Sunday, April 2, 2023

I Want A " Show of Hands"

 How many of you absolutely knew that Stanton was going to hit into a game ending double play yesterday?

Raise your hands.

I believe, deep in our guts, no matter how hard we wished to the contrary, that that was exactly what was about to transpire. 

And it did.

Proving that nothing has changed with this Yankee team.

Except we seem to be off to a slower start. 


  1. Centerfield legends for the Yankees


    … Kiner-Falefa?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. After sitting through John Wick 4 27 times, this post instantly reminded me that Wick has his ring finger cut off in the previous slog, er I mean modern cinematic masterpiece

  4. I did NOT think that Stanton would hit into a game-ending DP. Foolishly, I thought he would strikeout, as he does so often.

    But the situation seemed so familiar, so reminiscent of something...

    Hmm, desperate ninth-inning rally, other team's closer melting down, can't get a ball over the plate, tying runs on base, and Stanton up...Where have I seen that before? This is almost like deja-vu...

    Oh, right. Ninth inning against the Red Sox, Game 4 of the 2018 ALDS. Stanton strikes out on three pitches out of the strike zone from a deteriorating Craig Kimbrel. Of course, that wasn't the end of the game. That came when The Gleyber runs to first in about four minutes' time, after hitting the slowest groundball in history to third base.

    Who knew, five years ago, those at-bats would foretell our destiny as a team for the next 5 years? (Maybe for the next decade?)

  5. I worry Oswaldo is going to be back in Scranton before this month is up.


  6. Brito has hurled 39 pitches to get 6 outs.

    Projecting that to a full game, he'll have to throw 175 pitches to get to a complete game.

  7. If only Judge could come up with men on base...oh, wait, then he'd bat lower in the order, like clean-up or something...

    Stanton!!!! Day late.

  8. We were all saying it in the game thread!! ALL OF US!!

  9. 485 feet

    He hit the ball real hard.

  10. YES has to fix their graphics.. you can’t see the pitch count as the pitch clock is visible too soon…

  11. Yes, we were, Win. We all knew.

  12. Ranger, on Opening Day, Kay was raving about the graphics team and the great job they've done revamping the onscreen widgets.

    Yeah, well. Kay.

  13. Stanton never clutch, never will be. Don’t care if he hits a 1000 foot home run.

    Why was Brito pulled after 76 pitches?
    Explanation, please…

  14. Bad call on that strikeout in our favor.

    Cordero was also doing very well, so naturally Boone yanks him.

  15. Bumbling Bubbling Boone pulled him.

    It's super-GENIUS time in the Bronx.

    Codero clearly has the weaker stuff.

    And Brito was brilliantly better than anyone could have hoped for and likely was stretched out to maybe 90 pitches.

  16. Boone doing the ol' Girardi style over managing

  17. Losing comments again. Argh.

  18. well - at least we put a cherry on that inning - phew

  19. IKF - its your turn for a little wood

  20. yep - that was indeed a little wood

  21. SO who do we ALL think is going to CLOSE for us today?

  22. The old double steal. Nice.

  23. No answer for Volpe on the bases…

  24. Duck meeting expectations again.

  25. Anyone who has followed the Yankees for more than a year *knew* it was coming.

    ...and I'm sure you'd all like to get "closer" to Kyra Sedgwick.

    Thanks and don't forget to tip your servers.

  26. Mr Firefly,

    How much should we tip ‘em?

  27. 20%, or 40% if they remembered to keep your glass of rye full.

  28. But it’s JM that drinks the MYSTERY rye

  29. When did Colter Bean un-retire? Was he another of Ca$hole's dumpster dive pickups?

    Wait, now I remember; That was how Ca$hole single-handedly saved the season with an amazing SP pickup. How easy it is to forget amongst all the great trades he's made.


    Hicksie is upset about his role.

    Maybe he should retire if he's that upset.

  31. “Yankees manager Aaron Boone said Hicks is "going to play," adding that he's just waiting for the right situation to get the veteran outfielder some reps.”

    Perhaps boone really doesn’t want to start him at YS?

    Anyway, solid win today with very good pitching, especially Brito

  32. According to the article, Hicks actually got that complaint in AFTER he was passed over as a starter for IKF.

    So...what did he do? Look at the lineup, then run over to the nearest sportswriter? What a gamer.

  33. New chant for Hicksie:

    Jo-ey Gall-o!

    Or maybe just:
    We want Jo-ey!

  34. Jhony was good. Hicks is terrible.

  35. Now AA and Hoss are disappearing.

    Now, how to make that happen to Hicksie.

  36. Brito, Brito makes old bodies new…. Only Johnny Vegas has a better name

  37. John S was on SF radio and said he has two home run calls for Volpe, one in Italian and one in English. Hmmm….

  38. Jhony Brito is being optioned to Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, according to the #Yankees' transactions page.

    Brito threw five scoreless innings today with six strikeouts, an impressive and historic MLB debut.

  39. They don’t need a fifth starter this week so…

  40. okee dokey - there seems to be a power out there removing our posts - I will try a different approach this time AFTER trying to post this:

    stay tunes

  41. it didn't - profanity and challenging content is being removed - be aware - be diligent - be . . . a Yankee fan

  42. what would happen if I said my cat farted into my water glass and caused the microwave to go on - would that be auto eliminated ?

  43. nope but George Carlin's seven words were - be aware

  44. Didn't the Three Stooges clean that guy's (maybe Vernon Dent; maybe not) car with Brito?

  45. Joey Gallo today, with the Twins, went 4-4, with two homers and a double. If he now launches a comeback, the entire Yankees coaching staff has to go.

  46. I thought of it as soon as he approached the plate. You should ask the question, when will Tissue Mon get injured?


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