Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Whatever happens, Cashman yesterday held the line on prospects, and there is hope for the future

Okay, siddown. Deep breath. Drink this. Brace yourself. I'm gonna write nice things about Brian Cashman, and they will bleed into hopeful thoughts regarding Food Stamps Hal. 

No, they aren't holding a Glock to my head. I am posting from the supremely fortified IIHIIFIIc command center, beneath beautiful Onondaga Lake.

That said, I suggest you step back from your electronic breast feeder, as it might burst into flames. 

The reason for my knock-kneed declaration of fealty: The Yankees yesterday did not empty their farm system to chase a 2024 wild card berth. 

They did not trade Spencer Jones. They did not trade George Lombardi Jr. They did not trade Roderick Arias, or any of their top prospects, as recently ranked by the rankers who rank rankings. The Yankees held the line on draining their system, even though some of the kids, frankly, have endured shitty seasons. 

Keep in mind that Aaron Judge, at 23, hit .224 in 61 games at Scranton, his first taste of Triple A. They could have traded him for a Sidney Ponson and told the world he was overly hyped. And our current great Yank hope, Jasson Dominguez, the Martian, once hit .159 in the Arizona Instructional League. If you trade prospects when they struggle, not only do you deal them at their lowest value, but you end up with a dead future. This was our fate in the 1980s, as Old George went through GMs like Kleenex in a Covid ward. It still could be our destiny. But yesterday, Cashman held the line, and I am risking flames of retribution as I type these words: 

Cashman did the right thing.

In simple terms, the Yankees did not discard their long-term future for a long-shot postseason berth, which - frankly - they should get anyway. (If this team cannot qualify for the extended playoffs, it was never going to win a damn thing, right?)

Today, we are slobbering drunk with a two straight series wins, plus the hope that Jazz Chisholm Jr. could be the steal of 2024. Clearly, he is an exciting young talent (age 26) who desperately needed out of Miami, the land of drug lords and senior scooters. Some players were made for New York's ultimate stage, and Chisholm might be one of them. We won't know until he hits a speed bump - as he will - and faces the shrieks of talk radio and bleacher yahoos, the underside of Gotham. 

In recent days, Gammonites and bloggers worked up raging Yankee boners over the possibility of big deals, never questioning the talent lost in the exchange. There was intense pressure on Cashman to obtain a quality starter, and it surely grew with the news that Gerrit Cole would miss last night's game. The conditions were ripe for a terrible deal, the kind that, frankly, Cashman has made in recent years. This time, he didn't bite.

I still worry about Chisholm, as his 3B experience is soooo limited. We literally will have two players learning new positions - Ben Rice at 1B and Chisholm at 3B - and a 2B showing signs of early onslaught Chuck Knoblauch. 

Whatever happens, we held the line yesterday. 

So let me type the words and run...

Thank you, Cash. And onward, Mr. Hal. 




  2. Rickey Ricardo's call...

    "Oh baby another one! Adios amigo! Smooth Jazz does it again, his fourth home run of the series! Jazz Chisholm Jr. is a Bronx Bomber from the Bahamas!"

  3. Ricky should be our new play by play radio announcer. It was obvious from his first time filling in for the Master.

    I had written in the comments yesterday that I just wished Cashman would not do anything stupid. Incredibly, he didn't. We still don't have a closer, but we have a deeper pen and DJ Jazzy Chisholm. Which might be the smartest we could do.

  4. Gonna have to disagree with you duque, the trading deadline was an abject failure by the team, For every Aaron Judge there are 10 Clint Fraziers. I don’t advocate blindly trading prospects but we can also be waiting for a tomorrow that never comes. We have only one year of Soto guaranteed and should go for it this year. Judge and Cole are moving into their mid-30’s and will begin to decline. Perhaps one good thing about Cole is that this down year makes it less likely he will opt out his contract after this season. Yes, he has an opt-out and could leave us. I’ll say it right now, if he does so let him go!

    The big failure was not getting a closer. Holmes failed AGAIN last night. We should’ve obtained Tanner Scott. The reason we didn’t, and didn’t pursue additional upgrades, is simple: money. We’ve blown through the final salary tax barrier thanks to Cashman’s incompetence and now much pay a tax of 110% on any additional salary. This is the system that the brain dead nepo-baby supported.

