Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Shades of Mooning Big Papi: This Yankee fan hero deserves the support of all IT IS HIGH readers


Jon Boroski is risking his life by organizing 
a FIRE CASHMAN NIGHT Friday at the stadium. 


  1. Bless his heart, but I’d rather hit Steinway in his wallet. That’s the only language he understands.

  2. Seems like a nice Polish boy.

  3. I can complain all I want, but in my heart of hearts, I know The Intern will forever be sitting on Prince Hal's lap.

    As I was coming home from the grocery store this morning, my addled brain heard Andy Williams singing "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year;" the two months I used to look forward to every spring. The pennant races, even with the diluted (but reasonable) wild card races are a hoot this year.

    While I watch this mess of a team head to the golf course this year without Hicks, I look around the majors and see some fantastic things happening:

    The Orioles (the Orioles FFS!) are holding a slim lead in a dog fight with the Rays for the AL East crown, while out west...

    The AL West title is up for grabs for THREE TEAMS, all with the same number of losses. Houston, Seattle and Texas can all win the division title and a bye with ten games remaining. Add Toronto into the mix and we've got four teams looking to make the playoffs in the wild card race.

    And over in the NL, four teams are vying for the remaining wild card slots, with all three division titles essentially wrapped up tight. Arizona, Chicago, Cincinnati and Miami all in the thick of it. The real drama will play out between the snakes and cubbies as they play seven game against one another this week and next.

    Pretty exciting stuff. Even if The Intern's Trainee Team is heading toward relegation.

    It's not Yankees baseball, but it's baseball at its best. And it will allow me to enjoy the next eight weeks without bitching about the lost cause formerly know as The Bronx Bombers.

  4. Perhaps MICROWAVE CASHMAN a bit before FIRING him might be a better, alternative approach.

  5. I look forward to it, too, DickAllen, but I'll be amazed if anybody beats the Braves this year. Still, we can always hope!

    And baseball at its best? I dunno, I think that happened c. 1975-1987, but always willing to debate it!

  6. Bowling, Alpine skiing, curling...the winter is really shaping up.

  7. @JM...especially Women's Curling...when they sweep...just kidding...

  8. Chant away. Genius Cashman has done irreputable damage to the Yankee fanchise.

  9. AA, remember to do the guy in the rug with a baseball bat tenderizing before any cooking.

  10. Rufus - I am always amazed at all of your great ideas

  11. I almost forgot about this, but yesterday, on the Yankee radio broadcast, maybe in the 3rd inning or so, John and Suzyn were talking about the winter. Sterling said the Yankees will have tons of work to do over the winter. Suzyn said "if we know it, they know it". Amazingly, Sterling replied "I'm not so sure about that"!

    Sterling took an unprecedented jab against the Yankee front office. Actually, it wasn't a jab, it was a right cross! He's usually very careful about criticizing the front office. I don't blame him. If he talked like us, he'd be out of a job the next day. It made me think that maybe he's planning on retiring this winter.

  12. Let's hope the Master doesn't retire this winter.

  13. Horace! I didn’t mean to suggest anything about the current era we live in. Least of a all as a comparison to bygone timesI. I only meant that, every year, the only thing that matters is this time of the year. Going through the regular season, with its ups and downs (almost all downs except for the loss of Hicks and Jackie), is what gets me to the “pennant race.” There’s always one or two surprises at the end of every season - like last year when the Padres killed the Dodgers - and when The Intern wasn’t fired after the Asstros humiliated the Yankees. I’m presuming the Braves will conquer all, BUT YOU NEVER KNOW.

    The only way this era can match any other is if it’s the end of the Cashman era. As for the baseball, I’m tuning in elsewhere to see where the surprises are. And where real baseball is being played beautifully everywhere else except in New York.


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