Yankees' brand is?

    It's like inheriting Entenmann's and not understanding that it's all about the sugar and the salt. "Hey, let's make these HEALTHY cookies, huh?"

  9. Also, I get the feeling that the Yankees basically "go after" free agents like a contractor making a sealed bid on a job. From what I can gather, it seems like they have some grand confab, and Cashie's number whizzes work out the absolute, indisputable value of a player, which is what they then offer.

    The idea that this is an auction house, where you have to adjust what you want to pay depending on who else is bidding...seems to elude them.

  10. C'mon Duque:
    How about these future Hall Of Famers: Dec 14, 2022 Art Warren RP Signed to a Minor League Contract

    Dec 14, 2022 Art Warren RP Signed to a Minor League ContractDec 14, 2022 Jake Bauers 1B Signed to a Minor League Contract
    Dec 13, 2022 James Norwood RP Signed to a Minor League Contract
    With The Genius in charge, this is what Yankees fans get.

  11. I'd never patronize any bar owned by Hal. I don't like rat feces as a hot dog topping. The bar would never buy you a drink "on the house" and they would certainly use well liquor poured into premium spirits bottles to scam the customer.

    In Hal's version of Cheers, the staff would be different. Norm would be replaced by Randy Levine, Cliff would be replaced by Cashman, Carla by Susan Waldman, Fraser by John Sterling, Coach by Larry Rothschild, Sam by Aaron Boone and Dianne by Meredith Marakovits.
    What a friendly place! favorite pizza is Modern on State Street in New Haven. When you arrive this summer, I will buy you pizza and beer.

  12. Oh.....and Woody's part would be rotated: Another naïve Yankees fan would play the role every week.

  13. I could see Meredith as Dianne. Might be better as Rebecca. Fun to think about anyway.

    In other news. Down goes Downs.

    Jeter Downs (a key piece in the Mookie Betts trade)DFA'd

  14. I wouldn't mind Meredith, Susan, or The Master being there. But yeah, you have a point about the rest...

  15. BTW - Derek Jeter is on The Eli Manning Show. The Pete Davidson one was really good.

  16. Here’s a shocker from the NY Post. The Yanks are having a hard time finding takers for Jackie Donaldson & Hicks. I can’t believe it.

  17. Disinformation Celly...we are being gaslighted!


  18. Good news but still need help with the hitters

  19. So


    That's a pretty good 1-5.

    I'm smelling wild card!

  20. I asked earlier here what time they were going to announce the Rodon signing because I didn't want to miss it and nobody answered me :(

    OH WELL - I guess I'm just going to enjoy it anyway.

    (go yankeez!)


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