Thursday, December 21, 2023

Twuz the Night Before Sterling: An IT IS HIGH holiday traditon



  1. You know, I don't think I ever watched that, or at least watched it all the way through. Of course, I see TV shows and movies I've watched before but had no memory of them. It makes aging a delightful romp through all kinds of forgotten entertainment.

    But to get back to the subject at hand...I was laughing out loud and, as usual, my wife is in the next room, thinking I'm just a wee bit out of my gourd. Which I am, so that's fair.

    Today is the shortest day of the year, but every day is long and tense as we wait for Yamamoto to make uppa his mind. And Cashman to take his next steps in supercharging the bullpen, which we know will be a disaster since what we really need are starters who don't suck and can pitch six or seven innings into a game. But such is the genius of The Brain.

  2. Great news from earlier this week that I missed: Dillon Lawson has signed on to be the Red Sox "hitting coordinator."

    Bwahahahahahaha! We can now sit back and watch him fuck up their hitters.

    Swing hard, boys!! Every time!! Go for the seats, regardless of what's going on in the game!!!

  3. I had never watched it either, JM. Great work, o Peerless One.


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