Sunday, October 29, 2023


Not sure why, but this rattled me.

A few weeks ago, Jeet refused to wear Big Papi's cowboy hat. He said New Yorkers didn't do such things. Then, later, he posed with it, saying he'd been joking. Now... this?

Are we watching the Texasification of Derek Jeter? Like the British museums that house stolen Middle Eastern artifacts, are they buying icons of NYC and moving them to Dallas? What's next? Will the Vince Lombardi Rest Stop turn up in Dealey Plaza? 

And furthermore... 

1. What's really weird is the idea of Jeter interviewing somebody else. Throughout his career, he was the definition of a cool, illusive, bland, no-controversy interview.  Now, he's gotta yuck it up, like a Red Carpet greeter? The juju gods must be laughing.

2. What's this? A World Series where the teams bunt, steal bases and play defense? It's an outrage! A disgrace! What happened to Launch Angles and Exit Velos? Can't they hit a few more solo HRs? 

3. After last night's loss, the Gammonites should have a field day, praising Brian Cashman for trading that bum, Jordan Montgomery. Way to go, chief!

4. All this blather about a Juan Soto trade is nearing Peak Foliage Stupidity. Every day, we are transported back to 2020, creating packages that include Miguel Andujar and Clint Frazier. Hey, we should get a lot for Luke Voit!

5. George Bush? What a geezer. Bounced the throw. Now, here's something really scary for Halloween: Fifteen years out of his presidency, W is still younger than the two likely candidates in 2024. We are sooooo fucked.


  1. Monty pitched well. Only the most shameless Cashocrat would use last night's start as some sort of vindication.

  2. Derek Jeter makes no sense to me these days.

  3. I always thought Jeter was weird, somehow. Maybe it's the incredible blandness. He has to be hiding something. And I don't mean the Hidden Ball Trick.

  4. ALWAYS remember - - - there is no AI in Derek Jeter.


    I just double checked.


  5. He's also in this repulsive car commercial where he's driving all night through pouring rain until he gets to his sunny Florida mansion where his beautiful wife and children are waiting to greet him. Puke city!

  6. Maybe Jeter has found a new way to install himself as the new Yankees GM. The true path to finding a job in the Yankees organization is now a Jeterian two-pronged attack: first, snuggle up to W and be seen as a guy who gets along and toes the party line (sound familiar?). Second, become a pundit, because we all know that pundits give good interview and there is nothing more attractive to Hal than good interviews that say nothing.

    Hey, Hal, if you're listening: dumping The Intern and hiring Jeter will sell more tickets, and more tickets means more income. More income Hal. More income.

  7. I think Jeets is now searching for a role. He should be a GM somewhere, or even head of an owner consortium, but I'm sure Cashman is blocking that. He does seem lost.

    And yes, Stang, nice as it is to see the beautiful Mrs. Jeter on the tube, those ads are ridiculous. Jeets can't go home in his private jet because the weather is bad. So instead he drives all night—apparently through the woods, where he sees a wolf thanks to infrared or something. Ugh.

  8. MR Stang:

    I just watched that commercial.

    What bothers me the most about it (aside from from wha you already pointed out) is his looking up and staring out through the jeep's moon/sun roof whilst driving at freeway speed during the downpour.

    THAT is not responsible driving.

    In addition, I'd like to know what your opinion is of what that Night Vision Wolf is supposed to represent?

    Aside from just selling another advanced tech feature of the jeep.

    Finally - Let me throw in one more thing.

    There is a true sense of relief at the end of that spot.

    For me it has nothing at all to do with Jeter arriving back home safely so he can be reunited with family.

    NO NO NO.

    It's that he can finally take a blade to that slightly bloated, unshaven mug of his and get cleaned up.


  9. :). Thank You

    (and my deepest apologies for dropping the t off the word what in my second sentence . . . . if there were only an edit feature I could have fixed it but it just wasn't worth that old copy - delete - paste - publish exercise.

    It is Sunday morning.

    I am UNWAIVERINGLY DEDICATED to finishing this cup of coffee . . .

  10. Yeah, that commercial makes me wanna puke as well. Whatever happened to the ones where he was driving that muscle car (was that a Ford Mustang, I forget?) like he was about to have an attack of diarrhea?

  11. Jeter selling his soul aside, it’s hard to tell which team sucks more: the Jets or the Giants.

    But right now it looks like the Giants.

  12. I stand corrected.

    This Jets team is beyond inept.

    They ought to be charged with criminal negligence.

  13. I turned the game off with a few minutes left. Not because the Jets were losing, but I just got tired of watching the head-shaking stupidity on both sides of the ball.


    Even the Giants couldn't escape that mess with a win.

  14. But this goes back to our trouble with baseball. Football is now a war of attrition. Who runs out of quarterbacks first? How many guys get injured in each game?

    This is sport torqued to the point where it is simply self-destruction. It is bad for the players, and it is bad for the game.


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