Monday, October 9, 2023

The real question of the 2023-24 off season: Will Hal Steinbrenner collude with Steve Cohen, and how will it play out?

Last winter, it was - how would you say it? - "curious" - how Mets owner Steve Cohen sidestepped the bidding war over Aaron Judge. Here was his chance to sign baseball's greatest slugger, to anchor the Mets batting order, to bolster the clubhouse, to drive a stake into the crosstown rival Yankees and to take by storm the megalopolis of New York. In other auctions, Cohen bestrode the planet without restraint. Yet in the one battle would have made the biggest impact, he clutched his fanny pack and pulled up lame.

Now, there were solid reasons for this. Clearly, collusion had nothing - absolutely nothing! - to do with it. In fact, if anyone here remotely smart mouths that Mr. Cohen and Sir Hal Steinbrenner struck some sort of secret deal, well, I'm sending Alphonso to slap you crisply across the face. Because them be fightin' words! And around here, we don't tolerate fightin' words. You must think you landed on one of those sites that sit around and let the Yankees be complained about. Well, you're wrong. 

Last winter, no matter how it may have looked, there was NO collusion - none, whatsoever - between the two Titanic titans of Gotham. Moreover, as was stated above, we won't even speculate what kind of "collusion" could transpire this winter, because it WON'T. Get it, Mr. Ronan Farrow Woodward-Bernstein? NO COLLUSION!

But but BUT...  knowing this is just for fun, and because it's been a long, hard October, let's play a parlor game in which we enact a mythical conversation between two fictional owners that we'll call "Mr. Steve" and "Mr. Hal." 

This is how the Yankees and Mets could save themselves a lot of money - WHICH THEY WON'T DO! - which, instead of going to rich players, could be funneled back into their franchises for the betterment of all.  

Hal: Hey, Mr. Steve, we haven't dipped into the Asian market for a few years now. Can we get the pitcher, Yamamingo, Yamamengis, Yama - oh, I can never remember his name, but you know him. The Japanese guy. Can we have him? 

Steve: Wait a minute. I thought you wanted Clay Bellinger's kid? That's what you said. You can't have both. If you get Bellinger, then I want Yamamoto. 

Hal: Then you don't get Ohtani, because that would be three Japanese stars, counting Senga. That's too many. 

Steve: Senga is not a star. But you're right, the Commissioner has his secret quota. So, I'd trade you Clay's kid for Ohtani...

Hal: Clay's kid and Yamamingo. And I'll let you have Juan Soto. That's right. You can trade for him and maybe even Machado. I figure you traded Scherzer and Verlander for prospects, so all you gotta do is package them up and send them to San Diego. We'll sit that one out. Everybody wins!

Steve: Hmm. You get Clay's kid and the Motoman. We get Ohtani, Soto and Machado. You know something? That just might work! Now, what about 3B?

Of course, this won't happen. Because collusion doesn't exist.


  1. Thinking about the Yankees makes me very, very sad.

    But, like a whipped dog, I keep coming back for more.

  2. A febrile pruritic suppurating pox that leaves lifelong scars, JM. Please, we can speak in specificities when not speaking of collusion.

  3. They should all just die of small pox, okay? There. I said it.

  4. I'd rather they get big pox.

  5. Too late, Win.

    I already have all those scars, accumulated over the past twenty years.

  6. “ Gregory (Scotland Yard detective): “Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?”

    Holmes: “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.”

    Gregory: “The dog did nothing in the night-time.”

    Holmes: “That was the curious incident.”

  7. Didn't you forget something, Warbler?

  8. Also, I would LOVE a collusion like that. Instead, I think we're going to see a Collusion of Nothingness, with no big stars coming in.

  9. Meanwhile, tracking Ex-Yankees In the Playoffs (EYITP), Monty could not get out of the 5th. But Hicks drove in 5 runs and Jorge Mateo was 4-4.


  10. They should get all the pox.

    Every Pox and . . . Mucormycosis.

    Plus let’s throw in some debilitating Vertigo with a touch of spontaneous, projectile vomiting (just to keep everybody on their toes)

    Unwaveringly Flatulent

  11. How about Exploding Testicle Syndrome, followed by uncontrollable diarrhea and THEN the dance of various poxes can begin?

  12. Hey 13Bitz - then, whilst they’re smack in the middle of it they should all be forced to play an extended game of naked TWISTER!

    Right foot yellow!

    Left exploded testicle red!

  13. I'd be satisfied if we only get The Moto Man this winter. Then, as far as the offense, it would be Plan B. Bring up Spencer Jones by July 2024, try to force his development in the majors. The lineup in August might look something like this:

    1. DJL 2B

    2. The Martian CF

    3. Judge RF

    4. Wells C

    5. Pereira DH

    6. Rizzo 1B

    7. Peraza 3B

    8. Spencer Jones LF

    9. Volpe SS

    Bench: Jose Trevino, Florial, Cabrera, Jake Bauers

  14. Let's trade Torres, Schmidt, German, Higashioka. Think about trading Cole, Clay Holmes. Obviously, Cole should bring in a nice haul of prospects. If done right, we could be back in the game in 2025, might even win a damn championship by 2028, if things go right. At this point, I'll settle for one measly championship in the next 15-20 years. Even that would be a miracle.

  15. naked Twister and explosive diarrhea go together like e-coli and lamb stew...

  16. Hammer, I like the cut of your jib. But I truly don't think we'll ever see The Martian in pinstripes again, save maybe for a token appearance or two.

    Can you say, "Miguel Andujar"?

    Bringing up Jones would be a good idea. But...he's probably get hurt, too.

  17. That's what I fear most, Hoss, that we'll never get to see The Martian back at full strength. What can we do, except hope?

    I like what I saw enough from The Martian that I'd be willing to hang on to him and wait. Hopefully, he's back by August next year.

    Right now, the two most indispensable Yankees, aside from Judge, would be The Martian and Austin Wells. We need Jasson Dominguez to be a big time player, because he's a switch hitter and CF. We need Wells to be the #1 catcher because we don't have enough talent at catcher and left handed hitters.

    If those two guys don't pan out, we might as well trade Judge and Cole and get a big haul of top prospects. That would be the full tanking version of 2024-2025.


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