Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Yankees have a dead zone in their lineup, full of hitters auditioning for other teams. Can they win despite it?

So, you're primed and ready: The beer is cold, the extra-butter popcorn microwaved, the bean chair frumped and the channel-changer holstered like a loaded Luger. Game time. You're set for the next three hours. 

The first four Yank batters bring high anticipation. Then comes... The Void. The Darkness. The Radio Silence of four straight-to-home-video hitters, commanding you to get up and make a sandwich. (And this doesn't even include the Kay/Cone half-inning interview with the Jonas Brothers. Somewhere, Vanilla Ice is licking his chops.) 

Last night, the Yankees unveiled their first 2023 lineup against a lefty starter, and they resembled that poor optometrist who went up against Gwyneth. They sent out a four-batter Dead Zone of Jackie Donaldson, Old Man Hicks, IKF and The Higster. It wasn't so much that we lost - hey, Philly was gonna win one, sooner or later - but how supremely witless our lineup looked after the front four. Entering the ninth, we had two hits.  

If you rest Anthony Rizzo for a night, suddenly, there's a steep cliff after every two innings. And that's still assigning big hopes to Anthony Volpe, who might still just be a fairy tale character, one of the magic beans from our farm system. 

Look: We can't go Chicken Little after every loss. This team could botch 62 and still win the AL East. But there is blockage in this colon, and soon - the electric python will need to remove the two polyps - Donaldson & Hicks. (Guess who had a colonoscopy yesterday!) It's time to ponder a post Hicks/Donaldson reality, which means the two aging grumps are now auditioning for the chance to start over in some smaller market, which doesn't include the wrath of Alphonso.  

Soon, perhaps by May Day, Harrison Bader will return. Assuming no injuries, that means either Hicks or Kiner-Falefa will likely disappear. Considering that Aaron Boone last night chose The Hyphen - a career infielder - to play CF shows that Hick is now viewed as a fulltime LF. Last night, he gallantly chased down a gapper after IKF dove and missed, so let's not question his hustle. But Hicks isn't hitting - he's 0-for-2023 - and fulltime LFers need to do just that. When Bader returns, not even Hicks' contract can save him. Unless he starts hitting, the boos will only worsen. This guy will need a mercy trade. And the Yankees will need a better bat.

Then there is Donaldson, who made the final out last night to a smattering of boos. We have one clear advantage over last year: We know Donaldson can suck. Last April, we wondered if he could play 130 games or handle 3B. He proved himself on both counts. But he never hit. 

Also, Donaldson never seemed to recover from the "Jackie" incident, when he catcalled Tim Anderson with a racially suggestive nickname, and then swore that he wasn't being racist. I cannot see into his heart, but - man, that was stupid beyond belief. His offense fell apart, and I cannot see the Yankees sticking with him through June, if he remains an offensive nothing-burger. The YES team praises his defense - rightfully so, I suppose - but IKF, DJ and Oswaldo can all play 3B, and down in Scranton, Oswald Peraza might start do a few games there, as well. 

If the Yankees keep winning, there is always the "Aint broke so don't fix it" policy, which might still save Hicks and Donaldson from a change of address. But right now, they are gateways into The Dead Zone. And after all that fussing to get comfy, it's too damn early to get up and make another sandwich. 


  1. Last night was dreadful. Turned the game off after TonyV's

  2. These guys are good as Murderers Row. Unfortunately they hit like they are deceased like the originals


  3. I cannot believe it never occurred to me to call him "Jackie" Donaldson. After reading today's blog, I will never call him anything else.

    It would warm my heart if the guys in the bleachers could make that a part of their roll call.

  4. Torres, Hicks, Donaldson & IKF should never, ever play together in the same game.

    Follow up point. Neither Hicks nor Donaldson should be playing on this team. Ever. They have to be at least benched, if not DFA'd.

    Boone, with another stupid lineup. Lefty starter, yes. But I've never liked having all right handed hitters against a lefty starter. It's been pointed out that having a lefty bat can break up the lefty pitcher's continuum, or "groove" if you will. When you have all righties, it gets him set in one continuous foot position on the rubber, one arm slot. He's locked in and doesn't have to change anything.

    And then, late in the game, not one pinch hitting change! Did Boone get a memo to lose that game?

    Last question, will Tampa Bay ever lose a game this year?

  5. No offense, Duque. The Yankees roster was poorly put together by who??? No other than Genius Cashman. His puppet manager goes along without a question. All the fluff comes from Putz Mike Fishman. It goes on and on and on! Same thinking, No World Series.

  6. Games like last night's give me a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. They resemble all too much the weeks and weeks of games last year when, assuming everything was clinched after that hot start, Ma Boone went about throwing away games so he could trust this lineup, or see if that Hicks or Gallo could be got back in the swing of things.

    How is that, after nearly two months of spring training, it always feels like the Yanks are still conducting spring training in April and May?

    I realize that it's a long season and you can't go full throttle all the way—particularly with what has become our standard aging, injury-riddled team.

    But pennants are won and lost in the first third of the season as well as the last, yet another thing about baseball that the Yankees' management doesn't seem to understand.

  7. I didn't watch the game. I was too busy drinking.

    Sounds like Boone, incredibly, was an idiot.

  8. I always say, even if Cashman constructed a better roster, we’d still never win in October because of boone

  9. And Sterling said, "thank you". I heard it.

  10. If Jackie D is hurt, that's one of the best things that could've happened. That, and Hicks getting hurt too. Seems terrible to say it, but that's what's best for the club if they want to max their chances of winning this year.

  11. I said this yesterday after the game. The 4 horsemen of the Yankee apocalypse are sporting a collective .083 batting average, while the guys riding the pines that game had a collective .282 batting average. The wrong guys were riding the pines. Hicks is fast wearing out his welcome in NY. He should invest in some ear plugs, because the boo-birds are only getting started. He and Donaldson need to get DFA'd. I'd rather have DJ at 3rd.

    Since I don't think Boone actually makes out the lineup, I point my finger at Mike Fishman. Then I'd wheel around - doing my best George imitation - fire Cashman in the elevator, hire Omar Minaya as GM in the same tantrum and give him a free hand to fire anyone and everyone else, starting with Fishman.

    Then I'd storm off to my office and make some illegal campaign contributions.

  12. Forgot about the day game today. Turned it on just in time to see Trevino park one.

  13. IKF at third. Where he always should have been.

  14. Thhhheeeeee UUH UUH UUHH UHUHUH UUUUHH Yankeessss wiiiiiinnnnnn !!!!!


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