Tuesday, February 4, 2025

An Above Average Haiku Tuesday ~ Gee Whizz . . . Pee In or . . . . Peon? ~ Edition

(AA's contract prediction)


  1. Last week we had some good Haikus:

    Bitty ~
    Urinals in dreams
    In this year of destiny
    Hope unfurls in skeins

    acrilly ~
    To flush, perchance dream
    A flush, a flash, a Jazz time
    maybe we pitch better, no

    Pocono Stevie ~
    It never changes.
    Everything sucks: bad team bad.
    Hal hoards a penny.

    JMie ~
    Happy Snake New Year
    Maybe it's poisonous
    And bites Hal's ass, hard

    And AAeeeee ~
    Overheard next door
    Urinal heap of trouble
    Silence is Golden

    Let's post some new ones.....

    Peee Productively
    Do Hal and Pal Wear Diapers?
    Something needs changing

  2. Too tired to care
    Got some pine tar in my hair
    How did it get there?

  3. Carrasco? Good one.
    Yanks love them some Mets rejects!
    I pee in contempt!

  4. splish splash CASHMAN rash
    everywhere we itch and scratch
    there STILL is NO cure

  5. Hill back on our Hill
    Side Arm Sinker, No Stinker
    Tim Hill, Whattah Thrill

  6. Great: there's the lefty.
    Now, where is the third-base bat?
    It can't be DJ.

  7. Urine comes and goes
    Cash-hole will live forever
    Foley’s for the rest

  8. I think, therefore I
    Want Cashman gone today
    Alas, sadly no

  9. Pee on his head and tell him it is rainong.


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