Friday, March 31, 2023

Looks like The Martian won't start 2023 in Scranton

Here are the outfielders listed on the newly updated Railrider roster. Note that the youngest "kid" in the OF is Matt Pita, who'll soon turn 26.  


  1. Therein lies the problem. Instead of young developmental prospects at SWB, we have a useless bunch of rapidly aging AAAA types. This is how we end up with Frenchy Coronado.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The Yankees prefer to age their prospects like fine vintage port.

  4. This is what happens when you keep drafting infielders.

    That said, infielders seem to be more valuable and outfielders can always be had from other teams or converted from other positions such as what happened with Cabera.

    It's just a matter of knowing when to move on from players like Hicks.

    The Yankees do have a few potential really good ones in Jasson (who will be in AAA by June at the latest), Everson Pereira, and Spenser Jones.

    Plus, their big international signing last year was Brando Mayea. I hope he makes it just to be able to do a bunch of Brando jokes.

  5. Duque:
    Same old story. Overaged prospects along with recycled players like McKinney. 26 is old to be at AAA ball. This is what the Yankees have to bring up, should more injuries occur. Genius Cashman strikes again.

  6. Jasson is only 20 and has played 5 total games at Double-A.

    I'm not gonna get that angry that he's starting the season at that level. I hope he tears it up and forces a quick promotion to Triple-A.

    Keep in mind he's the youngest player on the Somerset Patriots BY MORE THAN TWO YEARS.

  7. Our AAA group is a collection of Kevin Costners from Bull Durham. Career minor leaguers going nowhere fast.

    Maybe if they wore some girl's underwear...

  8. Zachary....Juan Soto was 19 at AA -5.3 years younger!
    Was barely in AA long as he jumped to the Nationals and had nearly 500 AB and had 22 HR and hit .292. Now that impresses me!
    Jasson Dominguez is on Soto's level or appears to be.

    The only difference between them is that the Yankees have a history of fucking over their prospects and developing very few home-grown players let alone star players. With the addition of Omar Minaya and especially Brian Sabean, I'd be very surprised if their input was ignored and wasn't included in the decision making. I'd say The Martian won't be there more than a few weeks. Most likely because the Yankees are probably waiting to make room for him in Scranton via outfield trades. That seems like the only logical reason he isn't in AAA now.
    Well, either that or Cashman is screwing things up again.

  9. As ZacharyA suggested, he'll move up to AAA if he does what we expect...

    And if he gets to AAA, he might be a 27th or 28th player come September...

  10. You have a good point, Carl. About the only silver lining to having Stanton and Hicks under contract is that the injuries to both may force Jasson upwards.

  11. Also, stray thought from yesterday: I bet Aaron Judge is now shivering a little in relief, in having now seen the team that the Giants are actually putting on the field this year.

    They won't be good again anytime soon.

  12. The Giants just signed Gary Sanchez to a minor league contract, so their worries are over.

    Last year on opening day : 5 SB
    This year: 21 SB (in 23 attempts!)
    Think the larger bases had anything to do with it? Nah, couldn’t be…

  13. @Carl J. Weitz, I agree with you & am very afraid that Yankee management will fuck up The Martian's ascent to the majors. Either that or they'll trade him away for Sonny Gray at the trade deadline.

  14. @Zachary A, Well, whether The Martian is the youngest player on the AA team by two years seems pretty much meaningless to me, when the Yankees have their entire minor league system bursting with old guys.

    The way I look at it, every roster spot on a minor league team is precious and should be used to develop an 18-20 kid. 26 years old is too damn old to be in the system. Hell, 23 or 24 would be too old. With the exception of course of players who went to college and graduated at 22. For those, you might wait till they're 24 or 25. But there are few ball players who are college grads. Most of 'em have barely graduated high school. If they haven't panned out by the time they're 21 or 22, it's high time to move 'em out and get more young blood in.

    There are some exceptions as always. Some pitchers might come along real slow. Big tall guys take forever to learn how to repeat their deliveries. And history is full of lefty pitchers who couldn't put it all together until age 27 or later.

    But for position players, and outfielders in particular, what the hell are the Yankees doing with all those old guys in their minor league system? Move the dead wood out and develop your prospects as fast as you can. No effing wonder that this club never develops new players. Their whole way of thinking is rotten, diseased.

  15. Those old players are out there to fill out the team, not because of design. Put another way this is what happens when you trade so many low minors away. Not good, not good at All!

  16. Yeah, but they should be able to find new young players to fill out the minor league roster. That they have all these old guys tells me that they have no effective scouting system. Probably not enough scouts and not enough good ones.

    Scouts cost money. Good scouts cost a lot of money, I imagine. I don't have access to Yankee finances, but it sure seems like they don't spend money on scouting.

    It's too bad. Because with all their money, this should be one of their big advantages over other ball clubs. Spending money on a lot of good scouts and finding young talent before other clubs.


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