    Again, as I find unlikely that we will re-sign Soto, we should’ve made a concerted effort to upgrade this year. Frankly, it should’ve been done off-season, not relying on bounce back years from walking dead players like DJLM and Stanton. Steinbrenner cries about the money but continues to employ the fool who got us into this mess. Hey Steinly, if you don’t like the food, fire the chef!

  5. Ya never know, BTR. Because you can't predict baseball... outside of Holmes blowing a save situation. That's pretty predictable.

  6. The best GM & Owner in professional sports

  7. Indeed, Celerino, I am so sorry to have been the complaining, slobbering, ungrateful asshole who spews his bilious vomit all over over this board. Brian and how are God‘s gift to us Yankee fans. They love us and they take care of us and every last thing they do is to our gain. They sacrifice so so so so so so so fucking much in terms of their souls and money and time in order to help us. I am such an asshole for complaining about how and Brian and Boone, who is probably a better manager than McGraw and Stengel combined. I’m gonna go on eBay right now and look for some 2024 World Series swag. Somebody in China must be getting ready for us

  8. Siri thinks that Hal’s name is “how“

  9. Duque, your giving Cashman a (slight) pat on the butt ain't really warranted. Thank God he didn't trade Spencer Jones or The Martian or any of our really top prospects, BUT Cashman once again hung onto Gleyber Torres. And Gleyber is going to be a disaster sooner or later. He is a human land mine.

    I can't figure what the hell is Cashman's love affair with Gleyber. This guy should've been traded years ago. He should've traded for a pitching prospect at the deadline. Is there no team out there that wanted a 2B or a backup infielder? Look at the prices paid by bidders for the players they got.

    Cashman could've traded Rodon and Nester Cortes too. Of course he held on to them. Because that's his style. Never trade away anyone who underperforms, is his motto. We'll see how bad Cortes gets his butt handed to him today by Philly. It won't be pretty.

    I still think we could've got plenty for Rodon. Possibly a top prospect + two mid-level prospects. Or three mid-level prospects. If scouted well, any prospect could become a very good player for you, as the Tampons know all too well.

  10. Speaking of the Tampons, word is they've once again fleeced everyone stupid enough to deal with them. They're well on their way to re-building. It doesn't take them long. In just a year or two, they'll be knockin' on the door to another league championship. They took a step back, to take five steps forward. They got rid of a lot of their garbage and got back (I'm sure) good talent. And they will now proceed with good coaching and quick development, forced development.

    Wish we could have their GM and their manager!

  11. Spencer Jones should've been up here last year. At least by the midway point last year. He should've been here from the start of this season. They've wasted a great deal of time. He is being wasted whilst guys like Stanton, Grisham and Vertigo get the playing time.

  12. Jazz Chisholm is off to a great start. And already transitioning into 3B. Although 3B requires a big time arm. Does he have a third baseman's arm? If he did, I'm sure he would've had previous experience playing 3B.

  13. Boone stupidly keeps giving LeMahieu at-bats. This guy is done, finito, stick a fork in him. He's even more done than Stanton. He should be released. He is wasting a roster spot.

  14. Either fate or good fortune intervened near the end of the trade deadline yesterday. Maybe Cashman got cold feet over the severe beatings he's absorbed over the past few years because he had a trade in place with the Tigers for Jack Flaherty. Ostensibly over the health of his lower back. Yet the Dodgers had no such worries and completed the trade with Detroit.
    Who knows what Cashman agreed to send back, but you can bet it was way too much and likely included Spencer Jones and some other top prospects.

    Hammer, if we traded Rodon, who still occasionally pitches like a # 2, and Cortes, who might work out as a good lefty out of the pen, who would replace them with? If the Yankees expect to make a run in the post-season, we would be dead in the water due to shoddy starters. Or at least 2 more that are untested. What we need is a closer and that Cashman failed to deliver. Probably over salary as someone above mentioned. We did add a bat in Jazz and, therefore, lengthened the lineup. Stanton's return and The Martian's imminent return enhance that even more.

  15. Cashman did not get a closer. Perhaps the asking prices were too ridiculous. Who in the minors throws very hard and has the most electric stuff, whilst still throwing decent strikes? I say bring up a few kids. Let's see what they've got. Closer by committee it has to be. Auditions to start immediately. Holmes is a walking time bomb, can't be trusted, should be relegated to 6th, 7th or 8th inning duty.

