Thursday, August 24, 2023

Stand-up guy.


No doubt, that will be the take in some places, after Brian Cashman's Punxsutawney Phil-like emergence yesterday to face the media over what he himself called the Yankees' "disaster" of a season.

In fact, Cashman was, as usual, more of a stand-up comic than a leader, making sure to tell the assembled sporting press:

"I think we've got a pretty good track record here. We've had a real good run of success. But this, at the same time, is not an easy sport. Nothing is guaranteed. So I guess I would counter, I don't think there's anyone on this planet that felt that the New York Yankees weren't a playoff-contending team.  I wouldn't say anybody on our roster, anybody on an opposing roster, or anybody in this room in the media—I doubt there's anybody that predicted that we're not a playoff team."

Ah, Brian, you crack me up!

First, Mr. Cashman has obviously NOT been reading this blog, sad to say. 

But let's unpack this a little:

"A playoff-contending team"??? 

Since 6 teams—or 40 percent of the league—now make the playoffs, what exactly does this even mean? In fact, the Yankees have been a playoff-contending team this year...and so what? 

As the estimable John Jastrzemski was saying last night on SNY, being a "playoff contender" wasn't supposed to be what the Yankees are all about. They are supposed to be a World Series contender. 

But that, as we've been told, is all a crapshoot. 

I also I love how many people Cashie includes in his "J'accuse" statement here. "Anybody on this roster"? Right, it very much matters what Oswaldo Cabrera thought about the Yankees' chances this year. "Anybody on an opposing roster"? C'mon, fess up, Timmy Anderson! You thought the Yanks had a chance to make the playoffs.

Far from "standing up," all that Cashman was trying to do was spread the blame here. To say, "You're no smarter than me, you media types, what with your suggestions that we have a left fielder and a third baseman and everything. So there."

All in all, though, Cashman's comedy was a fairly predictable meal of buck-passing, garnished with false promises of future "evaluations."

What really has me worried was Ma Boone's statement:

"It's all-consuming. That said, you always try to have a level of perspective that I certainly do in my life. School's getting ready to start, a couple going off to college and trying to be as present as you can be there, too. So you do try and separate, and I think I'm decent at it."

"Try to remember the kind of September

When life was slow and oh so mellow...

Try to remember the kind of September

When you were a tender and callow fellow

Try to remember and if you remember 

Then follow, follow..."

Uh, Aaron? You okay, man?



  1. OMG!!!

    The Yankees have been downgraded like a Mexican hurricane!

    Once upon a time they were a “championship-caliber” team and now they’re a playoff- contending team?

    It’s only a matter of time before they’re a “lottery-capable” team.

    No time like the present. Can’t wait to read The Intern’s obituary.

  2. Brian does NOT throw anybody under the bus.

    What he DOES is park a whole fleet of dirty Greyhounds on top of everybody.

    It's easier that way.

    They he banishes the drivers to Scranton and nobody is around to tell the tale.

  3. It was nice while it lasted.
    Hope u guys enjoy the game.

  4. STANG-FREE nosebleeder in da-Bronx!?!?!?!

  5. I really thought Holmes would give up a grand slam. How disappointing.

  6. The Tankathon express is back in track!

  7. I’m thinking of a work that never issues from the lips of booone, cacheman, or any other coach or person of authority within the organization : FUNDAMENTALS. Specifically, lack of same, Holmes can’t field. Looks like a monkey trying to fuck a football out there. Next spring, fundamentals need to be emphasized, to be internalized. Any of the overpaid “stars” of a last place team who don’t want to buy into that concept can grab a seat at the end of the bench and stay there.

  8. Stang - you were missed today.

    The Duque of El was given a special, limited edition of the UNWAVERING sign (shrunk down into miniature size by Jeannie to help Major Nelson win over Dr Bellows - but that’s a different story) to present to you upon his return North to the homeland.


  9. I live in Nationals TV territory. But my aging eyes betray me.

    Did a Yankee ballplayer steal 3rd base with 2 outs in the 9th, his team trailing by 2 runs?

    Did that happen without the guy on first base NOT stealing 2nd base?

    Stanton was at the plate. A single (yeah, a rare event) might -- just might -- score 2 runs and tie the game.

    Therefore the possibilities are:

    1 -- the youngster stole 3rd base on his own. If this is what happened, do you think a coach, or the manager, or The Captain, will take the young guy aside and explain to him that there is No Reward for stealing 3B trailing by 2 runs?

    2 -- there was a double-steal sign on. Volpe, on first base, missed the sign. If this is the case, do you think someone will splain to Volpe that missing signs is a big no-no, and as a result, Fat Tony is coming soon to take his thumbs.

    3 -- as with so much else, the television portrayed a lie. I am so used to this, when it comes to sports, politics, and you-name-it, I guess it's not worth a comment. For example, I believe the US Women's soccer team won the World Cup -- that's why the players are featured in the commercials. And yet, it seems.....they didn't?

    4 -- my eyes are really, really shot to all heck. It's bad enough my ears are not worth good god-damn. Pretty soon, I'll be assigned my own personal drool bucket...

  10. Ah, Joe, once they assign you that drool bucket, it's only a short leap to diapers

  11. Joe, Peraza stole 3B in the ninth; I can only guess, but I’d say he misread a sign. As you state, an attempt a steal in that situation is a serious breach of BB logic, as the risk outweighs the reward. What I can tell you is Yankee farmhands do not receive adequate coaching and instruction while in the minors and fundamentals seemed all but forgotten. One would hope that OP get his ass chewed our for this transgression, but the current Yankee way is to baby the players, make excuses, and cover for them.

    As for the US Women’s WC, and the state of the world in general I’m afraid I can’t help you there.

  12. I do appreciate, it, AA. Thanks for thinking of me.

  13. Hey, thought you guys would love this: In roughly half the games Gary Sanchez has the exact WAR as Gleybor Torres. The Yankees placed THREE players in the games' top 100 in WAR, Judge, Volpe, and Torres. We went YEARS placing 5-6 players in the top twenty. PS, only counting positional players. Measures of our demise. And many of the players who we pined for aren't having great seasons such as Machado, Harper, Vlad, "Chick Correa", and many others. Yeah, Cashman needs to be tossed into the Gorge of Eternal Peril, but bad things happen to even the best of GMs. Sad story, Stephen Stausburg announced his retirement. If he had come up with the Yankees people would be throwing themselves off the façade. Or blaming The Brain. You can't predict baseball, Suzyn.

  14. TheWinWarblist said...

    AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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