Saturday, September 16, 2023

Prayers for Anthony Misiewicz, as Yanks win meaningless game

They say Anthony Misiewicz was conscious and speaking last night, and let's hope this is the rare case where the Yankees are not pooh-poohing a serious injury, because the gruesome image of that line drive to the pitcher's head will be haunting us for a long while.  

In case you missed it, a 100-mph comebacker hit Misiewicz - a 28-year-old journeyman doing mop up duty - behind his ear and caromed all the way into right field. He lay there for several minutes - our worst fears swirling in the September night - before being carted off. And throughout it, all you could think was, what a terrible fate for such a meaningless event. 

Yeah, meaningless. Last night, the Yankees won a game that nobody cared about, as the Death Barge dutifully plays out a miserable season that shall only be remembered for its disappointments. They are playing a Chex Mix of regulars, rookies and Railriders, up from Scranton, who are seeking to pad their MLB pensions. It chugged along without major problems, until last night. 

Look, I'm not blind to the situation: This is show business. The games must go on. The pennant race doesn't stop merely because the Yankees aren't in it - and haven't been for that last month. You play out the season, and if somebody gets hurt, that's why we have chiropractors, right? But in games against their fellow tomato cans - looking at you, Pirates - who and what are we supposed to root for? And why? A win over Pittsburgh? Another game above .500? Fourth place in the AL East? I'm sorry, folks, but - seriously - who cares? 

Boston has lost eight of its last 10. Say what you will about the Redsocks' quitter mentality, they are crafting a strategic tank job for their next GM. Don't be surprised if they catch Cleveland and/or San Diego, and draft next June in the top 10. Don't be surprised if they rise quickly next year in the AL East. Don't be surprised if they win another world series before we do. They play the long game. They play hardball. 

Meanwhile, the Death Barge pretends these late season games matter, and that when the Yankees win one, we're supposed to rejoice with the overwhelming excitement of a live Beetlejuice musical.

Last night, Starr Insurance won because Pittsburgh - with one out in the ninth - couldn't execute a DP grounder that should be an automatic in high school. And a guy nearly paid a dreadful price. Last night, Anthony Misiewicz was the only thing that mattered. He might be the only thing that matters for the rest of this season. Prayers...


  1. Everything Duque says is true.

    I'd still like to see the Yankees run the table into season's end.

    It's stupid, it knocks us down the draft pick ladder, it assuages the pure hatred of Cashman and especially his Analytic Assholes (absolutely no relation to our AA), it saves Jerkoff and Bonehead from the firing squad, and all the rest of that.

    And still I'd like to see it happen. During the 56 years or so I've rooted for the Yanks, they've only won a relative handful of World Series. I was as spoiled as anyone by the late-90s team, but most of my fan years haven't yielded much. This is just another one, crappier than some, as bad as some others, maybe down among the worst, but definitely ringless. Just like 48 (or 9?) others.

    All meaningless.

  2. I hear you, JM. Reflexively, I just can't root for this team to lose.

    And for the record, in the time we've both been fans, they've won 7 World Series. A record fans of so many team could only dream of.

    I wouldn't (very much) mind not getting more, save for the sheer stupidity of why that happened.

  3. Incidentally, Misiewicz seems to be doing all right in a Pittsburgh hospital. Everyone was a little relieved, at least, when he joked afterwards, "I thought that was a pretty good curveball I threw there."

    Thank God, and let's just hope the Yankees' trainers don't get ahold of him.

  4. Horace - the Yankees trainer’s hands regrettably are all over him

  5. Sounds like a tough kid. God knows we need players worth rooting for…

    3rd place not out of reach -

    Tanks for the memories!

  6. It looks like he's going to be all right.

    Didn't I tell y'all that Misiewicz is an undercover Van Helsing plant, trying to figure out the identity of the vampire. Mystery and intrigue envelop the machinations of the forces of darkness. The eternal battle between light and dark, taking place right before our very eyes, on the baseball diamond, in a major league ball game.

    The quandary of tanking is that Cashman does not select well in the draft. So our finishing dead last is very unlikely to lead to anything positive. And yes, Duque, Boston will win a World Series before the Yankees. Probably many World Series before HAL or his son will get off his ass and do something positive.

    Doom and gloom all around. It's part of the ebbs and flows of the never ending battle against the demonic forces of evil known as the Boston Red Sox.

  7. Well - its almost time for the most IMPORTANT DAMN GAME OF THE YEAR!

    Buckle up . . .

  8. AA,

    Could I have some of your mushrooms? They seem to be good ones.

  9. Neither John nor Suzyn in the booth for the first time Alvaro Espinoza was the starting shortstop for the pinstripes. I was still in my 20s and the Berlin Wall was still closed. Been a while.

  10. We're winning, somehow. God, Pittsburgh is awful.

  11. Roofy - I thought you were giving your internal organs a break

  12. AA,

    Mushrooms will arrive in time for my sabbatical to be over. Did you get them from South America?

  13. Pittsburgh is indeed awful. But it is even worse with the radio guys talking about exit velo whilst praising Glassman. Switching to big head.

  14. Cabrera starting to figure it out…

  15. Stanton very Stantonian tonight. Solo homer and strike outs.

  16. Can’t stomach those ugly unis.

  17. Hey, if we hold this lead we'll have a run differential of only -12. Whoo.

  18. Terrible unis, indeed.

    Very small sample size, but Florial is again not hitting.

  19. The shrooms? Roofus - they’re from Vermont

  20. Thaaaaaaaaaa Yankees win!

    Maybe we could change the Yankees name to the Shrooms.

  21. AA, did you slip in any cow patties getting them?

    Yankees win as Enrico Pallazzo strikes out.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I would never root for them to lose, but I'm not losing any sleep when they lose, which I used to do.

  24. Most medical professionals stress that sleep is a good thing. 13 Bit

  25. I wouldn't lose any sleep over them. These guys suck and it's a long way to the top, if you wanna rock n roll!


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