Friday, March 22, 2024

Yanks Ink New Executive.


Lonn Trost, the Yankees' chief operating officer and general gargoyle, announced today that the team had signed a top new executive, Ricky Schadenfreude, to run the team's Reveling in the Misfortunes of Others Department.

"Ricky might be new in the Bronx, but he has a long record of running Schadenfreude operations in Flushing and Cleveland, always encouraging baseball fans in those forlorn outposts to look past their own teams' troubles, and rejoice in the sudden calamities that seem to fall so often upon our Yankees," Trost gurgled. 

"In light of the fact that, let's face it, we're no longer even trying to put together a championship team, we can count on Ricky teaching us how to take greater pleasure in the failure of others."

Trost would not comment when asked if he meant any team in particular, such as the Los Angeles Dodgers.

(With apologies to BTR999.)


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