Monday, August 21, 2023

Around the horn, mediawise

Today, Gabe Lacques in USA Today asks:

Yankees bound for worst season this century. How low will they go?

We don't even have to continue The Big Tank over the rest of our games to set this record. And Cole does pitch every fifth game. So we should actually win some games (some) down the stretch.

Nothing in concrete, though. 

The overall worst Yankees finish was 1913, the first year they were called the Yankees, at 57-94. But 1966 was the first last place finish since the 1912 Highlanders, so that's my favorite for worst Yankees team ever. (How did 57-94 keep them out of last place? The Browns were 57-96. Of course.)

Jon Iacovacci, of Empire Sports Media, whoever the hell they are, poses this tantalizing question:

Did the Yankees make a $162 Million dollar mistake? [sic]

OK, Jon, one too many dollars there. It's either the symbol or the word, and million shouldn't be capitalized, either, but it's Empire Sports Media, so I get it. However, the point about Rodon is valid. So far, the answer to your question is HOLY SHIT, YES!! SEND HIM BACK!!!

Meanwhile, over at Sportskeeda MLB (wtf is that?), one Aanchal Jaura sez:

New York Yankees hold a closed-door meeting, front office 'frustrated' with club's performance says Aaron Boone

Hello, 1966
That one takes the cake. The front office created this team. The front office took on these contracts. The front office plays the rich veterans and doesn't give many young guys a shot. The front office is Hal and Cashman, and they both suck at their jobs, and now they're 'frustrated'? 

Give me a fucking break of that KitKat bar. Unbelievable. What hypocritical hubris.

Granted, Jon Iovacci and most certainly Aanchal Jaura are not real people or real names of the 'authors,' which smell like AI text generators. I could be wrong. Though they are not. 

The 1966 Yanks were 56-69 at this stage, and what looked like an insurmountable lead for them in the Cellar Sweepstakes suddenly looks very doable.

Only 4 games, ahead now. We can do this.


  1. How did Dick Schofield earn a photo in this post?

  2. Somehow this post is SO Dick Schofield!

  3. Great summary, JM!

    One tiny caveat: the Yankees were called—periodically—the Yankees, even in their first year in NYC, 1903. Though it's true they were more often called the Highlanders until they moved out of Washington Heights after the 1912 season.

    Their very worst seasons, then, were 1908—51-103, .331—and 1912, 50-102, .329.

    Unfortunately, both those marks are already out of range.

    However, no Yankees team has lost 100 games since that 1912 team (difficult, but theoretically not impossible). None has lost 95 since 1990 (now we're getting warm), and none has lost 90 or more since 1991 (cat's in the bag, bag's in the river).

    And don't forget: there's always next year!

  4. The Yankees are promoting outfield prospect Everson Pereira before tomorrow’s series opener against the Nationals, reports Jack Curry of the YES Network (Twitter link). Infielder Oswald Peraza is also being recalled from Triple-A, according to Curry.

    Burp (excuse me)

  5. So maybe someone will get a hit before the 6th inning. Maybe.

  6. Just swap the “supposed” ML team for Scranton. It will be a more exciting product

  7. Great little nugget, Julio Rodriguez has the same amount of hits in the past 4 games as the entire Yankees team 😂😂😂


  8. HEY - on this off day I must ask - anybody need anything from California?

  9. Bring me the deed to a nice house - small, nothing fancy - somewhere in or around Big Sur. Or I'd take Malibu in a pinch...

    Aside from that, I'm okay, I guess.

  10. AA, how about the Dodgers? Or the Giants? Or at least their front offices.

  11. Got you covered 13Bit - the Dodgers and the Giants are unavailable but Oakland is all in.

    Anyone else?

  12. Hoss, I defer to your greater knowledge of the early Yankees.

    I also got the number of games played to date wrong, I think. We sit at 124, not 125.

    Sigh. Old brain not work good.

  13. Front office also pulls the strings on puppet manager Aaron Boone. And they're frustrated? Look in the mirror, HAL & Cashman!


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