Sunday, June 2, 2024

"Cody Poteet Is Very Neat," the poem. (And other matters)


Cody Poteet
Is very neat.
When he pitches
He brings the meat.

Cody Poteet
Is very sweet.
When he pitches,
He grabs the teat.

Cody Poteet
Is not discrete.
When he pitches,
We can’t be beat.

Other notions following last night's Big Yankee Win. (Note: Every Yankee win is a Big Yankee Win.) 


--- If Aaron Judge keeps hitting 14 HRs per month, he will hit 78 HRs, obliterating Barry Bonds' single season record of 73, which is the second least-admired record in sports, after OJ Simpson's 2,000-yard rushing record with the Buffalo Bills. 

--- So this Godzilla punk has a new movie out? I could care. I lost interest when he called himself "King of Monsters," an obvious dig at King Kong. Guy should shut his fat, ugly mouth. Kong beats his rubbery lizard ass every time they meet. He wants to be a big time monster? Let him fight Jake Paul. 

--- Speaking of movies, apes on horseback! Dear god, is there anything more thrilling! Count me in!

--- Speaking of apes, true story. In the 1970s, a Syracuse movie theater held "Ape-O-Rama," three Planet of the Apes flicks, back to back to back. Halfway into the second movie, the power went out, the place plunged into darkness. The viewers began making ape sounds, so the police were called. This is the second greatest story ever to sum up Syracuse, NY. 

--- The first greatest story? In the mid-80s, a Yankee game was supposed to be NBC's game of the week. Instead, the local TV network affiliate aired some local Syracuse event. A few Yankee fans went to the station to complain. Police were called. THIS is the true glimpse into Syracuse's soul.

--- Those pilgrims who attacked the TV station are the 2nd greatest Yank fans of all time.

--- The G.O.A.T. Yankee fans: The ones who put the nails on Ed Whitson's driveway.  


  1. Excuse me . . .

    Mr DuQue?


    May I please ask you a question?

    How were you able to create such a wonderful lead post today, Sunday the Second day of June, 2024?

    I’ll now eagerly await your response.


  2. In 2017 Giancarlo hit 59 meaningless home runs for a Miami team that finished the season 20 off the pace and 8 games under .500.

    Nowadays, he still hits meaningless home runs. If you need to pad the box score, Giancarlo is your man.

    But if you're looking to tie the game, or win a game, there are only two true outcomes when Giancarlo steps up to the plate, he either grounds into a double play, or like the mighty Casey, he strikes out. His only real contribution to the Yankees comes when you have the Yankees -2. That's his contribution to the bottom line.

    Giancarlo the Breakable. What a bum.

  3. Hey, with our bullpen, happy to get any padding. And the more we keep playing Giancarlo, the quicker he's going to break.

  4. In regards to Mr. Poteet, I think maybe this year the law of averages just caught up with Mr. Cashhole. I mean no one can be that consistently bad at something they have done so long and are allegedly a professional at. BTW…Estevan Florial just got DFA’ed by the Indians. Round 7 with NYY, Cashhole sound strike while the iron is cold…and made of aluminum!

  5. Great Syracuse stories, Duque! But hey, Kong and Geezee are friends now! I saw them on a Times Square billboard. They're buddies. Soon they will start solving crimes together, in my new script, "Monster Detectives." (Easily convertible to a porn script, "Monster Dicks.)

  6. Much more depressing is re-running a 60's-70's series of movies that were supposed to be an edgy analogy to fears over integration but just came off as camp. Godzilla and friends? 1950s movies that were supposed to deal with trauma over the A-bomb...but just became camp.

    In a way, though, camp was a nice human response, a way to laugh in the face of "terror."

    Now, we go camp to ponderous, bombastic money-making. Time to start over and do something original??

    Nah, that's not our America! Just keep picking the same bones.

