Thursday, July 6, 2023

All Hands On Deck


Enough, already.

Enough with the utility infielder playing centerfield, and the never-was first baseman playing left.

Enough with Giancarlo Stanton in right field, or getting another day off, and Gleyber DHing, and Donaldson and DJ...I dunno what.

Enough with Harrison Bader getting a "cautionary" night off because he was hit on the wrist. What, all of a sudden the Yankees don't have access to an x-ray machine?

Your New York Yankees are currently in third place in the AL East, hanging on to the last wild card play-in spot by one skinny game over Toronto. With Boston right behind them. And the Yankees' only position player of worth out until toe-knows-when.

Next week, thanks to their incompetence and underproduction, nearly all of our lads will have a blissful, four days off. Even the two who will go to the All-Star Game, Flouncy Cole and Gleyber (Somehow; is it now the All-Meh Game?), are highly unlikely to play more than an inning or two.

To reach that golden oasis of extended rest, all the Yankees have to do is play four more games, one against a division (and wild card) rival, and three against a rebuilding Cubs team.

That's it. 

There is no reason whatsoever that the Yankees cannot play all-out for those four games.

No reason why every alleged starter cannot play every inning of every game where he will help the team most. No time for Injury-Prevention Days Off—which, as many of us have noted, never prevent injuries.)

No more sitting these hardy young men can get a full five days off instead of four, and feel "fully rested." 

No more Boone Excuses. ("Boonies"? "Swoonies"?)

Contrary to what their manager seems to believe, these Yankees have not just marched back from Moscow with Napoleon's Grand Armée. They are not about to sign up with Shackleton for a years-long jaunt around Antarctica. They don't have to clear forests, or plough the bottom forty, or pound spikes on the railroad, all the live-long day.

It's the summer time, and in return for a staggering amount of money, they are being asked to play baseball for four, consecutive days, two-three hours a day. 

Boggles the mind, I know. But I believe that they can do it.

And if they can' what? 

Does anyone truly believe, after all the injuries of the last six seasons, that if these Yankees get more rest over the weekend, they will run injury free for the rest of the weekend? Of course not. And frankly, the way most of the team is playing—and has, in fact, played for years now—would we miss them?

No, we would not.

The situation is dire. The hour is late. And no, I don't know what those chickens are doing in this painting. But you can bet they need less rest than the average Yankee.

No more Swoonies. The Bronx expects every man to do his duty. At least for another four days. 


  1. It’s not unusual to have
    Chickens on a ship

    It’s not unusual to soup ‘em up
    And have a sip

    But when the decks are covered
    With blood and beaks and eyes

    It’s not unusual to jump overboard
    And Sink and Die

  2. Above Average, I can hear Tom Jones doing a "take". LMAO!

  3. And Kevin, few people know that Tom Jones and Cher share the same voice.

    Its been a challenge for them over the years, especially when they were both gigging in Vegas at the same time


  4. Deivi Garcia now in the Bronx. Scranton ERA: 4.93.

    34 2/3 innings there (21 games), 32 hits, 26 walks, 6 HR. 34 Ks.

    Zero games started.

    His WHIP in Scranton = 1.70

    Takes the roster spot of Vasquez, who was sent down.


  5. Yes, I re-checked the numbers (on That's 58 baserunners in fewer than 35 innings. For a relief pitcher.

    That tells us a lot about the NYY minor-league system, don't it?


  6. Raise Your Hand, Tom Jones and Janis Joplin. I'm thinking we've all seen it but if not do yourself a favor. Pour a bourbon, watch it.

  7. We're all just beating a dead horse here. Only succeeding in tenderizing the meat for Yankee Burgers! I recommend the A-1 sauce!

  8. The Baltimore Orioles are a better team and a BETTER RUN TEAM than These Our 2023 New York Yankees.

    "Unwavering positivity."

  9. Was about to turn on the game at the top of the third and saw the box score and decided not to bother. The game is over and Sevy is bombed again. He's got to have an injury that he's hiding. In a way, I can't blame him as they've fucked him over in the past.

  10. Who thinks they can come back from 6 down? Raise your hand!

  11. This is pathetic. Severino is terrible.

    Pray that Rodon is as good as billed.

  12. Maybe there's a backup player in A ball who sees something Sevvy is doing that he can fix. God knows the major league coaches aren't doing shit for him.

  13. Not going to be a Yankee Classic…

  14. Think we should have taken the over…

  15. My wife has been sick so I agreed to watch two episodes of season 16 of Heartland with her.
    Well, it sucked, but not as bad as the Yanks and I get brownie points for being a swell guy.

    All in all, it was a win win result for the Archangel.

  16. This is embarrassing. Mad (Angry really) King George would fire someone for a game like his.

  17. How many Runs will the Orioles score tonight, ?

    I predict 15

  18. I think Sterling should stop reading the commercial that starts, "The Yankees maximize every pitch and every at-bat."

    Just a suggestion.

  19. Above Average, come to think of it, I never heard that Cher and Tom Jones were a "couple". But I'd need to run a spreadsheet to be sure...

  20. My wife shot a sort video of me watching this game:

  21. Glad to hear it, Archie! :)

    Yeah, I turned on the game and it was already 13-0. Turned it off.

  22. Kevin - they just have a very similar voice

  23. I didn't watch the game, but I'm pretty sure BTR nailed it.

  24. 999, according to baseball reference, anyway, the last year of Sevvy's mondo contract is THIS year, when he gets the final $15 mill payoff.

    But just to review, Sevvy got a total of $52.250 mill, for 5 years. In that time, he has won 10 games. Over $5.2 million a win.

    Remember the 16-1 beating he took at the hands of Boston in 2018? Here we are FIVE YEARS LATER, and nothing has changed.

    Yes, 999, he should go to the back of the bullpen. Let's see if Sevvy can pitch one inning at a time. If not, the Yanks would be crazy to re-sign him this winter. Maybe somebody else can fix him. We sure can't.

  25. And of course, Stanton sat tonight. He can't play 6 games in a row.

  26. I'm beginning to think these Yankees are the new tomato cans.

  27. Here's the reality check I didn't need at the half way point>>>> All aboard the Pineapple Express!

  28. I betcha that you'll be able to get a Sevy bobblehead on eBay for 50 cents...

  29. Only if it includes shipping* Ranger.


  30. 14-1.

    Wildly Exciting!

    We could go all the way !!!

  31. Above Average, come to think of it....

  32. Michael Kay's staggering cluelessness: here is a guy who has been living in and around New York City for his entire life, and he did not recognize a major Art Deco architectural landmark, The New Yorker Hotel, and assumed it was a photo of the headquarters of The New Yorker magazine -- as though a weekly magazine would need to occupy 42 floors of office space. What a cultural illiterate and all-around dolt.

  33. Above Average, Cher and Tom do have a similar "sound". He had the superior talent though. Not that that's saying much.

  34. This is the way the Yankees do business. Save the players for tomorrow. Make the playoffs and get embarassed and then tell the fans it was a good season.

  35. @edb...that is called gaslighting...


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