Sunday, January 21, 2024

With Blake Snell still out there, it's time for Yank fans to decide what they stand for

According to the Internet, the Yankees recently offered Blake Snell a $150 million, six-year deal, and it remains the only piece of paper that the pitcher has received this winter with an actual dollar figure on it. 

Supposedly, Snell's nefarious manager - The Sheik - tore up the contract, dusted his hands with fentanyl, and now vows to destroy not only Brian Cashman, but Bruno Sanmartino, when they face off Feb. 3 at Desi's Oysterama in downtown Elmira, good seats still available. Incensed over The Sheik's antics, the Yankees signed Marcus Stroman, who had been a bad guy but is now a good guy. Are you tracking this?

Bottom line: Snell remains a free agent pitcher while the Yankees desperately turn over rocks in search of, gulp, free agent pitching. 

With all due respect to you, dear readers, I sometimes wonder what the eff is going on around here? Since when do we side with Food Stamps Hal Steinbrenner on money matters?

Remember, as Yank fans...

We should never worry about the price of players. That's for Brewers fans. 

We are the Billionaire Boys Club. When a player reaches free agency, even if we don't need him, we should demand him.  

We are supposed be "Jolene," from the Dolly Parton song. Homely small market fans should beg us hotties not to steal their man, just because we can. 

Now, I get it that some of you feel guilty about your incredible beauty and unlimited wealth. You want to help the poor, ugly, small marketeers. It saddens you to tear another rising star from his loving home, bringing him to NYC to be eaten alive by an unrelenting biomass of hookers, waitresses, actresses and sideline reporters. 

It's okay if KC signs a star now and then. But in the end, the Yankees are supposed to vacuum up players, even if we don't need them. Remember Jason Giambi? Remember Moose Mussina? 

I know what you're thinking: But Duque, the Yankees aren't the Yankees anymore. The Dodgers are now baseball's marquee team. The Yankees might not even be runner-up. You're thinking of how it was, not how it is.

Yeah, okay, I hear you. But when we accept that role, we are siding with Hal Steinbrenner in contract negotiations, something we should never do. When we accept Hal's frugality, we let him off the hook. 

That's why I say this: 

Blake Snell is still out there. Sign him, for God sake! Do that, and the Yankees open camp as favorites to win the AL East. Let him go elsewhere - and Toronto is a distinct possibility - and we will be chasing a wild card. And Hal will think we're okay with that, because he saved himself some money.


  1. I can safely say that Cashman would fail the Iron Sheik's Persian Club challenge...

  2. It has nothing to do with the money, it has everything to do with Snell throwing 180 innings last year after not throwing more than 130 for several years before that. He is going to be on the injured list by June. There’s a reason not one single team has come close to offering him what he wants. You think the Rondon signing was bad? Wait to you see Snell’s arm fall off

  3. Duque:
    Hal's concerns are the payroll more than a World Series. That is one of the problems. My wife and I opted out of season's tickets after 17 years. We did out part.

  4. Snell was good last year and great in 2018. That's it. Otherwise, he's so-so.

    You'd think that would make him catnip for Cashman and Hal, but maybe they're actually smarter than that.

    Oh, come on, who am I kidding...

  5. It is interesting that the Cy Young Award winner has only received one offer thus far.


  6. There are dogs that like to chase moving cars. They bark. We hear 'em.

    There are dog that like to chase parked cars. We don't hear much from them.

    The NYYs like to chase the wild card. No bark. No bite. Just facial impact....

  7. Me still thinks that in addition to the money, the reason why the Yankees are dragging their feet on Snell is because of the chaos that having two Blakes on the team would cause for everyone behind the scenes in baseball operations, from the laundry room to the board room.

    Until they get rid of their pitching coach they won’t sign Snell.

    Next caller is Bitsy from the Bronx…

  8. Oh . . . and I greatly enjoyed the post today, E.D.

  9. L&G, I’d say we’re basically done for the winter. A mid level reliever a possibility. No Snell, no Monty….

  10. There is no hope until HAL sells the team.

    Which will not happen in my lifetime.

    Life sucks. Then you die. And Mickey Mouse is just another little rat.

    At least Todd Bowles press conferences are funny.

  11. Bread.

    And beer.

    And wine.

    And fatty foods.

    So, basically anything that tastes good.

    HAL is still an asshole.


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