Friday, July 12, 2024

The Yankees look dead in the water, and they are straining lifetime loyalties

 At times lately, I stop punching the Aaron Boone kewpie pillow to remind myself that, despite all their problems, the Yankees still have...

1. The third best record in the AL.

2. Baseball's best slugging twosome.

3. Gerrit Cole.

4. Nice uniforms.

5. Suzyn Waldman.

6. 27 world championships, (15 before I was born.)

7. YES, the Newsmax of sports.

8. A home stadium steakhouse.

9. Daily bus service to Scranton.

10. Fans who see a hopeless situation but watch anyway.

I'm No. 10. Last night, after we left the bases loaded in the 8th, I killed the tube. They'd lost another to Tampa, a certified tomato can. I'd draw the line, maintain my dignity. I'd watch no more.

A few minutes later, I caved. I clicked it on, expecting Boone's postgame hostage video. Instead, there we were: Two outs, down by one, runners on first and third, Gleyber at bat. (He'd been having "good swings" lately, according to Newsmax YES.) 

First pitch, ball outside. Good eye. 

Second pitch, another ball outside. GOOD EYE!

Next pitch, another ball, low and away. A problem, though: Gleyber lunges for it. Fuck me. Instead of 3-0, it's 2-1. Heart sinking.

Next pitch: Outside. Ball four, if Gleyber hadn't chased. 

Next pitch: Inside corner. Three and two count. 

Next pitch: Down the middle. Gleyber swings.

Pop fly.

Of course, a pop fly. That's what Gleyber does. That's what the Yankees do. Pop flies. This one almost falls in. Almost. That's what Yankee pop flies do. The Tampa second baseman snags it - he's young and fast. Remember young and fast?  What a concept. 

Game over. Don't touch that dial. Jack Curry will be right back with the postga-CLICK. 

It's over. No Boonie shapeshift. Time for bed.

This season, that is. It needs to be put to bed. 

Like Joe Biden, the Yankees need to hear harsh realities from their advisers. This is not a team that can simply trade its way back into relevance. This is a looming disaster, one of worst Yankee seasons in recent history. They had the best record in a baseball, and now they have shat the bed against everybody in the AL East. 

Last winter, they drained their farm system to get here - which is nowhere. They are now seeing what happens when Aaron Judge slumps - (he can't hit .370 forever) - and the bullpen is showing itself to be exactly what it is, a mishmash of rag arms salvaged off the scrap heap.

This team just gives me a headache. Where is that Scranton bus station, anyway? 


  1. It’s pretty amazing what’s going on. I agree with the list of things the Yankees “still have”, including #11 we still have more wins than the Dodgers. HOWEVER, this team is a giant Gordian knot. It’s doomed and needs a bold re-set. Here we come 82 wins.

  2. 82 wins will result in claims from management that "we were in it to the very end. If it weren't for the injuries, we could have gone all the way."

    Shit, anything over 71 wins will get that response.

  3. As Professor Michael Ray Richardson once eloquently said, "the ship be sinking".

  4. The Yankees do not have a dynamic duo. Soto is hurt. He did something to his wrist and he's not functioning at 100%. Hell, he's dropped off the planet at the same time Volpe headed toward 7th in the batting order. And where in the world is Glassman? Sitting out another season?

    We are doomed.

    That's my boy Brain, you've done it again.

  5. Trent Grisham had his best game as a Yankee and arguably won that one middle game for his team. Howevvva, he can't be playing everyday. He's not a young stud, never going to be anything more than a bench player. So they have Spencer Jones rotting in the minors but Grisham plays every day here. What can you do, except laugh?

  6. Why is Ben Rice all of a sudden hitting cleanup? A raw rookie in the cleanup slot. I know he looks like a major league hitter, but do you want to put that kind of pressure on a raw rookie? It's like Custer making the little drummer boy the captain of the advance guard. Hey kid, nice drum roll, you're captain now. Charge!!!

    The guy who should've been the cleanup hitter since Stanton went down is probably Austin Wells. I know he hasn't hit much, and he doesn't have a whole lotta experience either, but he's much more experienced than Ben Rice. And if you wanna find out if Austin Wells has got somethin', now's the time to find out. And I thought all this before he had a couple of knocks. So please don't nobody say "hindsight".

