Friday, June 9, 2023

On the line: 4th place in the AL East, as Yanks face Boston

 In the meantime, Baltimore is holding steady, and Toronto is making a move. 


  1. Mark Feinsand

    Joe Girardi has been offered the head baseball coach position at the University of Central Florida, sources tell me and @juanctoribio. Girardi, who has managed the Marlins, Yankees and Phillies and won the 2009 WS, has not made a decision yet as to whether he will accept the job.

  2. I’ve given Joe permission to interview for the University of Florida job.

    For the past season and a half Joe has been managing my fantasy baseball team.

    And although we’ve enjoyed a lot of success the time has come for him to explore other options.

  3. Still trying to get the video feed from Sofia, Bulgaria.

  4. No Rufus, I thought it was Fishburne . . .

  5. AA,

    Did you put out a hit on everyone?

    Asking for a friend.

  6. Got the feed through Tampa of all places.

  7. lost the feed and listening to the talking heads.

    night all.

  8. Try livetv dot sx

    Works all the time. Multiple feeds.

  9. I use Tanggula and Superbox. Also Apollo Group TV. They all work great. Apollo up to 5 devices at once. $ 139/year. Everything and more. Cut the cord and pay for your service of choice in 1-3 months. Tanggula or Superbox is a one-time charge and never pay another cent. Only suckers pay for cable or satellite service now.

  10. I need to talk with you at some point about all of this, Carl.

    I may have been provided your email address - is it through that company from the late 80s/90s?

    If it is its AO K with me.

  11. The Yankees lost.

    Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaq Yankeez LOST

  12. so who's going to the game in August?

    give me a show of hands

    1. I have a ticket for pizza boy again, but I'm sure the keyboard warrior won't have the stones to show. It didn't have them last go round.

      Does this mean you're there?

  13. Well, wasn’t that special?
    Volpe missed that 3 run homer by inches in the ninth.
    Rizzo looking more like Lizzo at the plate.
    Plenty of lousy AB’s up and down the lineup

    I’m not gonna say the ship is sinking, but there sure is a lot of water on the deck…

  14. 37-28 now! The Yankees order of stiffs could not beat the White Sox and perhaps not beat The Red Sox. O-1 so far!

  15. Gleyber missed a walk off 9th inning HR by a few feet in the first game on Thursday. Then Volpe yesterday.

    Bad luck, game of inches, or a cosmic comment on each players' abilities...just a bit off?


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