Thursday, April 11, 2024

I'll just leave this here



  1. Hey, that looks so good! So good, like sugar and spice and everything nice!

  2. You know, if you have an hour to kill since the Yankees are off ...

    ... here is nearly a full hour of Norm McDonald's OJ Simpson jokes from Weekend Update on SNL:

    (You know, maybe "hour to kill" wasn't the best way to put that)

  3. KC is mashing early in the season, They have the highest run differential in baseball. Plus the most stolen bases in AL and # 2 in ERA (Yankees are just behind them). Who has the best ERA in baseball you ask? The Red Sox is led by Tanner Houck, who previously had a 15-19 MLB record.

  4. I understand that Mizuhara has also confessed to killing Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

    What, too soon?

  5. Hoss, I'm loving your new book. Reading it slowly, a few pages a night, cause I'm shot these days, but it's pulled me away from my Osip Mandelstam/Isaac Babel deep dive and is a welcome respite from the gulag.

    Now, the REAL LIFE 2024 team, on the other hand. I know you are all thinking the Juju gods are giving us all a golden handjob, but it's the opposite. Put on your crash helmets, men and ladies, and prepare for the pineapple parade.

  6. Bitty,

    From your reading list, it looks like the Yankees management is less depressing.

    Please stay away from tall bridges and on-coming trains. We like you here to cheer us up.

  7. Thanks so much, Bitty! And yes, take care of yourself. And careful with anything too Russian. They're brilliant, those people—but so depressing!

  8. "Hypothetically, if you want, a hypothetical...I went down to Boonie. We didn't argue, we don't really argue, you know, he knows better. He said it wasn't a great idea, leave well enough alone, but it wasn't just this, nor really. It was the accumulation of a lot of bullshit the last couple years. There was a lot of, I can't control what people want to say, you know. So maybe, a fight, I don't know, and I remember, yeah I remember getting the iPad from the analytic department intern who was with me, and then....sorry to do this again, you know, but I gotta say all this is hypothetical...yeah, I don't remember anything after that really. Just the next thing I see, next thing I remember, is Volpe leading off. And it was a scene like I'd never seen before in my life. Such carnage..."-- Brian Cashman, 4-11-24

  9. The Analytic Intern would be a great name for a novel or movie.

    Hoss, I finished your book in several days because you had me hooked from page one. It's truly great. I hadn't known about the incompetence of the Yankees medical and training staff when it came to DiMaggio. So we have a history of sucking in that department, it seems.

    Really appreciated the stories about the Black and Hispanic teams and personalities. Makes me want to read more about that. You got any recommendations?

    Stellar job, sir. Stellar.


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