Monday, December 30, 2024

The Nightmare

 Last night, I went to sleep thinking of cookies and stockings filled with candy. 

As the sleep deepened, a sudden vision came into focus.

That lazy pop-up to center field that Judge settled under, only to have the ball bounce of his glove. 

And that brought out the gremlins.

Everyone the ball found, made an error.  People in the infield seemed frozen. 

The worst 5th inning in the history of baseball. 

The end of the Yankees.

And the end of my peaceful repose. 

I woke up with nights sweats and a pulsing heart rate. 

Soon it will be next year. 



  1. Oh, it shall be next year no matter how fervently we wish next year remain at bay ...

  2. Yeah, what both the voters and NY sports confirm: it can always get worse.

  3. And sadly, Hoss, it usually does.


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