  7. Oh, and for the Mets' retired numbers? They are, in order:

    —Keith Hernandez (17)
    —Gary Carter (8)
    —Mike Piazza (31)
    —Jerry Koosman (36)
    —Tom Seaver (41)
    —Willie Mays (24)
    —Gil Hodges (14)
    —Casey Stengel (37)

    The Mets have also "retired" the names of announcers Ralph Kiner and Bob Murphy, and former stadium namee, William Shea.

    I never quite understand how retiring names works. So if the Mets sign somebody named Bob Murphy, he now has to change his name?

  8. Hoss - Didn't the Mets retire one or two of Lyndsay Nelson's sport coats?

  9. Lyndsey Nelson -

  10. Stats R Us, Strange Shit Dept.:

    Judge with RISP this year
    BA .216 OBP .391

    Judge with runners on base
    BA .279 OBP .408

    Stanton with RISP this year
    BA .292 OBP .358

    Stanton with runners on base
    BA .232 OBP .300

    So, inexplicably, with runners in scoring position Stanton hits much better. But Judge hits a lot better with runners on base. And Judge has a higher OBP in both instances, I would guess because of walks.

    Judge has hit into 11 DPs already this year. Also, amazingly, his BA from the 7th inning on is .154 (!) over 65 ABs. Stanton is at .200 over 55 ABs. He's hit into 8 DPs.

    Both these guys are big-time whiffers. Judge has 68 already over 216 ABs, Stanton 64 over 195. Both dreadful.

    Stats are weird things. Maybe we're a little too tough on Stanton in some instances. Maybe.

  11. The first Godzilla movie is actually pretty good. Not the bastardized for America version, with Raymond Burr scenes inserted needlessly, but the original Japanese film.

    It's worth checking out if you're bored. But if you really want a good recent film in Japanese, check out Wim Wenders' "Perfect Days." Not a lot happens, but it sneaks up on you. The lead actor is phenomenal.

    If you're an Anselm Kiefer fan like I am, his documentary "Anselm" is pretty incredible, too. I went to Mass MOCA last Monday and was surprised by a Kiefer exhibit that had just opened in one of the buildings. In photos, the pieces are decidedly dark and mysterious. In person, they walloped me upside the head. "Powerful" does not do them justice.

  12. will definitely give Anselm a look this week

    (thanks for the tip - JM)

    Also, Perry Mason vs Godzilla sounds a bit like the recent trial that just ended last week. And for the record, the wild and crazy reporter that Raymond Burr played in the American version of Godzilla was named Steve Martin.

    Carry on . . .

  13. JM,

    If you were at Mass MOCA, you were 15 miles from my mountaintop lair (although I wasn't there at the time).

    I don't watch the Godzilla movies unless I'm really bored, so not in decades. But, but, but... I have two friends (a couple) that are in film logistics in Australia. He does equipment staging and setup. She moves actors and stuntmen around. They have worked on every Godzilla movie there for the last decade +. They are appalled that I don't watch them. I asked them if they wanted to go to Kualoa ranch in Hawaii (a direct competitor to Aussie production). I was threatened with dismemberment. They have an interesting life. He is actually her boss and they work 14-16 hour days, six days a week for months. Then take months off and travel (Christmas in Cambodia this year. They spent more than a dollar for lobster, but not much more). Pretty cool to have Johnny Depp and Anthony Hopkins numbers (and pictures with you) on your phone.

  14. Godzilla (1954) is a classic. Serious undertones support the limited special effects.
    They say Godzilla minus 1 is a throwback to that type of literal film making, but they say a lot of things.

    When it comes to movies, I’m tired of having to explain why The Searchers is not only the greatest western ever made, but one
    Of the greatest American movies ever made. And I don’t even like westerns or John Wayne.

  15. BTR- would welcome a chance to discuss The Searchers with you at some point. I recently rewatched it and it didn’t hold up for me as well.

  16. It's a lot better than The Green Berets. Stinker.

  17. I sadly could only identify some of those notables.


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