Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Dynasty What Never Was: New York Yankees, 2017-2024


And...the window is now officially shut.

Yet another year full of major injuries before spring training is even halfway over.

Yet another year in which we were already short on bullpen, short on bench, short on starting pitching, to begin with.

Yet another year in which we needed to get through a whole season without injuries to aging players...who were constantly injured even when they weren't so old.

Yet another year in which every perfectly predictable thing is going wrong.  

Yet another year in which the everlasting constant—Brian Cashman as general manager—is still in place.

RIP, New York Yankees, 2017-2024, the dynasty what never was.  

Will there be another Yankees' dynasty? Impossible to say. It certainly won't happen in our lifetimes—or in Hal's. Cashman may finally go as the decline continues, but chances are that he will be replaced by someone just like him, an office politician who has no clue about baseball.  And even when Hal goes, who's to say he won't be replaced by a Steinbrenner just as clueless.

It's all right. Nothing lasts forever, and we got to see the best of it—or at least some of the best.

Slam that window shut and bolt it. The opening is gone, and we surely don't want to see what's going on inside now.


  1. When the Yankees travel to the away team's ballparks which are all nearby, Cashman rides the short bus.

  2. Yeah, Hoss, it looked like it would be great, but then kerblooey.

    We'll always have the 90s.


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