Wednesday, January 24, 2024

As they wait on pitchers, Yankees assert bold new fashion upgrades to unsightly road getups

And so it goes...

The Yankees, seeking to bury the last 50 years, will adopt a look from 1974, back when Ron Blomberg and Bobby Murcer wore flannels, except that these jerseys won't be flannel, they'll just look that way, without the embarrassing white outlining and sleeve trim that has tortured us ever since - and, if you're scoring at home, this is the first time in the history of this blog that "white outlining and sleeve trim" have appeared. And friends, there are moments - random, seemingly inconsequential moments - in the life of every dumb cluck fan, when you must stand back like D
ostoyevsky, ponder the unponderable, and ask what the fuck is going on inside the Yankee hive brain? 

The team, the franchise, the world, is staggering toward a cliff, and somebody took the time to sell a uniform change - no more white outlining and sleeve trim - to Hal 9000. Was it a sister? A Steinbrenner granddaughter who went to RISD? Cashman? Boone? Did Luke Weaver, as a condition of his new digs, say, "Fuck them goddamm white outlines and sleeve trim, I aint playing for no fashion abomination!" 

Yes, we have achieved the moment in every offseason where the only change is change, itself. This particular tweak could have flown 20,000 feet above us, well into June before we noticed - yet here we are, absorbing it with our daily meds and media-driven despair. Last summer, a much more apparent fashion bomb exploded in our zeitgeist: The Starr Insurance money patch appeared where black armbands once memorialized Yankee immortals. 

So, the Yankees road costumes will no longer feature white outlines and sleeve trim, and that's today's news. Blake Snell remains in limbo. So does Jordan Montgomery.  Last month, their futures seemed imminent. But something happened - way up there, in the stratospheric realm of money - something we may never know. A week from February, the two best free agent pitchers - according to MLB track records - remain unsigned. A huge balance of power is still out there, waiting to land somewhere. 

If the Yankees were to sign either, they would quickly become the team to beat in the AL East, if not the league. 

Instead, the Yankees are tweaking their road pajamas. I am speechless. Calgon Bath Beads, take me away!


  1. We have bigger, much worse tasting fish to fry.

  2. Oh, so you think there might be something going on inside the Yankees collective brain?

    It is dead, and not the barest trace of a fresh wind has disturbed the accumulating dust for years.

    Soon it will become decades, and no one will care what the corpse is wearing.

  3. Their thinking is...

    Fan One: Oh you're still wearing the old road uniform with the white trim? I just got the new one. New year. New look.

    Fan Two: Wait. Give me a second... I just ordered it. Let's talk hats.


  4. So Snell and Boras want more money than he's worth, that I get. But according to all the "reports," Monty wants to stay in Texas, yet he's still unsigned and the journalistic jabbering about him has dried up.

    The mystery deepens.

  5. JM

    Did Texas get their TV rights issue settled? There may be a cash flow issue there. Monty is very solid - not sure he is much more than that. Very solid is good. Guess no one wants to pay "great" money for solid.

    Snell can be great. Just not all the time. Hard to pay for that as well.

  6. Snell can be great, but he's only done it once, arguably, and only had one more year that was also terrific.

    In the other six seasons he's pitched? Not so hot. At all.

    So up til now, he's got a one in three shot at a very good year, and two out of three chance to reach the heights of mediocrity.

    I think I'd rather have Monty.


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