Friday, July 14, 2023

Game Thread: Let the second half begin...



  1. So, who wants Ohtani now, or next year?

  2. Take him now if we’re gunna get him.

    Put him to work.

    That’s what I say.

  3. Is this the site for the no-hitter warch?

    Asking for a friend.

  4. Pipe dream. Yanks don't have enough left to get Ohtani or anyone else of worth.

  5. Oh ….. I was only answering Kevin’s direct question, HC.

    The only way we’re getting oT is if they discover that Tompkins Square Park contains a ZONE similar to the one featured in Tarkovsky’s The Stalker.

    It would make sense though because I remember that the park use to have talking garbage trucks driving around it during the mid to late 80s that spoke with the voice of Ed Koch.

  6. Rufus, put down that Riesling and drop a comment in.

  7. Personally, I don't want Ohtani this year, and I'm not so sure that I want the team to put the resources for the big contract. Say we sign him next year. We pay for two players, but before long something goes, and maybe that something finishes him as a pitcher. Suddenly he becomes a five-six hundred million dollar position player. And I can't imagine that Hal suddenly springs for the holes that are all over the roster. Nah, let San Diego sign him.

  8. Riesling only when I am in southern Germany. (it is quite good though.)

    Friday nights is Bombay Sapphire.

    I looked at the score.

    Goodnight Irene. And Monica Erica and Rita and...

  9. WTG Cole… stop talking to Rodon…

  10. There are better options that B Sapp - Roof.

    Perhaps in August

  11. I wanted Ohtani from the start, but he didn’t want NY.
    I’m hesitant about a 500 million mega contract though.
    Anyway, he still seems to prefer the west coast…

  12. WAIT!! isn't the Bronx in the west coast?

  13. If you go far enough east, you’ll be in the west.


  14. Reverse psychology I have had enough of this team they can't score runs against a truly bum pitcher Arch Stanton hitting a moonshot is the worst thing that could have happened that is him undroppable till he tweaks his buttock in the near future and I am wasting my time watching them it is 3am here I am tired and have had enough of these no trying losers managed by an incompetent buffoon of a manager with an owner who sole purpose in life is to swim in a swimming pool full of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck rather than run a baseball team.

    Don't start me about Cashman he clearly has blackmail photos keeping him in a job as no other way would such an incompetent and useless GM be tolerated at any other MLB side nevermind for over 20 years of failure at every single level of the ballclub

  15. AA,

    If you say Kendricks... Well just. Don't.

    PS our yank-mes suck.

  16. Yankee’s counter programming… the No Star Game

  17. As a result of tonight’s game, Chico’s Bail Bonds has officially withdrawn its offer to have its name on the back of Yankees jerseys

    “I mean, c’mon, this team is embarrassing. It would hurt our reputation. We got standards, you know?”

  18. Hey, I guess it really WAS all Dillon Lawson’s fault!


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