Thursday, March 21, 2024


 Just prepare yourselves, folks. 

I watch the yankees and I see strike outs.

 I judge prospects on whether they go down looking or make contact.  All the " prospects"  ( now getting old ) whose first name starts with an "O"..... tend to prefer that called third strike.  Go down looking.  Meekly 

And it is true that most won't make the big club, at least not on opening day.  

But strike outs are like a sneaky virus.  You may not see them coming but they invade a team. It often begins with a bad call or two.  Then the batter " over-reaches," because the umpire can't be trusted. 

Then that breaker in the dirt. 

And so it goes.  The sniffles, the cough, the mild fever. Bed rest.  Losses. 

This team will stultify the fans again.  By mid August, the 5th grade art show at the local YMCA will be more exciting. 

Baseball for Yankee fans is just not the same, anymore.  

And we have to accept that and move on. 

That isn't easy to do.  And it breeds alcoholism.  

Which is serious. 


  1. Some random comments.

    Alphonso - yes. The big difference between this year & last will be they’ll lose some games 13-11 instead of 3-1.

    Dick Allen - excellent post.

    Carl - having just found I’m being laid off in a few weeks I’ll be happy to travel up to NY & meet at a local pub for a game. Since my wife said I can take a break from work as long as I clean the house every month, I should have the time.

    Hoss - enjoying the book.

    Go Knicks.

  2. Alphonso...great uplifting post...

  3. If only Genius Cashman and super nerd, Fishman say things the way you do, Alphonso.

  4. Swish, of course, being the shortened nickname of Nick Swisher. Before that, it referred to gentlemen who were light in the loafers. Which is a phrase I'd love to know the origins of.

  5. Thanks, Hinkey. And sorry about the job. Love to see you in NYC.

  6. JM, I'm guessing it comes from sashaying about, as gay men were alleged to do.

    Also, "sashay" is a great word.


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