Friday, February 21, 2025

Yanks blink on beards


The ban on facial hair is over.



  1. First of all it's about time. Next they need to grow "evil beards" like Spock did.

    Picture Aaron Judge is his "Evil Spock Beard". Pretty cool right? Now picture Anthony Volpe in his "Evil Spock Beard" OK forget that one. He would look like a failed hipster barrista.

    It may just be Aaron Judge.

  2. AS A BEARD OWNER, allow me to say that this is fantastic and exciting news. It opens up tremendous growth and and marketing opportunities.

    I am, however, concerned about Giancarlo Stanton growing a beard because we all know that the second he raises a hand to maintain that facial bush he's opening himself up (possibly quite literally) to a myriad of additional injury possibilities.

    My fellow IIHIIFIIC luminaries - LETTUCE all meet on Friday March 28th in the great city of Manhattan to discuss this and other changes to the Yankees manscape at a location Bitty is currently busting his Poteets to secure.

  3. Can't go. In CA. Sucks.

    Not CA. Most of you are still freezing your asses off. That said, I would like to see us all watch a game via Zoom sometime.

    1. THAT would be fun. I would listen on the radio, so we would all be cheering and booing and crying at different times, but I would do it anyway. I am happy to set it up

  4. I have never been a member of Beardo-American community--didn't have the patience to endure the itchy growing-in phase--but I support his wholeheartedly. It's about time.

  5. It's the collapse of civilization.

  6. I've had a beard or goatee pretty much my entire adult life. Mostly because I didn't like shaving.

    One time, when I had a full one I had a southern girl friend who used to call me "My mountain man!" I tried to explain that I was born in Brooklyn and was closer to being a "her Dairy Man" but she insisted on her delusion.

    One day she came home and I had shaved it. She started screaming at me and throwing things. Said I looked like "Jethrene Bodine." I grew it back.

    OK, she was nuts but the sex was very very good. It's always a trade off.

  7. Whoopee Damn Doo. Should have taken place years ago. How about a change in policy regarding getting players to improve the team.

  8. Shame Al Harbosky, The Mad Hungarian, isn’t still around to test the new policy. He was a lefty, also!

  9. Only time in my life I tried to grow a beard, aside from when I was pursuing a path of total self-destruction and did not have time to shave, was about 10 years ago to support something called Movember. You were supposed to get a bunch of people to donate money if you grew a mustache and it’s supported something like prostate health. I let my beard hair grow for about seven days and discovered that I was Santa Claus. I still did the money thing and did the donations, but I shaved it off immediately. Not that I was in any danger of finding a way to get laid, but it was not a good look for me. There will be more about the huckleberry meet up that AA mentioned. Stay tuned. We can all get together for just an hour or two and cry with each other

  10. What about my full and freaky genital bush? How "well-groomed" does that need to be? Enquiring huckleberries want to know!

  11. As a young man I was handsome, never grew out any hair on my face, but when I got to being 50 or so and turned into a "formerly handsome man" I thought I'd try a buck beard. Kept it for a month, itchy, hated it, shaved it down to a white supremacist, hated that even more. Beard growing days are over for me.


  12. There is no truth to the rumor that Hal made this change because Giancarlo Stanton developed tendinitis in both elbows from having to shave every day.

  13. Obviously an unpopular take: I always liked the beard ban. I agreed with the team that it made (most) players look (generally) more professional. It was something that made the Yankees special, like not displaying names on their jerseys. It was an outward sign, that showed: whoever you were before, whether you were a big star or a lowly role filler, when you come to play for the Yankees you are part of something bigger than you, part of a disciplined organisation devoted to excellence and focussed on winning it all. And my opinion was certainly reinforced when the Red Sox turned into a roster full of scraggly slobs.

    But as the last few years have demonstrated, clean-shaven players can find ways to look dishevelled and sloppy, particularly when the fundamentals of their game are so ugly. May as well go along with the irresistible trend. And why should the Yankees look special anymore? The only things they excel in nowadays are futility, waste, greed, and boneheadedness. (Booneheadedness?) They certainly aren't focussed on winning anything.

    So I suppose I'm good with this change. Whatever they've been doing previously certainly hasn't been helping them, maybe beards will.

    And if they all grow evil goatees like Doug suggested, the last few years will all have been worthwhile!

  14. Guess there's no policy on manscaping yet...


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