Friday, August 16, 2024

From watching the Yankees, I must say that this Judge fellow is pretty good

One of the elements to big-time bloggery is being willing to put in the elbow grease. That's me. When it comes to sentence-writing, I'm never afraid to work up an honest sweat - you know, to get down on your haunches and pick some verbal cotton. In fact, it's part of my slogan: Matter matters. And lately, on the matter of matters mattering, I've uncovered a gem of content, which I'd like to blog for you. 

This fellow, Judge, doesn't belong in Little League.

Seriously, where does he get off, a fully-grown man playing against children? It's not fair. You'd think the parents running MLB would not allow a teenager to compete against 12-year-olds. Somebody could get hurt. 

Seriously, has anyone checked his birth certificate? Look at him. He's at least 14. His testicles must have dropped. Watching him play against children, it's just wrong. 

That said - hey - I'm glad he's on the Yankees.

Like, the other night, there he was, coming to bat after the other team walked the Yankees' second-best hitter, who'd be first best hitter on any other team, including the Dodgers. But on the Yankees, Juan Soto is the second-best. And so the White Sox walked him... to pitch to Judge. 

In that moment, I thought, "What a clever and creative thing to do! It's as if they're saying to the world, Judge should not be playing in this league, and we will protest by standing up to Goliath, to this outsized bully!" I yelled to the TV, "Smart move, Chicago! Maybe it will work!"

Well, it didn't. Not a whit. And mark my words: If the owners of baseball let him continue to play Little League, somebody is going to get hurt. He's just too big. It's not fair. Someone should intervene. Williamsport deserves better.

That said, this fellow, Judge, he's pretty good.


  1. Imagine for a moment (you know, a second or two) if Soto was as big as Judge. Let me know how that goes for you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Speaking of Little League... This was both an interesting and moving story about the greatest little leaguer of all time.

  4. Mickey Mantle, age 28 -32
    .304/.437/.612 (1.049 OPS/186 OPS+)

    Aaron Judge, age 28 -32
    .298/.413/.632 (1.045 OPS/186 OPS+)

    He's the Mick come back to life.

    1. Zachary, thanks for the interesting (and enlightening) research!

  5. Sure is. It is an honor and a pleasure to see him play. And to see Soto play.

    It's a shame they seem to be killing Spencer Jones' career in their usual manner, not to mention The Martian's. Those four, as DH and OF, for the next 5 years...

    1. Horace, you know that players have to actually perform in the minors. Jones has some terrible strikeout numbers (and this year, in a higher league his power isn't anything to brag about). The Martian was victimized by the elbow injury, but yeah, he should be playing instead of Vertigo.

  6. Unfortunately, because of the idiot GM, he will follow Donnie Baseball as a great Yankee without a ring.

  7. Trevino back up, so boone immediately sits Wells. You can’t make this stuff up. Peraza gets a start at Third.

  8. I’m beginning to lose faith in Boone as a manager. Maybe we shouldn’t re-sign him to anything longer than a four year extension during the offseason.

  9. Take out Verdugo and bring up The Martian and we might start to have some depth in the batting order.

  10. Trevino. Peraza. Oooookayyy, Mr. Baboone.

  11. Yankees are ahead only because the tiggers are playing Yankee baseball. i.e., not hitting with RISP.

    Listening to Willie K. google it if you like good music.

    1. just listened. Very good. Thanks for the heads up.

  12. Zachary, I think you might be onto something there...

  13. Holmes with his first K of the bottom of the 9th!

  14. Yankees Weeeeen! Three up and three down in the ninth for Holmes….(I’ll take it , TBH.

  15. Watch out for the old irrational exuberance, mateys....

  16. We now have the best record in baseball, in spite of.... NOW is the time that we press the Peddle of Negativity through the floor to help them through the WS....


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