Monday, July 24, 2023

As the trade deadline nears, the Mets and Yankees vie for dominance in a loser sports city

Pop quiz/Parlor Game: Name the most successful NYC men's pro sports team?

Mets? Yanks? Nets? Knicks? Giants? Jets? Devils? Islanders? Rangers? The FC? Red Bulls? The Riptide (Lacrosse?) Rugby NY? Yikes.  

I wanna wake up in the city that never sweeps,
Until I'm stiff on my back, lost in the heap,
Down on my luck, last in the East...

BTW, my answer? Probably it's the NJ Devils, who technically don't even qualify as a NYC franchise. Basically, who cares? NYC sports is a joke - not even a college program worth supporting. The bar is so putrid that Syracuse - rhymes with Sheer Abuse - claims to be NY's sports school. Bah. 

But but BUT... the Yankees can still beat KC! 

Tomorrow, it's the Mets, two games, followed by a trip to Baltimore. The O's are the cream of the AL, and their farm system includes eight of the current top 100 prospects in baseball. It took a quarter century, but they finally rebuilt - a word the Yankees shall never utter. They might be entering a mini-dynasty, while we continue to drift.   


1. Yesterday, our best hitter lately, Gleyber Torres, tweaked his hip. Of course he did. Was there doubt that he would? The Yankees assure us he might not miss any action. Well, well, that's certainly good news. I mean, the Yankees wouldn't say so, if it wasn't true, right? 

I'll say six weeks, mid-September, and we'll be desperate. 

2. Yesterday, Nestor Cortez pitched in Double A, went 2.1 innings, gave up four hits and a run. Good news for a popular Yankee, whose magic, though, had seemed to be waning. If Nestor returns, the rotation would be Cole, Rodon (ouch), Severino (?), Schmidt and Mr. Perfect, Domingo German. That's not mentioning Brito and Vasquez, down at Scranton. Could German be dealt, maybe for a stud prospect?

3. Yesterday, Anthony Rizzo got four hits, prompting the Gammonites to proclaim his two-month slump is history over. The reason: He switched his walk-up music to Taylor Swift. Was this the doing of our new hitting coach? (And I'm  supposed be nuts for talking up juju?)

4. It will be interesting to see what Boston does at the trade deadline. My guess is that they'll read the room and try to jettison older players - aiming for 2024. That strategy has won them four world championships in this millennium, while the Yankees chased instant gratification. 

4. Tomorrow marks the start of my annual Runk Blog. For the next five days and nights, I'll be rinking with a bunch of old - I mean ancient - buddies from my alma mater, Hobart College (aka Camp Ho-Ho.) I will be reduced to scattered ramblings, when I get a crack at the laptop. I hope this blog's mainstays will remainstay, and if the floor caves, if Cashman trades for Jared Kushner, I'll try to report from my runken delirium. But it won't be pretty. 


  1. You went to Hobart?

    That explains a lot.!!!!!

  2. Could have been worse, it coulda been Colgate.

  3. Did y’all have to remind me of my dental appointment on Wednesday?

  4. AA, love the Damien meme on Severino! I think that explains it.


  5. Hobart...NY's school!

    Also how could you fail to even mention the University of Tri-State, commonly referred to as Rutgr, alma mater of the lovely Mrs. Mildred? That's just criminal neglect.

  6. If the Orioles took 25 years to re-build, that's terrible. What the hell took so long? Almost as bad as Cashman's blundering.

    Gleyber Torres is hurt? There goes any chance to trade him.

    Severino, Domingo German, Master Bader, DJL, all of these guys should be traded for prospects or young major leaguers who are on the rise. Teams that are on the cusp that want to turn themselves into strong contenders will be interested. The right trades will have the Yankees back in contention next year.

    Even now, Cashman keeps up the stupidity by not bringing up Brito and Randy Vasquez. These guys have pitched well and deserve to be developed up here. They can be used as long relievers or spot starters. If Severino and German are traded, they'd fit right in to the starting rotation. Instead, the team has to use up six packs of one inning relievers to get through the last 3 innings every game. Very mechanical approach, as usual.

    Oswaldo Cabrera: I think this guy is a much better hitter on another team. They just don't know how to bring it out of him here.

  7. @ BJPB, Hey come on man, I know you're only joking, but it's still got to be pretty offensive to anyone of that faith. If I was Jewish, I'd be offended. Jesus was a Jew, and so were all the original apostles. If you're a Christian, you're close to being a special type of Jew. So it's not cool to be stereotyping Jews as this or that. We should avoid the stereotyping.

  8. A bon voyage to El Duque. And what's wrong with those Times reporters, when they have the Runk practically in their own backyard?

  9. Well, sort of, Hammer. The Orioles had a first-place and two wild-card spots from 2012-2016, when Buck was in charge. They reached the ALCS once. So I guess you can say the down time was ONLY 7 years.

  10. And I agree with Hammer on the name-calling. Even as a joke, it's too much, Beauregard.

  11. Dr. T., great analysis on Florial. And MJ...I gotta agree.

    I hate to be the guy who says everybody is jaking it. But really, the DL for the Yankees has reached unsustainable lengths. What did Vince Lombardi say? 'You got play with the small hurts'?

    I'm sure this is the trainers' decision, not Judge's. But really: almost two months with a toe? I imagine this is a tape job for most NFL linebackers. And now Gleyber.

    And if all of these injuries really are so debilitating, then something is DEFINITELY wrong with the training program. There has to be an emphasis on getting through the long season.

  12. Brought to you by...Ipana toothpaste!

    "Early in the show's life, however, its name, Duffy's Tavern, was changed—first to Duffy's and then, for four episodes, to Duffy's Variety.[6] An employee for Bristol-Myers—whose Ipana toothpaste was the show's early sponsor—persuaded the company's publicity director to demand the name change because the original title promoted 'the hobby of drinking' too much for certain sensibilities. Bristol-Myers eventually admitted the employee had little to go on other than a handful of protesting letters, and—to the delight of fans who never stopped using the original name anyway—the original title was restored permanently."

    Hobby? HOBBY?!? How dare he!!!

  13. Ok fine, but you’re now responsible for replacement lyrics!


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