Sunday, January 14, 2024

Dear Mr. Steinbrenner, I hate to say this, but you really need to step up and sign Blake Snell

Hello, Mr. Hal, 

According to the Internet, Blake Snell and his evil manager, Scott Boras, recently rebuffed your 5-year, $150 million contract offer, demanding at least one more year... the bastards.

We both know what this would mean: You'd be paying Snell top dollar at age 37 or beyond, when he'll be a certified "Stinker" by Rotten Tomatoes, another Carl Pavano or Javier Vasquez, or any of the late-life zombies who washed ashore in the Bronx and shat the bed.

I get it. Overpay for Snell, you are pissing away good Bitcoin for a 31-year-old, five-inning starter, who issues too many walks, who is ripe for elbow surgery, and who - between his Cy Young seasons - has been J.A. Happ with a Van Dyke.  

You and me, we can remember when a $30 million pitcher was something to behold - a 6'11" Big Unit or steroidal Rocket Clemens -  a freak of nature who cast fear not only in opposing dugouts, but throughout entire ballparks. Nowadays, $30 mill? That's chump change. That barely buys you a congressman, or gets your name on a thruway rest stop. Elon Musk wouldn't wipe his butt for $30 million, so let's not insult God by offering less.

The thing is, Blake Snell may not be what we want. But he's what we can get. 

With Snell, the Yankees would open spring training next month with six starters, the minimum for any contending team in the Age of Tommy John. 

Sign Blake Snell, and the Yankees have a puncher's chance in '24. He's not Koufax, but that 2.25 ERA last year? It didn't pitch itself.

Let him go, and in the end, you'll end up pissing away $30 million in salary dumps and bad trades, desperately seeking to fill 150 innings. 

Sign Blake Snell, and you'll have done your job as Yankee owner. Whatever happens, you'll have tried. We won't call you cheap. We won't call the Steinbrenners "the Sackler family of baseball." 

Let him go, and just watch: He'll sign with a rival. We'll face him in June, the Subway Series, or early October, if we're still playing. And he'll hate us. You know why? Because you dissed him this winter. They all do. That's the burden of being the Yankees. We no longer generate the love and respect that we once did. But we still bring the resentment.  

Sign Blake Snell - it's only money! - and, at least for another year, you will bestride New York City as a colossus, as King Tit! Sir, the barbarians are at the gate. The Mets are rising, and Stevie Cohen lurks everywhere. If the Yankees lose NYC, it will be a decade, maybe longer, and cost far more than $30 million before you win it back. 

So, summarizing... 

Sign Blake Snell, sign Blake Snell, for your own sake... sign Blake Snell! 


  1. They won't sign him. The offer was designed to seem viable but also to be rejected so that Hal wouldn't actually have to cough it up.


    Wouldn't it be great if anyone acutally said the same thing about our coaching staff and front office?

    Spoiler alert: they won't.

  3. Spoiler Alert:

    The real reason why the Yankees will not sign Snell is because it would be a never ending nightmare having two Blakes on the same team.

    Ain’t gunna happen.

  4. "And so here I am as the Chief of Bleeding Yankee Blue actually wondering if I really want to do this anymore. I'm sitting here wondering if it's worth my time, Suzie and Jeana's time to continue to write about the Yankees where I have literally lost the passion for. I forgot what truly being a fan is. I am confused with our decisions, disappointed in our GM's arrogance and wondering when we will actually climb the mountain again."

    We're all where Robert Casey is. And BYB is an excellent Yankees blog, worth your time, imo.

  5. Say what you will about the Sacklers...and there's plenty to say...but their product at least made people feel good for a little while. Not so the Steinbrenners (at least not lately).

  6. Reply from Hal. Sir El Duque. You do not realize how muxh it costs to run a NY Team. The cost of lettuce and tomoatoes is high in Tamoa. Hal Steinbrenner


  7. So the rotation would then be

    Gerrit Cole -- just turned 33 years old
    Blake Snell -- just turned 31 years old
    Carlos Rodeon -- just turned 31 years old
    Nestor -- just turned 29

    ...all 4 of those guys had birthdays last month


    Clark Schmidt - turns 28 next month

    Sounds like plenty of work for the medical team, doesn't it?


    ALSO: B4 signing Snell (or not) --

    The 39-man roster now has 18 pitchers and 5 catchers.

    The 40th guy? GStanton.

  8. I agree with you El Duque 90% of the time....but not on Snell. Signing Snell would perpetuate the mistake of overpaying talent on long-term contracts which is the Cashman Special. And here are the main reasons why I would let some other team play the sucker this time:

    Yes, I know Snell won the CY Young this year but if you look at the 4 years in between his 2 CY's, his ERA has been close to 4, averaged 103 innings per year-hardly an innings eater and death on bullpen arms. If we want to be charitable and count last year's numbers to his stats, the average only goes up to 118 innings. Additionally, he averages 5 1/3 innings per start. Ouch! Also, he had the worst walk ratio of any MLB starter!
    Think about that.....especially in Yankee Stadium where home runs abound.

    If he came at a reasonable market price, sure, then sign him. But he won' don't.
    Look at it like this: Last year, Chris Bassitt, Nathan Eovaldi, and Zach Efron were aggregately signed for 25 million less than what The Genius paid Rodon but averaged 174 innings and posted an ERA of 3.57. Comparably, signing Strohman was a basement bargain. Sabean and Minaya should nail Cashman's hands to the table.

    As Mayor Koch frequently stated: " If you agree with me 90% of the time and you're a genius; If you agree with me 100% of the time, seek psychiatric help"!

  9. Ed Koch also had his voice booming out of speakers mounted on top of NYC garbage trucks and sweepers, urging New Yorkers to either keep their city clean or move their vehicles so they could clean the streets. It always made me smile...

  10. AA,

    That 5 o'clock shadow is a little rough.

  11. During the one year that Ed replaced Judge Wapner due to healtapedth reasons on "The People's Court", at Rangers games, when the opposition was called for whatever particular infraction, Koch would appear on the four-sided center ice scoreboard with a pre-taped recording in judge's robes.
    " Eh, that'll be two minutes for cross-checking. Now hurry off to the penalty box"!


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