Sunday, December 31, 2023

Two Things...


First of all, can someone explain to me why when I did an image search to get a picture of him this is what came up. It's almost like DuckDuckGo's search engine was trolling Yankee fans. 

I mean, I know he didn't pitch much (or well) for us last year but I'm pretty sure he was on the team. 

As to next year...

If he's hurt he's hurt but if he's not then it will come down to character. 

I don't have a good read other than he is pissy. His blow off kiss to the fans... stuff like that.  

Being pissy can go two ways. If he has a strong character he says, "Screw you! I'm really good and I'll prove it."

If he has a weak character he says, "Screw you! I'm not going to bust my ass for you ingrates. I'll just cash my checks."

Next year will tell us who he really is. Obviously we are hoping for the former and, if that's the case he will be who we thought we were getting (and paying). 

If not, we are mega-screwed. 

Roki Sasaki


"He's the 21-year-old sensation from Japan who's already the most electric pitcher in Nippon Professional Baseball. He's a once-in-a-generation talent in the class of Shohei Ohtani"

OK. Not to nit pick but how can he be a once-in-a-generation talent and then get compared to a person who is both playing and in his prime? That's at least two-in-this-generation, right? 

More importantly, we will not be getting him. The Dodgers will. 

Much like how this picture told the real story of where Yamamoto was going to sign...

Sasaki is pals with and is being mentored by Othani and Yamamoto and, since he's not a true free agent and can only get a few million, being part of a Transformer type superhero rotation in LA is where his big time marketing bucks will be found. 

I hope Hal realizes this early. like now! 


  1. I thought Sasaki wasn't getting free until next season. But never mind; I'm sure Doug's right, and the Monster of the Reiwa Era is not coming to the Bronx.

    If for no other reason than MONEY—always a prevailing concern of Hal's—getting beat out for the Japanese market, and Japanese stars is a huge loss. It's sacrificing probably hundreds of millions of dollars a year, all in all—yet another nail in the coffin of the "Yankees as storied franchise."

    Hal & Cash's nonsense has already given us The New Red Sox Dynasty. Now, their asininity will give us The New Dodgers Dynasty. Happy new year!

  2. Since he has a pal of the "I want to play in LA" Boys, that is where he will want to go. If the Yankees were able to develop young starters, they would not have to rely upon Genius Cashman to do so. Hal needed to resign the Geek/putz GM.

  3. Fucking Giants. Finding new ways to lose.

  4. Hoss - Yes next year but I figure that after we fail to bolster the rotation this year, Hal will pivot to telling us how we are going to get Sasaki next year and I wanted to get ahead of it.

  5. Doug, you may see "pissy," but I see "asshole" when I look at that guy and his behavior. To have *anything* riding solely on him is psychotic. Was it Hoss the other day who was talking about how the great teams always had a lot of redundancy built in? Backups for backups. Cashman really doesn't have much for brains and way too much ego. Do you think that Brian really thinks he's as brilliant as he acts?

    Either way, a Happy New Year to all of my blog compatriots. Tomorrow is a new year and hope dies hard, as the old Cubs fans used to say...


  6. I would like to wish all on here the happiest and most importantly the healthiest of New Years

    Wrote a wee song for you with apologies to Rabbie

    Should old line-ups be forgot,
    and never brought to mind?
    For Hal's tight purse strings seem to knot,
    for auld lang syne.

    For auld lang syne, my Yanks,
    For auld lang syne,
    We'll drink a cup o' 10 bucks beer,
    for auld lang syne.

    No more Jeters or Riveras, to lead us through the storm,
    No more Ruths or Mantles, to keep our spirits warm,
    We're left with empty promises, and players who don't shine,
    Oh, how we miss the days of yore, the days of Auld Lang Syne.

    For the sake of auld lang syne, my dears,
    For the sake of auld lang syne
    They've let our fans down one too many years
    For the sake of auld lang syne

    In the realm of Yankee lore, where legends used to shine,
    A decision was made, that totally blew our mind,
    The chance to sign Bryce Harper, a star so bright and fine,
    Now were stuck with Quad A cast of glee for Auld Land Syne.

    For auld lang syne my dears
    For auld lang syne
    Let hope Cashman's abseil rope snaps
    For the sake of Auld Lang syne

    To my American buds on this blog so dear,
    For the laughs and friendship, we hold near,
    Through screens and keyboards, our bond is defined,
    Thank you, dear pals, for Auld Lang Syne.

    For auld lang syne,
    May next year see a change,
    and much mair wins,
    for auld lang syne.

  7. Mr. Scott


    And Happy New Year to you and to all the rest of this Ship of Fools. :)

  8. Take us to Warp Speed, Mr Scott.



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