Sunday, February 9, 2025

Whichever city wins tonight, neither KC nor Philly will lead America in sports and cultural significance. That title remains in one city

Where is America's sporting, cultural and geopolitical epicenter?

On this Super Sunday, which tonight showcases two plucky contenders - KC and Philly - here is the current, empirical, IT IS HIGH Metropolitan Power Index. Each city's world championship is listed below.

NFL: Kansas City (10 IIHMPI power points)
MLB: Los Angeles (10)
NBA: Boston (8)
NCAA Football: Canton (7)   
NCAA Men's BB: Hartford, CT (7)
NCAA Women's Basketball: Columbia, SC (7)
NHL: Florida (6)  
WNBA: New York (5) 
ML Soccer: Los Angeles (4)
Westminster Kennel Club: Houston (2)
Oscar for Best Movie: Los Alamos, NM (Oppenheimer) (3) 
Grammy for Best Album: Los Angeles (Kendrick Lamar) (3)
Emmy for Best TV Show: Chicago (The Bear) (3)
MAGA: Florida (10)
MAGA Money: Texas (Elon Musk) (11)
Disaster Courtesy Points: Los Angeles (Wildfires); North Carolina (Floods); Florida (General turmoil) (4)
Taylor Swift Courtesy Points: Kansas City (3); Philadelphia (2)
World Cultural Leadership: Syracuse (IT IS HIGH) (10)

So, the U.S. epicenter?

Los Angeles 22
Florida 20
KC 13
Texas 13
Syracuse 10
Everywhere else: Good luck, Podunks. 


  1. I'll give them sports but not culture. No way.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author because his
    mid-morning coffee was so fabulous that he forgot what he
    was thinking and pretty much ruined his response to JM. It
    had something to do with culture, contemporary times and
    dental hygiene whilst on a diet of Yogurt, Kefir, Kombucha
    and Landjäger.

    1. @ AA....With that morning combination, Mr. Tidy Bowl will be blown away in a violent brown storm.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Certainly not NY. If you choose to add an additional category, teams lead by incompetent morons, NY would laed.


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