  7. So Judge played CF through thick and thin, and now all of a sudden, he's the full time DH. "No can do play this guy in CF or RF. He's too valuable. Gotta save his legs. And Soto hates to DH, so Judge has to DH."

    What a load of hogwash! If I can take a stab at what's really going on, I'd say that Judge is playing through some kind of injury. That's why they're using him as full time DH. That's why he's not really hitting right now. Judge doesn't swing the bat well when he's hurt.

    Soto hurt his hand playing defense in right field. You take a left fielder and put him in right field. You take a gold glove right fielder (and your biggest home run hitter) and put him in center field. What could go wrong???

    The stupidity of Boone's managing (and whoever pulls his strings) is MIND-BOGGLING. That's why Boone is the worst manager I've ever seen. Stump Merrill was a GENIUS compared to this. Joe Torre was a genius. Joe Girardi, genius. I've never seen anything like Boone. Not on the Yankees anyway.

  8. Did everyone see Soto shake out his hand after that swing last night? Looks like a significant problem. Heard he's not been the same since the hand injury.

    In all probability, both Judge and Soto hurt. Both in slumps. The rest of the lineup not really hitting. We all knew this team would have to bludgeon other teams' pitching to win games. How many 2-1 or 1-0 wins do you see the rest of the way? Seems Cashman and Boone see plenty of 'em. They live in an alternate universe, Yankee Wonderland.

    Look for a clean sweep by the Orioles this weekend. Second Yankee Funeral 2024 comin' right up!

  9. Port Authority to "The Martz", as they say in Scranton, is a tad over two hours. "The Martz" is at one end of Lackawanna Ave, Scranton's main downtown thoroughfare. At the other end of Lackawanna Ave is the beautiful beaux-art train station, now a Radisson, which many International League ballplayers believe is haunted. In a better age Lackawanna Ave was a thriving red light district. Babe Ruth may have lost his virginity there. Norman Mailer tried, and existentially failed, to lose his virginity there. I think ol' Norm is the ghost the Bisons and IronPigs keep sensing, in his purgatory, wandering the halls, forever trying to get laid in Scranton.

  10. And they were nuts to make Anthony Volpe the leadoff man earlier in the year. He wasn't ready yet. I said they should've just left him in the lower part of the order, where he was doing good. Kid is finally hitting? Leave him the hell alone!!!

    This club, whenever somebody has a good game, all of a sudden that guy is the cleanup hitter or the leadoff man. Can't believe the crazy shit that goes on here.

  11. Publius,

    You should be the official historian for Scranton.

  12. Blake got tossed
    Blake got tossed
    Cole Tonight
    Cole Tonight
    I repeat myself when I’m distressed
    I repeat myself when I’m distressed
    Remove the water, from the bottom of the ocean
    Remove the water, from the bottom of the ocean

  13. Tough to say what it is with Soto. A great player, but a total and absolute attention whore. The way he preens and poses after every pitch makes it difficult to understand what is going on with him.

    For me, what is most numbing about the team is the lack of change. The same people in management do the same thing every year, which of course yields the same result. $300M for this roster? It’s ownership malpractice.

    This weekend’s series could be a stunning blow. I suppose we’ll steal one of the games to at least present a patina of competitiveness. Then we can all stew in our juices while the publicity puff pastry called the All Star Games unfolds before us.

    Football beckons.

  14. Remember, Schmidt, then Stanton go hurt. Throw in a couple of relievers. Strangely the team started to struggle. When key players go down, teams just aren't as good. Tampa, Baltimore, and the Dodgers come to mind although hardly an inclusive list. Maybe Stanton and Schmidt come back and play well again. And maybe all those relievers who we traded for in '22 come back soon. Maybe. It would be nice if the Martian hadn't gone down, he was Cashman's escape plan. Spencer Jones, nah, he still strikes out too much, he's not ready. Hell he might never be ready except as trade bait. Man, it would be nice to have the upper minors loaded with talent... Mista we could use a man like Ron Guidry again...

  15. Suppose there is a Baltimore equivalent of IIHIIFIIC. In that case, I'm sure they are venting like crazy after being swept at home in three games by a certified tomato can, the Chicago Cubs. And by the way, Tail On is having an excellent year for them.