  16. Carl, if the asking price on Jack Flaherty included Spencer Jones, I'm mighty glad we didn't budge. Because that is another guy, along with The Martian, that I absolutely want to see given a chance to develop up here. The Martian, I sure is good. Spencer Jones, I'm pretty sure will be good. I've heard Jones is a can't miss. Yes, we've all heard that before, but in the case of this current Yankee situation, with too many old guys making too much and clogging the roster, Jones is a very good bet. If you have a very good hand, play it, see what happens.

    Trading Rodon and Cortes is a calculated risk. It would decimate the starting staff, right? But I don't believe in this team. I don't think believe in their coaching or managing. Rodon is always one bad start away from another valley that he can't climb out of. Cortes seems pretty much shot. Trading them might tank any chance of making the playoffs this year, but I'm thinking of next year, because even if they make the playoffs I don't see them surviving the first round. Would it be the right move? If I was GM, I'd have moved at least one of them, maybe both if I got back the prospects that I wanted.

    Of course, it was just my fantasy that Cashman would trade Rodon. That guy will NOT be traded for the entire length of his contract, guaranteed.

  17. The kid Neely had 51ks in 31 innings and a 2.90 ERAi in Somerset. Why didn’t they give him a chance instead of bringing in Leiter, who is just a JAG and always has been.

  18. When they got Rodon, believe it or not, I liked the move. I thought they needed him and that he had a lot left in the tank. I still think he's got it. His last start, this guy can unleash some nasty stuff. Still throws very hard. He's got #2 starter pedigree, for sure. Can easily be a very good #3. Would greatly bolster a contender's chances of winning a championship. If I was an opposing GM, as I've said before, I'd take a chance on Rodon, bet that my pitching coach would fix his problems. And for Cashman, cutting losses now and getting some good return for Rodon could've been a very good thing. But all that's settled now, trade deadline gone.


  19. I'm gonna write nice things about Brian Cashman, and they will bleed into hopeful thoughts regarding Food Stamps Hal.

    I can understand your relief that Cashman didn't trade prospects for the likes of Joey Gallo, Harrison "Walking Boot" Bader, et al but please let us know: How is it that you are summoning any hopeful thoughts or positive energy to send Hal's way?

    From where I sit, Hal remains a problem if not THE problem.

  20. "early onslaught Chuck Knoblauch". (-:

  21. Guys, on the subject of pitching coaches, did ya'll hear about how Luis Gil got instruction from Luis Severino on how to throw a slider? His new pitch has been a beauty, very nasty, a new look. Doesn't say much about our pitching coach that Gil is getting tips from a competitor, does it?

    I know that pitchers, even when on different teams, tend to be a fraternity. I think Paul O'Neil said that pitchers and position players are like two different teams on the same ball club. And pitchers, even if on other teams, hang out with one another and learn from one another, share ideas, pitch grips, how to throw certain pitches, and so forth. So not a huge shock that Gil would be learning from Sevvy. But it's funny because Sevvy was the self-admitted "worst pitcher in baseball" last year, and now here he is, a pitching guru for our best pitcher, Luis Gil.

  22. Just remember Brett Phillips...yes we signed him...

  23. Local Bargain Jerk - Judging from your photo you look well rested, freshly groomed, energized and ready to go!

    What's your secret?

  24. Looks as if Boone may have hit his head hard on something in the visitor's clubhouse before spit-spazzing together today's line-up (complete with a Germany-JM-friendly 12:30 start time) :

    Gleyber Torres (R) 2B
    Juan Soto (L) RF
    Aaron Judge (R) CF
    Giancarlo Stanton (R) DH
    Jazz Chisholm Jr. (L) 3B
    Anthony Volpe (R) SS
    Alex Verdugo (L) LF
    DJ LeMahieu (R) 1B
    Carlos Narvaez (R) C

    I do sorta like 2 - 6 today - however I will never be a big fan of Gleyber in the leadoff spot or having DJ playing 1st in the eight hole today.

    My advice to Boone is to keep on banging his melon - eventually he'll get it right.

