Friday, July 21, 2023

Another Bites the Dust

Our part time, starting catcher has opted for wrist surgery rather than hitting poorly and throwing poorly against the KC Royals. 

Jose Trevino is gone for 2023, but expects to return next spring in time for mimosa's and wind sprints.

Ben Rovtveltd ( no one can spell his name, even his parents in the Netherlands, or Finland...wherever he first picked up a weight and began smashing a ball with it) will return as back-up catcher.

Ben was 2-7 in his first appearance at the major league level. So at least we don't have to bite our knuckles until he gets his first hit.

I think he struck out his last five at bats, so there is that.

Which brings me to Peraza.  Four strikeouts against the Angels puts him on a level with Stanton. 

But much less costly per whiff. 


  1. This is J. Robert Cashmanheimer‘s secret plan:

    IL two thirds of the team and promote from down under.

    He is a genius!

    ……or is he pure evil.

    I’ll get back to you on that.

  2. Well, that's one way to get Wells up to AAA

  3. Trevino had a right wrist sprain in March during Spring Training.

    He's been hurt the whole time.

    I hate this team.

  4. So tonights game…. The worst team in baseball plays the worst team in baseball. There will be no winners. I’ll be listening. John Sterling deserves our support.

  5. The best and most proper way to show Mr Sterling our support is to send him some world class Chicken Parm to the booth tonight.

    “That’s right, Suzyn - this tasty dish of old world Chicken Parmigiana is courtesy of good folks over at IITIHIIFIIC !”

  6. Poor Trevino. least we can now see if Biceptvedt has anything. I mean. before he's hurt. Again.

  7. Trevino will never have another season like last year. That was his year of glory. Nestor probably the same deal. One time All Stars, they'll always have that.


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