Friday, April 19, 2024

A Yankee Radio Thought

 Those of us who grew up going to games at the old yankee stadium grew accustomed to the sonorous and comforting voice of Bob Shepard on the PA system.

He welcomed us to Yankee stadium and announced all changes of importance during the games. His voice announced many of the most classic moments in Yankee history. 

YES understood the value and fan connectivity of that voice.  So they bought the rights to use Bob's voice for all eternity.   You even hear it in their advertisements for the YES. network itself ( ugh ). But any time I hear it, I am comforted.  I remain connected. 

So. why not do the same for some of John's great broadcasting calls? 

 "It is high, is is out of here...." Or more to the point, His Yankees Win Warble. " The Yankees Win....Theeeeeeeee. Yankees. .....winnnnnn!"

Use The Win Warble  every time on radio, whenever the Yankees win, regardless of the Syracuse University trained journalistic sports marketing marvel who is calling  the play by play. 

It comes Yankee Radio's version of Bob Shepard.

It would honor John forever, and keep us feeling connected forever. 

And it would be so easy to accomplish. 


  1. I second this. That would be great. The live announcer can say or exclaim "And the Yankees win!" Then hit a button and play John's warble.

    Reminds me of what radio DJs used to do to trigger a sound effect or special voice recordings. (When Frankie Crocker was on WBLS in the 70s, he had a little tape cartridge with a chorus sing-songing "Frankie Crocker", and then a sultry female voice that added, "He's my hero." Ah, the good old days.)

    It's a time-honored radio tradition. And John would be great to hear with every win.

  2. Hear hear. Henceforth, "The Yankees Win! Tttthhhheeee Yankees WIN!" Should lead into "New York, New York" after every home victory.

  3. YES YES YES!!!! This is a brilliant idea, long live the WinWaaaaaaarble!!!!!!

  4. Burdi to the IL with “right hip inflammation”

    Not sure if it’s his pitching hip or not

  5. All the more reason to take in a Hudson Valley game:

    Too bad the kid can't hit.

  6. That was an insane play. Holy cow.

  7. So the docs say DJ's foot isn't healing. He shouldn't be allowed to play. And of course, Boone Brain says let's go. So, they'll cripple the guy.


    DJ LeMahieu said that an MRI taken last night showed a lack of healing and doctors were not comfortable with him beginning a rehab assignment. He is frustrated and hopes to be playing in 3-4 days.

    Aaron Boone said DJ LeMahieu is now targeting Tuesday for the start of his assignment.

  8. Re DJLM, how can they go against the Dr’s. recommendations?

  9. Alphonso again with the Solomonic solution.

  10. Hey, where is everyone?

    That was just a strange play with Judge.

    Beautiful DP there, Volpe and Gleyber. Nice ending.

    Thuuuuuuuuh Yankees win!!!

  11. If his foot isn't healing what will 4 or 5 extra days do for that process? Nothing! What a fucking joke. And now there should be no questions about why the Yankees always happen to get fleeced in trading and end up with severely injured players, particularly pitchers.

  12. Love that idea, Alphonso.

    AND...while I missed the game...I got home to see Ch. 2's tribute to The Master on the nightly news. They had various fans, including little kids, do a certified Sterling win warble. The last one—who turned in a pretty fair rendition—clearly had a foreign accent. And after giving it, he laughed joyfully, and said he was from The Netherlands.

    I want to put this out here and get a straight answer:

    URBAN FARMER, ARE YOU IN THE U.S.??? Could it be you snuck into town and didn't tell us, your warbling compatriots, in this time of stress???

    I want answers! After all, how many Dutch people could there be? 17.7 million, according to Wiki. But still!

  13. Incidentally, the Mets savaging the Dodgers, 9-4, going into the 9th in Chavez Ravine. Super Team about to fall to 12-10. Awww...

  14. I am humbled. I should have thought of this.

    Fuck Hal. Fuck Big Papi to while your at it.


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