  16. Keefe on fire and totally on point:

  17. Thanks, duque. I've decided to take that as a compliment. The official history may start with:

    "Scranton is best known as the fictional home of two beloved sitcoms- "The Office" and "Joe Biden: American Politician".

  18. Davis out, Vivas up

    WTF, it can’t hurt.

  19. I think Kevin is right. Just too many injuries to keep anything going. Is it the coaching? The medical and conditioning staff? A fragile roster?

    A number of usually good teams have been or are being hit with a lot of injuries. It's an epidemic. I think some of the injuries that put guys on the IL are the kind of stuff guys used to play through in the old days. But playing through an injury almost always degrades performance. Might be why Judge has slumped. Certainly the case with DJ and, of course, Rizzo.

    If nobody on the Yanks got injured and we were still fielding the same team as in the beginning of June, I think we'd be way ahead of where we are. (That includes not having Cole and DJ.) But the Orioles are limping, they can't pull away. The Dodgers are limping. Tampa is limping. Looks like a number of teams are limping.

    Maybe they should change the name to Major Limp Baseball.

  20. About Vivas...plays second and third, positions where we really need help:

    In 37 games for Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, Vivas posted a 122 wRC+ and .404 on-base percentage. Since returning from the injured list in early June, Vivas has been one of the most productive hitters across minor-league baseball, posting a 1.080 OPS with five home runs.

    It’s unclear how the Yankees plan to use him. With both Gleyber Torres and DJ LeMahieu struggling this year, it’s possible that either of those players could see their roles reduced if the organization views it as necessary to give Vivas everyday playing time upon his call-up.

    “Elite contact skills,” Yankees minor-league hitting coordinator Joe Migliaccio said of Vivas. “Elite zone discipline. Power plays up. Works extremely hard.”

  21. JM, hopefully he will receive significant playing time, it doesn’t matter whose playing time is reduced. Torres is a goner (I hope) and DJLM. Is washed, moving like Betty White out there.

  22. This is what Boooooone does: a guy has a good week, they move him up in the batting order. Conversely, when he has a bad week, down you go!

    Rice is in the cleanup because there is no one else.

    Thanks again Brain. Can't wait until after the season when you can once again tell us how injuries killed the team, the phrase that has replaced your other favorite failure slogan, "the playoffs are a crapshoot."

  23. The Yankees, on the other hand, aren't a crapshoot. Just too much crap, year after year.

  24. You’re right JM, and that stool is sinking to the bottom of the bowl

  25. Since when does this team want a player with elite contact skills?

  26. Celerino, he is literally the only healthy minor league player they have performing at a level that warrants promotion.

  27. I'm surprised that no one has called the Yankees the Boonetown Pizza Rats...

  28. Wonder if Soto got hurt in that game I saw, when he leaped up over the edge of the right field stands. And yes, Judge could easily be hurt again.

    But it's the same old, same old, every year. Everybody gets hurt, no one to replace them, GM stands around in astonishment.

  29. BTR, thanks for the prompt to read Keefe. I want him to be Yankees GM.

    This is the most depressingly 100% accurate part concerning the rodent:
    "Opposing hitters are batting .356/.423/.713 against him for a 1.135 OPS. For reference, Aaron Judge has the highest OPS in the majors at 1.103, so opposing hitters are collectively the best hitter in the game against Rodon."

    How does this piece of excrement have ONE win, let alone nine?!?

    Another great Ca$hole desperation signing.


  30. @dickallen

    "Shit don't float."

    Don Henley

  31. Cole needs to step up big time tonight

  32. And if ever there was a pitcher the Yankees could brutalize, it’s this guy named Cade something-or-other.

    Of course he’ll probably pitch a Maddux.

  33. And introducing your fourth lead-off hitter of the year, DJL, he of the 202BA

  34. Good thing DJLM is leading off, huh?

    Cut him.

  35. Bases loaded, Verdugo up…a weak swing that would make a little leaguer blush

  36. Santander looked like a Yankee OF, botched the play then took his time recovering.

    It’s embarrassing watching Lemahieu play. He can no longer play in the bigs.

  37. That’s hilarious: Michael Kay blamed Cole giving up a triple because the challenge at second base took him out of his rhythm.


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