Saturday, February 10, 2024

A week before camps open, why are so many top free agents out there? And why is the AL East so quiet?

Heading into Supe Sunday - as we wonder if Tortured Poet Tay can get from Tokyo to the big game -  let us ponder a diversion: 

The list of currently unsigned free MLB agents:

Cody Bellinger
Matt Chapman
Blake Snell
Jordan Montgomery
Jorge Soler
J.D. Martinez
Tim Anderson
Gio Urshela 
Michael Taylor
Tommy Pham
Garret Cooper 

Hmm. Not bad. Pick a lineup from the above, and you might win the AL Central. 

It raises a couple questions: 

On Supe Bowl Eve, why is everything so quiet, so still? WTF?

Honestly? Dunno. But somethin aint right. It's as if the larded lords of MLB have silently vowed to sit on their pimpled rumps and outwait their one true rival - the players union, which they must deal with to run their money factory.

Right now, if you discard price tags, four free agents could clearly help the Yankees. 

Jordan Montgomery and Blake Snell would bolster a thin rotation. Matt Chapman and Gio Urshela would take over 3B and free the Yanks to trade for pitching.

In an alt-Yankiverse, you might add Garret Cooper - (17 HRs and .271 last year) - to backup Anthony Rizzo, in case his swirlies return. Nobody else, unless you planned an overhaul.   

With sights set on a wild card, and a roster full of "maybe's," the Yankees appear to be stone cold done. But why has Toronto been so docile? The Jays have the money; they own Canada. Two months ago, they shook the world for one brief night in their (albeit-failed) pursuit of Shohei Ohtani. Since then, radio silence. Same with the Mets and, to a lesser degree, Boston. They went to the ledge on Yoshi Yamamoto. Ever since, they've been lurking, lying in wait, quiet... too quiet.

Yesterday, The Athletic graded each MLB team for its offseason moves. The Jays, Redsocks and Rays received Ds. (Baltimore, teacher's pet, got an A; the Yankees got a B.)

In a normal year, Supe Sunday weekend would be the perfect time for such a parlor game. But this aint normal. Something's going on. A dam is about to break. Once upon a time, they called it "collusion." Now, it's "brinksmanship." It's the way everybody conducts business. So be it, I guess. But as a Yankee fan, it sure  would be nice if Hal showed the spine to break with his Billionaire Gentleman's Club.


  1. There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Duquetio, than are dreamt of in our philosophy.

    Meaning, I have no idea what the fuck is going on. Does anybody? The colluders? Scott Boras? Bueller?

    Somebody must know somthin'...

  2. I'm reposting this comment because I just put it on Hoss's post from yesterday, and I bet nobody sees it there:

    I guess maybe I should've done more research.

    Hoss, I take it back. Let's NOT sign Bauer.


  3. It’s a free market, and more money (in total) has been spent on FA’s this off-season than the last 2 combined.
    Just like with teams, there are winners and losers in free agency. These guys may be the losers. Everybody wants $200M, but everybody can’t have $200M . Most of these players will be signed eventually. I’d rather see more money spent on scouting, coaching, and player development.

  4. The Yankees are right up against the stupid top tier for the luxury tax so whomever they sign the cost is basically X2 and makes it harder to reset next year.

    That they are right on the edge of the max tax and still have so many gaps to fill is, of course, the fault of our inept GM. It's too bad because Urshala would be a really good inexpensive signing.

    I would still look to trade Gleyber for pitching and/or to free up some money to plug another hole.

  5. We could trade Gleyber for pitching, sign Gio, and put DJ at second. That would help in a few ways. But I have an unsettling feeling that Gleyber is going to be a lifer at second. Could be wrong. Usually am. The problem is, so is Cashman.

  6. A more apt quote might be, "something is rotten in the state of Denmark."

    Why is it that the Yankees, apparently, were willing to throw 300M at Yamamoto and give him a lifetime ticket, but they sniff but won't buy Monty or Snell at half the price? Or...

    Yeah, never mind.

    I saw Cashman climbing out of a dumpster bin at the Stop and Shop. He stopped to talk to a couple of stock clerks. Looking for talent, as always!

  7. @Doctor T the Yankees literally offered Snell half of what they offered YY, he wants way more than that.

  8. Doctor T

    If I had to guess I'd say that Yamamoto sells tickets and merch and creates fans in Japan. Snell (and Monty) not so much.

    So, even at 300M it was a money maker for the Yankees.

  9. JM, that's very big of you—as usual. And hey, I was tempted by the idea of getting Bauer, too, who did get screwed in that criminal case. I just think he's a land mine, waiting to go off. Is he being blacklisted, ranger? Could be—but I think it's too similar to German. Yes, he did not get due process. No, we do not need him around, being crazy...

  10. ...As to who we DO get...

    An actually competent GM would look at that list and lick his chops. He would be drooling over all the options.

    One-year deals to some of these guys, so they can prove themselves all over again? Yes, as Doug points out, you're already up against the luxury tax (which HAL has just got to learn to ignore), but then maybe you can deal some other guys.

    I would see what it would take to lure Monty back, and get Cody on board (so we can trade Vertigo for pitching). I would see what Snell might take in a one-year deal. I'd think about Gio and Cooper. I'd even consider Martinez.

    But we won't. It's a sad day when the Knicks' front office can run rings around us.

  11. HEHEHE:


  12. I’ve been looking to trade Torres for 2 years now. He’s a FA after next season and he’ll want
    200M. I think the team will want to extend him as a fan favorite (anything to fleece the rubes, and winning be damned), and his return value drops every day he’s here.

  13. . . . . we all should remember that every move that Ca$Hal makes in 2024 and beyond will be influenced by the findings of ALL those hard working people over at Zelus Analytics ( . . . .

    So, if Zelus recommended not signing any over-valued pitchers and waiting until the trade deadline to move Gleyber to maintain a scintilla of payroll flexibility, well you can bet your stinky beer ball of Schlitz Light that they will listen.

    . . . and now, this:


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