Thursday, December 7, 2023

This Sinks The Ship

 Hal has engineered another deal which will crush the Yankees.

We get a 25 ( soon to be 33 ) year old .265 slugger who is a liability in the outfield. If they announced;  "this is our future DH, maybe I could understand."  If Stanton is removed from sight, I can understand. 

But we got that slow footed OF from Boston, whose career is still at Fenway, to plays LF.   We have Judge in RF.  And, I guess,  Bernie Williams in center. 

Meanwhile, all of the young pitchers who looked good, are gone.  We have Randon.  And for anyone who wan't watching, he absolutely sucked last season.   Do we still have that guy we signed for one year and who spent that year on IR? Did Cashman re-negotiate another red shirt season?

Or are we are relying on that lefty with the tricky wind-up, who left for surgery last season? I have forgotten his name already.

Which of our starting five will be the first to be arrested this year?

I know our bullpen is loaded. Chad Greene still here?  The sweaty guy?  Clarke Schmidt ...yes, he'll win 20. 

C'mon folks.  We all know this iSoto thing is a distraction.  And he is one season away from leaving anyway. But It allows Hal and his GM to make speeches and feel proud. 

 But, I'll say it now:  That Japanese star ( Yamamoto ...wasn't he an admiral in WWII?) IS NOT COMING TO THE YANKEES.  We get the liability not the star. 

The Yankees  are no closer to the wild card play-in game than we were last year.  And we are not capable of winning anything.

We are going down.   Put on your life jackets and bring the shark repellent. 


  1. Man DON'T do thaaaat, I soiled my armor!

  2. On the Post, they're rating the trade a B+ for the Padres and an A- for the Yankees.

    I think it's the other way around. I'd rate it an "A" for the Padres and a "B/B+" for the Yankees.

    They better get the pitching shored up by getting Yamamoto, Bauer, Hader. Otherwise, it will be another fucking disaster in 2024. And if Soto leaves after 2024, and if we didn't win the 2024 World Series, then the trade will have been a fucking confirmed disaster.


  3. So, we've got no pitching to speak of. So, we lose most games 15-11. Or 13-9.

    Lot of running the bases. Only Gleyber need quake in fear!

    Maybe Lorna Boone will PR Stanton.......with the ultimate result for which we all hope.

  4. "The Athletic" gives the edge to the Yankees, some of the writers emphatically.

  5. Nothing could be worse than what we've witnessed the last six years. Only the Titanic sunk faster.

    There's only real problem: if Steinbrenner thinks he's landed a big fish and he's done all that needs to be done, we're in for a long fruitless season. The kind that San Diego had last year. I'm sure their fans are still in shock.

    Knowing The Intern's skill at selecting and developing pitchers, there's not one arm he gave away we'll miss. Some of us may have been hugging Kyle and King, but none of those guys is going to be knocking on Cooperstown doors in their lifetime.

    And maybe we need to take away Alphonso's belt and shoelaces for the immediate future.

    So, Hal, go back to the yacht and reel in a few more important pieces and maybe the Yankees compete beyond a .500 level. For 2024, it should be entertaining here and there, but you better not sit on your hands until February. You're still Food Stamps Hal until proven otherwise. And you're not there yet.

  6. Alphonso, Dauntless Leader, was certainly right about Cantrun. Awful choice, and I didn't see that one coming at all.

    But all trades are risks. And now, six years on, the Yanks have put themselves in a place where they HAVE to take risks like this.

    This will sink the ship? I got news for you, D.L.: the ship done sunk. This is the equivalent of us trying to raise all those ships at Pearl Harbor from the bottom of the sea.

    DickAllen is right. John Jastremski said the same thing on SNY tonight: last year HAL signed Rodon and announced, "We're not done." But he was.

    If he's done again, then yeah, it's going to be a long season. Though I'd still rather see it with Soto out there than whatever converted minor-league infielder we would've been playing.

    But if HAL is serious—if he's going to sign Yamamoto and probably another couple pitchers...then it's still a crapshoot. But at least it will be an entertaining crapshoot. I'd rather risk this than risk sitting around in five years saying, "If only we hadn't hung on to Jhony Brito!"

  7. I'm with you, Alphonso, all the way on this one.

    We both hail from Yonkers and know a lost cause when we see one.

    Or smell one, in this case...

  8. The Yankees have a pitcher they intend to bring up from AA to help close out games. His name is Davey Jones. And his locker is next to Alphonso's.

  9. I don’t get you guys on this one. For once Cashgrab did what he was supposed to, not just grab a player to fill a need but the best player to fill that need. Soto is a better hitter than Ohtani. Dude hit 35 in a pitchers park and his career batting average is higher that Ohtani’s. He’s also younger. I’ll miss King but not that much, with the amount of innings he threw last year his arm may fall off by June. Brito and Vasquez weren’t exactly top prospects and Thorpe just made aa. Dominguez will push Judge back to right eventually. Not a fan of Verdugo but he’ll do for now.
    We’re all like Charlie Brown staring at the football but on this one I’m willing to take another run at it.

  10. I'm with Jaraxle. Although my instinct as a Yankee fan is to see devastation everywhere--usually--I'll wait and see how this pans out.

    But we definitely need some top-tier starters. We have Cole. And that's it.

  11. I think the point is that this job is only half done. So they shored up the offense some. But the pitching is a huge problem, especially now that three guys who would've been in the rotation or the bullpen are gone. Especially that Rodon will probably pitch worse in 2024 than in 2023. Especially that Matt Blake will still be here in 2024.

    If they don't get Yamamoto, Bauer, Hader, this ship'll go down just like 2023. Only this time it'll be the pitching that kills us.

    Actually, the pitching did kill us in 2023 too. Think about how many games Rodon and Severino blew in the 1st innings last year. Those guys sunk the ship all by themselves. Yeah, the offense was so putrid that everybody said "how can you win with only one hit in nine innings?" and "the nine runs allowed by Severino didn't matter because through nine innings we scored exactly zero fucking runs". But the truth was that those two guys were the elite saboteurs of major league starting pitching. We can't afford another performance like that from our starters.


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