Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Annual Runk Blog continued:

 Screw the Mets. I just had a thought, and it's a biggie.

It’s a good thing they print your credit card number on your credit card, because you’d never be able to remember it, otherwise.

WTF about German? If they didn't print the zero on his back, we wouldn't remember his number. All these guys, they're wearing 60s and 70s on their backs, it's ridiculous. The Yankees are as dead in the laundry as they are in the field. The best number they could give Volpe was 11. That's horrible. Someday, they're going to actually have an up-and-coming star - we'll all be dead, so don't worry - and they won't have a number for him under 65. 

From now on, if a star emerges, they should retire his name. That's all. So, for example, we will never be allowed to have another player named Judge. Or Cole. Hold a big ceremony, dignitaries, everything, and retire the names. and screw the Mets.


  1. Well, that’s what happens when you retire everybody’s number so they can have a “special” day, I.e. a larger crowd and more merch to sell. Let’s un-retire # 1, we can give to the next prospect we develop who can hit .250. Or .220 Could be a long wait…

    We got exposed by the might Mets last night, the sweep against KC shown to be that pols like to call a nothing burger.

  2. So that makes the Yankees chances of making the postseason this season an impossible burger

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. German sucked last night and Verlander was no slouch.

    And that wraps up our game coverage....

    (Did you see the goal by that woman on Ireland's soccer team? Holy shamrock, Batman!)

  5. ‘‘Twas nothing JM, just a wee bit of leprechaun dust sprinkled on the ball.

  6. Sure and Begorrah.

    And the best part of it? McCabe, the woman who scored that goal, had less of a reaction than your average major-league player hitting a single nowadays.

    What, no elaborate hand signals, fist pumps, or winks and smiles to her team's bench? No one even handed her a foil trident, a cape, or a crown afterwards. Boy, these ladies just don't understand sports!

  7. After the whole arm patch idea, it won't surprise me to see some "sponsored by ______" logo when the next Yankees number is retired. They passed up a perfectly good opportunity when Joe D retired: his plaque in Monument Park could have been sponsored by Mr. Coffee.

    But I have no concerns of that happening in the next twenty years or so. The Intern doesn't have the capacity for finding and nurturing the next great Yankees team.

  8. Just give the new players numbers like highway exits-3A, 7B, etc.

    I love those Impossible Burgers! Taste so much like the real thing. They even "bleed". Being a vegetarian is so much easier now than 40 + years ago.

  9. From Keefe:

    Yankees are 8-1 against the Royals and A’s this season and 45-47 against all other teams.

    Hoping one of the scribes grows a pair and asks booone about this after tonights’s loss.

  10. And they're even worse against the teams in their own division. That's the biggest reason of all why they should not be "buyers" at the deadline. This clown show doesn't have the ability to make the wild card, let alone make it to the World Series. Even if they got Ohtani, it wouldn't be enough to make the wild card.

  11. The only smart moves would be to trade all of the pending free agents and soon-to-be free agents. And get back good prospects. Of course, to get back good prospects, you need top notch scouting and ability to judge talent. And to develop those prospects, you'd need good coaches to move these guys up to the majors quickly. They obviously don't have the scouting or the coaching. And with Cashman's blind inability to judge talent, there is nothing here but doom and gloom.

    Speaking of coaching, they hired Andy Pettitte as an "advisor". On the radio, Ma Yankee said that being a pitching coach is more than looking at stat sheets and spin rates and that big league experience and multiple championships mean something. (I'm just summing it up and paraphrasing.)

    They must feel that Matt Blake is coming up short in some areas. Why else would they bring in Pettitte to advise? Matt Blake should have been an assistant pitching coach. You shouldn't just bring in a guy who has zero professional pitching experience to be the pitching coach of the New York Yankees. That was pure madness.

    And I think we're seeing the end product of that. Yankee pitching is very, very mechanical. If the stats show that your fastball is getting hit, they tell you never to throw the fastball. What's wrong with that approach? Well, everything works off the fastball, you stop throwing that, the other pitches will become more hittable. If the fastball is getting hit, how about the pitching coach use his brains and figure out why it's getting hit and how to improve on it? Instead, their solution is to just throw the fastball in the garbage and throw sliders, cutters. WOW!

  12. Against dumbass mechanical hitting teams like the Yankees, ditching the fastball and throwing only junk can work very well. That's true. I remember that playoff game, game seven against the ASS-stros, I think it was, that son-of-a-former Yankee pitcher came out of the bullpen in the middle of the game and threw nothing but sliders until the last out. Yankee hitters didn't have a prayer. They couldn't have touched one of those sliders with a boat paddle.

    It doesn't work that way against hitters that know what they're doing. Stop throwing the fastball and you're only making your off speed less effective.

  13. We can be pretty certain that they will never be retiring Volpe's number.

  14. German, has sawdust between his ears.

  15. German is another Ivan Nova...


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