Saturday, May 20, 2023

Worth an Ask

What do the Yankees have planned for left field, now that Aaron Hicks is DFA'd?

Is he able to join the pro golf tour in 2023?

Why does Cashman think it makes sense to trade an 18 year old pitcher for a 30 year old waste of time?

The 18 year old, at minimum, provides a 10 year window to learn if he is any good.

The guy we got from Boston proved years ago that he isn't any good.

Did Cashman owe the Red Sox a favor?  

It is my understanding that the Red Sox would have had to DFA this guy in about 5 days. 

Everything Duque said about Florial is true. 

Cashman has made so many dumb-ass moves, however, that giving Florial another shot would only rank in the middle. 

When will we see Ben Rvltveltdtvr in a game?

Can he play 9 innings without getting injured?

Can you throw out runners when your muscles do not permit your arm to elevate as high as your neck? 

Enjoy the weekend, folks. 


  1. Looks like Greg Allen will fill LF again, for the foreseeable future. Wow! The master of wasting roster spots and wasting youth in the minors is hard at work again.

  2. So in ditching Hicks and acquiring Allen, the Yankees are swapping out one proven major league failure for another.

    The Yankees have never given Florial a meaningful trial in the majors--as in a statistically significant number of at-bats in the same season uninterrupted by chronic benching and/or demotion. It's time to give him a fair shot. He is a talented all-around player and deserves a real chance. At AAA for the past two seasons he has substantially out-performed other players who have risen quickly to the big club like Volpe, Peraza, and Cabrera. Those who say Florial can't cut it as a major leaguer are operating on prejudice, not empirical evidence.

    Cashman loves digging up proven MLB failures. It's his main professional hobby/obsession. Allen, Cordero, Calhoun--the list goes on forever. He is impervious to the hard data that show that over a large sample size, guys like Allen are CRAP and CANNOT SUCCEED as major league players. In a statistically significant sample size with Pittsburgh last years, he slashed .186/.260/.271--numbers that should not only get you released but demoted--to the Little League.

    This bizarre, inexplicable stupidity alone ought to prove to any doubters that Cashman is NOT guided by analytics, a methodology that is above all EVIDENCE-BASED. Among other examples: The evidence points to NOT signing long-term contracts with guys in their thirties, which Cashman seems to do every ten minutes; NOT allowing pitchers to linger very long the third the through the batting order; NOT over-using the sacrifice bunt, and so on. But Cashman-Boone ignore the evidence and consign their fate to a ouija board Cashman keeps in one of his desk drawers.

    The evidence points to a Florial promotion. The reality points to a Cashman-Boone regime addicted to proven MLB failures, steeped in intuitive-seat-of-the-pants fantasies, and blind to experience.

    1. Kinda cuts against your other pet theory though, doesn't it?

  3. Once again for the people who think they know better than professional scouts: FLORIAL CLEARED WAIVERS. Not one team wanted him. We can and should trash Cashman for bad decisions but this isn’t one of them.

  4. You have a point, Jaraxle. But at this point, why not? Who else do we have? Unless they want to make Cabrera the left fielder for now, which does not seem to be their intention.

    If it's between Florial and the Greg Allens/Calhouns of the world, I'd just as soon see Florial.

  5. Who else: Cabrera and Bauers likely platoon until Dunham or Dominguez is ready. Dunham is closer and has been playing left in aaa and I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Dominguez before the end of the season. He’s been playing a lot of left field lately. Look, I don’t wish Florial ill but I’ve seen nothing to suggest he isn’t part of the Allen/Calhouns of the world, at best.


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