  25. LBJ is in the house. Thank god. Now we can really get down to business.

    What say we have a "MOON BRIAN CASHMAN" day at the stadium and we all get banned permanently?

    Then, we can start a club called "Excommunicated Yankee Fans" and hold a big swanky soiree once a year at some dive near the stadium.

  26. I almost feel bad for Holmes. He yielded enough weak contact to get three outs under normal circumstances, but the infield hit, the seeing-eye base hit past Gleyber (of course), and the hard-ask double play that wasn't all give him one out. But the closer does his job when the going gets tough, and he just shits the bed.

  27. *double-play-that-wasn't all gave him one out.

  28. bitty - is it a shat as we moon or simply a name that tune, moon?

  29. Yet another leadoff audition! Boooooone is a complete tool.

    He should have left little Tony in that spot and let him work it out.

  30. Wow, I get to catch the game today. Maybe I'll use the YES app.

    Hammer, Judge and Torres and who knows who else get coaching from outside the organization and at least Gil does among the pitchers. That's all you need to know about Cashbrain's coaching staff hires.

  31. Yeah, in fairness to Sherlock, he really didn't pitch badly last night. That wild pitch, too, looked very catchable by Wells.
    But...he's no closer.

  32. I share Duque's sense of relief. I can easily remember just staring and staring at the 2022 trade results. "We traded one of our leading starters for a centerfielder who's on the DL? And who are these relievers?"...

  33. ...But as many have said here, everything should have been taken care of during the off-season. It's much, much harder to pick up guys at the trade deadline now, with so many teams still in contention. And if Tanner Scott did not get here because of money, that's ridiculous.


  34. Hrrmm ... there are two things though that still unsettle me.

    1) How did the front office "Brains" determine that Clay "BlownSave" Holmes would be a good choice for closer?
    2) How many blown saves will it take for the "Brains" to relieve "BlownSave" of that duty?

    Fuck CashBrain so damn hard.

  35. One more thing ...

    "Jazz Chisholm Jr. is a Bronx Bomber from the Bahamas!" Ah! Ahhh! AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhhhh-aaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!

  36. This is a terrifying confession.

  37. I can't get the game on the yes app because I'm out of the country. Rats.

    What is a terrible confession, Fonz?

  38. DJ? EC Comics has to come out with a new issue, "The Batter Who Returned from the Grave!"

  39. DJLM reanimated!
    For one AB anyway…

    Why not have Chisolm lead off?

  40. I’ll take a two run start from Nestor

  41. LOL. @ Torres “bunt”.
    He really is useless

  42. We do know how to strike out.

  43. I'll take a three run start from Nestor. Who can't even get through five innings. Who is a basket case. Who used to be good.

  44. Not so hot five inning starts are not so hot.

  45. Could someone please get on the blower and tell Holmes to get mentally ready. He’ll need his game today. Thanks

  46. 4 runs ain’t gonna win it today.

  47. I don't understand how a pitcher with the quality of stuff Holmes has can be that awful at closing....crazy

  48. did they reboot the matrix? is it up and running again? did they install the latest patch from microsoft?

    put on your crash helmets, laddies...

    the end is nigh.

  49. Glad they solved the bullpen problem.


  50. Is it "Leiter", like in Al Leiter? Or "lighter", like lighter fluid?

  51. Holmes preparing to blow another save


  52. Imbibed some good wine with lunch. I don't do that often.

    So I gotta check .....did I just see what I think I saw?

  53. Praise theLord and pass the ammunition!

  54. Act of God. Only possible explanation.

  55. Wait, did the Yankees...wiiiiinnnnn? Thuhhhhhh Yankees....wiiiiinnnnnn???

    Just asking.

  56. Gleyber 0-5, Judge 0-4. Everyone else got hits.

  57. Spill the wine, dig that sweep...

  58. I was bruised and battered
    I couldn't tell what I felt
    I was unrecognizable to myself
    Saw my reflection in a window
    And didn't know my own face
    Oh brother are you gonna leave me wastin' away
    On the streets of Philadelphia?

    Oh, Philadelphia freedom
    Shine on me, I love ya
    Shine a light through the eyes of the ones left behind
    Shine a light, shine the light
    Shine the light, won't you shine the light?
    Philadelphia freedom, I love ya
    Yes, I do


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