Thursday, April 20, 2023

How to fix the bullpen

1) Marinaccio should be the closer. 

2) King remains the high leverage inning guy. We need him as a fireman.

3) Clark Schmidt goes to the pen and becomes a 1-2 inning guy.  

He should only throw the two pitches he does well and always empty the tank. He's not a starter. All of his problems stem from trying to develop two additional pitches. In the pen he won't need them. 

4) Wandy is the other 1-2 inning guy.

5) Holmes should only pitch in low leverage situations.  


  1. Here's the answer to the pitching problems: Madison Bumgarner designated for assignment by Diamondbacks

    1. Proof that it is INDEED smart to cut ineffective people like

      The List goes on

  2. Celerino,

    Interesting. How washed up is he? Could he relieve?

  3. Doug, Ca$h will bring him in as a starter

  4. Cabrera, Volpe, AND Peraza in the same lineup today? The girls in analytics will have a case of the vapors!

    Baumgarner has given up 20 runs in 16 innings this year and has been trending downward for several seasons. Let's look elsewhere.


  5. Appears he's very washed up.

    0 -3, 10.26 ERA, 2.4 WHIP, 16 IP (4 starts), 4 HRs, 15 BB.

    He's been bad since 2017, very bad since 2020. I think the Yankees would be on the hook for the MLB minimum so he's perfect!

  6. Though Holmes with some nice work last night, wriggling out of his own jam by striking out The Trout.

  7. Is everyone out smoking blunts in honor of 4/20? No one here...

  8. Doug, who takes Schmidt's spot in the rotation, Sal Maglie?

  9. Kevin,

    Good question. I guess I feel the same way as I do about Hicks.

    Once you reach a certain level of consistent ineptitude I would prefer pretty much anyone else because, you never know. As opposed to Hicks or in this case Schmidt as a starter where you do know.

  10. Kevin,

    Good question. I guess I feel the same way as I do about Hicks.

    Once you reach a certain level of consistent ineptitude I would prefer pretty much anyone else because, you never know. As opposed to Hicks or in this case Schmidt as a starter where you do know.


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