Thursday, May 2, 2024

"I mean, they're not crazy. Right?"


So May 1st marked the 104th anniversary of Babe Ruth's first home run as a New York Yankee. The Babe had had an absolutely wretched spring training, jumping into the stands at one point to fight a heckler—and nearly getting knifed in the bargain. 

Once the season started, he was no better. In April, he managed to hurt himself, insisted on playing centerfield (where he lost a game with his glove), and hit all of .226, with no home runs, and a Gleyberian 3 RBI in 9 games. 

He seemed to be living up to Red Sox owner Harry Frazee's characterization of him as an out-of-shape prima donna, and "one of the most inconsiderate men that ever wore a baseball uniform." 

The Yankees, favored in many circles to take the 1920 AL gonfalon, lost their first four games to Boston, while Frazee's My Lady Friends was enjoying an epic, six-month run on W. 41st St.'s Comedy Theatre—and soon to be the musical smash, No, No, Nanette.

The Red Sox were in first at 10-2; the Yanks sixth, at 4-7.

Then, on May Day, Ruth hit a titanic blast against Boston at the Polo Grounds, his favorite ballpark, and drove in another run with a double. Bob Shawkey pitched a four-hit shutout, and all was right with the world. The Babe went on to nearly double his own home-run record, with 54 on the season. The Red Sox would stink for the next 15 years.

So, is Aaron Judge about to go on a tear that will see him hit, say, 120 homers?  

Not hardly.

The other night on SNY's great sports wrap-up show, the estimable Anthony McCarron was on talking about what was wrong with Yankee bats. When he got to Judge, he repeated the same thing that all reasonable people are saying, which was something along the lines of:

"Judge will come around. The only other explanation for why he's doing so badly is that he's hurt, and the Yankees would not keep playing him if he's hurt. I mean, they're not crazy. Right?"

Oh, my. We've brought in Betty White from her Mary Tyler Moore years to give one of her classic riffs on Gavin MacLeod:

"Oh, Anthony. Poor, sweet, wonderful, rational Anthony. Of course the Yankees would play Judge while he's injured. They will play anybody when they're injured."

These are, after all, the same New York Yankees who played Anthony Rizzo last year for, what, three months after he was clearly concussed. 

The same Yankees who pitched Luis Severino for half-a-season after he had clearly hurt his arm pitching against the Red Sox in 2018. The same Yankees who played Judge himself for half-a-year, after he hurt himself at MLB's idiotic, All-Star Game home run derby, in 2017.

We're not even talking about just the Cashman Yankees. Our Bronx Bombers have made it a tradition to play all sorts of stars even when they're injured. 

They put the Babe into an exhibition game with an injured ankle, late in the 1923 season, even with the World Series looming. This is the same franchise that kept insisting Joe DiMaggio play with bad feet and legs their incompetent medical staff managed to injure—the same club that kept putting Mickey Mantle out there on one leg, and insisted there was nothing wrong with Roger Maris when he had a broken hand.

Just in case people haven't been paying attention, Aaron Judge is now botching balls in the field, too.

Aaron Judge has now hit into 10 double-plays—a figure that would give him 51 for the season, and easily smash Jim Ed Rice's record of 36. 

Aaron Judge is on a pace to strikeout nearly 200 times, a frequency we have not seen since the 208 in his rookie year.

Are the Yankees crazy? 

OF COURSE they're crazy! Crazy for maximum, short-term profits within the parameters of the cartel they belong to, without any regard to the long-term damage to their product, their brand, or the satisfaction of their customers.

They're crazy the way all of American capitalism has been, at least since the first devil's imp opened the first business school, and declared that all businesses were essentially the same. They're crazy the way GM could be the biggest car seller in the world for 75 years or so, and go belly-up in 2009. They're crazy the way New York landlords have basically filled the streetscape in much of Manhattan with buzzshops and nail salons, rather than ever settle on an affordable commercial rent.

Yes, they are crazy. And yes, Judge is injured. And no, they will not stop playing him until he has to be carried off the field.


  1. Fucking Yankees. Worst organization in baseball, bar none.

  2. To Hammer's great points in the last post:

    —Yes, WTF would they move around Judge? But again, this comes down to the HAL and the Brain Show. They refused to spend on Bellinger, a former MVP who had a great comeback season last year, and who CAN play CF. Instead, they insisted on giving up young arms to get Verdugo, who CAN'T play CF, and has never attained anything like Bellinger's prowess. AND who is a free agent after this year.

    More proof, incidentally, that they don't intend to keep Soto, thinking they can just stick Judge in CF for a year. What does anyone want to bet that the Yanks are right now planning to have Judge in RF for 2025, Trent Grisham in CF, and Spencer or The Martha in LF? We'll be told all about how they have enough hitting to accommodate Grisham's limp stick...which they won't.

  3. And I think Hammer's right about Oswaldo.

    I have to admit, I rolled my eyes in disgust, watching him duck away from Gleyber's awful throw the other night like a Little Leaguer afraid of being hit by the ball. But I guess, with Gleyber, you never know. He might have been accidentally throwing a death star down to third.

    It was great watching Cabrera come back to pool-shoot that homer in the corner pocket last night. Especially great because it was the only damned runs we scored.

  4. A few hundred years ago when I was in middle school there was this "problem" child that would run up to random students at their lockers in the morning after being dropped of by the bus and say in an exaggerated parental voice:


    Well - I don't think any of us pooped in our soup and after a few weeks that kid was disappeared to a different school, never to be seen again.

    But for some reason this morning, after reading E.D.'s post I remember the Soup Pooper kid and thought:

    This Yankees Organization HAVE CERTAINLY POOPED IN THEIR SOUP!

    There's really no other explanation.

    And if that Kid . . . if he's still around and has grown up into a functional adult that's a Yankees fan who happens to read this blog - I just wanted to say:

    THANK YOU for letting us all know what is wrong with this team.

  5. They figured out Rodon by the second time through.

    162 million.

  6. Soto triples. The one-man offense.

  7. At least Gleyber Cano is in mid-season form.

  8. What a perfectly ridiculous team.

  9. I’ve said from the beginning that Cabrera is a 26th man super utility type, nothing more. He has value as such, but simply isn’t good enough to be an everyday player. He’ll be back around .200 before the end of the month.

    Well, another pathetic misplay by Torres as he tried to barehand that short toss. He is an absolute millstone around the teams neck.

    Behind 7-1 on getaway day, games over. Losing 3 out of 4 to a younger, hungrier, BETTER team is exactly what we should expect.

    Torres now with a garbage time HR. (yawns)

  10. Torres just making up for the unearned run he allowed.

    These guys look bad. Hardly world beaters.

  11. Judge heading towards a 200k season.

  12. The ALL IMPORTANT LOSS COLUMN is looking more and more concerning.

    Fuck Hal. Truly.

  13. Oh, Gleyber finally got off the home run schneid? Now we'll hear all about how he's finally got going.

    Almost one-third of a season (2023 into 2024) with a home run. Six weeks in 2022 in which he was the worst player in baseball. Two whole years, 2020-2021, when he was utterly useless.

    His disappearance streaks are way too long and too awful. But you watch: Cashie will re-sign him.

  14. AA. Umm ... how long ago was this soup pooper child? Asking for a completely disinterested party.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hey, hey! At least the Knickerbockers rewarded my inattention!


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