Thursday, May 4, 2023

A Gut Feel on A day Off

 If it is true, as Hoss mentioned in his posting, that Harrison " heard something pop," then he heard something pop.  Body parts don't "pop" without consequences,  even the good ones. 

He looked like his neck is the item that "popped."  Likely something ( ligament, tendon, etc)  that holds his neck up, and allows him to look straight ahead.  The test today will be;  "can he tie his shoes without assistance?"

I am betting on Harrison missing a few games, or playing without his full ability. Which is similar to having IKF in center. 

As for Paraza: 

It looked to my sharp eyes that he was gimping as he neared second, and then decided he couldn't or shouldn't slide.  He is supposed to be fast but he looked like Trevino running from first to second.  That awkward arrival could have several consequences;  he turned his ankle for sure, and I think some form of calf strain or hammy was revealing itself as he slowed down. 

He looked to jog normally, as they evaluated him, but he then took himself out.  He wasn't limping noticeable but he obviously felt something.

Here is my prediction: we won't have both of these guys back at 100% on the morrow. 


  1. They're starting to drop like flies. Soon, half the damn team will be on the IL.

    I've given up on the season for the Yanks. This time they ain't even making it to the wild card. Quite possibly last place.

  2. If (good) luck is the residue of design, isn’t (bad) luck the residue of design as well? Asking for a friend…

  3. Modern baseball players are so fragile and they are so not from personal condition, but, they have been conditioned to complain about anything that is not normal; where as the players of Mickey Mantle's era would gotten some physical therapy, a bandage or two and played the next game; no doubt the players of old were a tougher breed of athletes; Mickey Mantle for one, after his accident with outfield drain did not have a normal pain free playing career; and many others did play hurt; the current era players are a bunch pansies; thanks

  4. Right you are, 999. The Yanks are the wrong sort of design. They are just residue, and not the pleasant kind.

  5. Unknown, I don't think they're "pansies," but I think you put your finger on it: they are taught to say when something hurts.

    For the most part, that's perfectly reasonable. No sense playing with injuries and making them worse.

    Trouble is, something always "pops" because they're doing the wrong sort of training and conditioning to begin with. These guys aren't playing the line in the NFL, and they're not professional weightlifters. They need to get out of the weight room, do more running, loosen up. It's a stop-and-start game. You have to be able to do that without popping a hammy.

  6. I blame Bader’s mouth guard for last night’s injury . . .

    You see, players should train to not brux and grind during the game but instead channel their dynamic neural tension to other muscle groups in their body for controlled bursts of explosive energy.

    I’m a big believer of players keeping their focus and timing by chewing gum out on the field.

    Each chew is like a pulse or a beat. Sort of like a human metronome. It’s easier to stay dialed in.

    (Note: never chewing tobacco - only gum)

    Pop a wad in your mouth and chew while playing defense, batting and of course while on the base paths.

    However, one should NEVER chew gum while on the bench.

    That’s only for clueless managers who need to pacify and mask/deflect their inept insecurities.

    Harrison, if you’re reading this you need to start chewing gum.


  7. The Glass Menagerie

    You know who's been staying healthy though? Aaron Hicks. He's been pretty healthy two years in a row now (except when Waldo ran him over last year in the Cleeve series).

  8. Mildred, the problem is Hicks is the guy we WANT to be hurt. (not badly, just badly enough to miss a few seasons).

    And now for your viewing pleasure, some carmines' highlights:

    Juuuuuuuuuuuust a bit outside!

  9. Rufus -

    So you are saying she's our new closer.

  10. Boras has signed her as a client. Ca$hole will have to give her 7 years at $10mil per.


  11. My daughter is talking Brown. Have to work on her fastball first. Just in case.

  12. Off topic, but Juju is the 1 across answer in the WSJ Friday crossword this week.

    I'll take it as a sign that HAL will die in a terrible blimp accident at the allstar game.

  13. Bader is an injury waiting to happen. I would like to see Perazza get some regular playing time

  14. AA, you are correct. Chewing gum is the answer.
    When I was little and getting antsy in church, my day would give me a piece of Juicy Fruit and I would chomp away. I still do that 60 years later and have overcome decades of scorn.
    It keeps me in rhythm .
    I used to do that before going to court during trials and hearings and just throw it out as I walked in.
    I wonder how many people who tweak out could be helped with a big plastic tub of Bazooka Joe.

  15. I used to chew Bazooka ( 2-3 "rings of the full bar) in church.

    When I blew and popped large bubbles, they asked me to cease and desist.

    When I put the used " wads" in the prayer book, they asked me to leave.

    What kind of god is that anyway?


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