Sunday, March 2, 2025

Stanton, Brubaker, Effross, Gil, LeMahieu, Vivas... For the Yankees, could this be one of those years?

This week, the generally joyful prophets of YES told us that...

1. Oft-injured Giancarlo Stanton will miss the month of April, if not more.

2. Oft-injured JT Brubaker broke three ribs on a comebacker. He's out.

3. Oft-injured Luis Gil would get an MRI for shoulder issues. Be afraid.

4. Oft-injured Scott Effross threw one pitch and hurt himself. Yep.

5. Oft-injured DJ LeMahieu tweaked a calf muscle. Uh-huh.

6. Oft-injured Jorbit Vivas is still Jorbit Vivas, and he's hurt. Vivas, Las Vegas! 

Insert fart here.

Look, fractured ribs come with the job, right? Google "Boston injuries," and you'll learn that Lucas Giolito, Connor Wong and Wilyer Abreu are all M.I.A, and that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are healing as a couple. Life happens, the world churns, time is a wheel, and when you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.  

But but BUT... fuck me. As Yank fans, who regularly suffer rosters of hobbled thirtysomethings, always with one toe on the Injured List, maybe - just maybe - it's time to ask some existential questions about 2025. 

1. Is this one of those years?

2. Is this team hopelessly entombed by bloated contracts?

3. Can this team win the AL East?

4. Does this team have the bench to survive injuries still to come? 

5. Should the Yankees start thinking of a backup plan?

6. Should we sit it out... or dance?

Let's cut to the chase. Right now, questions boil down to JD Martinez: 

To solve the Giancarlo crisis, should the Yankees spend $20 million on a 37-year-old free agent who hit .235 last year? Or do we really go with - gulp? - Dominic Smith? We can tell ourselves that Ben Rice is ready to break out. How much Kool-Aid do we guzzle? 

For 14 years, Martinez has killed us. In fact, we should ponder the Youkilis Scenario. The guy who kills you throughout his career finishes the job while wearing your uniform.  

Obviously, March 2 is too early to throw in a towel. Three weeks ago, the Gammonites were touting us to win the AL East. Now, blasted by MRIs and comeback liners, we're already penciling in Carlos Carrasco and resembling a team limping through August. 

Yesterday, the YES sirs bleated praise on the '25 Yankees. Judge was back! Jazz! The Martian didn't get hit by a liner. Lombard! Rice! Jones! Hooray.

In the late innings, the announcers talked about the death of a lifelong fan in East Rochester, a gentleman being buried with a Yankee cap. It was sweet. It brought home the notion that, in the end, Yank fans are one big family, and it's the struggle - not the outcome - that we must embrace. 

In any family, there has to be an Uncle Gary, the one who gets drunk and asks the tough questions. Here's one: As the tweaks keep piling up, how hard should the 2025 Yankees seek Band-Aids?  

Last year, around now - with Soto, Verdugo, et al -  we faced an all-or-nothing season. This year, for now, anyway, I'm not sure what we're doing.   


  1. If this doesn't disturb you enough, take a look at Volpe's and the Martian's ABs yesterday. Consider the implications.

  2. They looked absolutely awful yesterday Pub.

    Maybe we should try a staff of all knuckleballers. They can pitch all the time with nary a strain on the arm. Just lob it up there and pray for the best.

    As for ‘25, our roster construction is top heavy and totally lacking in depth. A few injuries will sink the whole ship. And an elderly bunch like ours is inherently more likely to get hurt. And the young players are underwhelming….

    In short, we’re fucked.

  3. Time to pray for rain
    Just like a brain worm refrain
    Time to pray for rain

  4. The Montefiore-Einstein Injury Report lasts a full inning...

  5. of course, it's years like this that often trick us. they might have an epic, runaway streak for 6 or 7 weeks, during which we'll all become true believers again, followed by a short skid, then another short streak, then an epic tank for the ages. you can't predict beisbol, suzyn...

    1. It may indeed be blasphemous but, as time goes on I believe that more and more that you can

  6. 3rd with 85 wins predicts the voice of doom from Scotland

  7. When does Duque put out the call for the office pool on number of wins?

    1. Last week of March. And this year, there could be a million dollar prize.


  8. So when do we sign Verdugo?

  9. Andujar is 30 and he hasn't sucked for the A's. Just saying.

  10. The answer is yes, we should sign JD Martinez. Once we invent a time machine and can go back to the preseason in 2018. Then we skip the deal for Stanton, and peddle Starlin away for a promising young pitcher or two.

  11. This year really brings across how bad Cashman's casual, throwaway deals are, and how much they hurt us down the road.

    Shedd Long for Sonny Gray? Really?? You couldn't do any better than that?

    And Ezequiel Duran and Josh Smith to Texas as part of the Joey Gallo deal? They're not superstars, but they would have sure shored up the infield. I won't even get into the Thairo Estrada-for-cash deal. CASH? "Hey, those crab legs don't prepare themselves!"

  12. I am, once again, calling the big collapse. 77 wins and fourth.

    1. Honest to god, I was debating 78 earlier and decided to go with 77. I was 78 last year, I believe. Third place.

  13. Meet the new Training and Conditioning team, same as the old training and conditioning team. Breaking ballplayers like breadsticks as always.

    Maybe the problem wasn't the training and conditioning team after all! Maybe it is Cashman and his statistical geek squad, explaining to everyone with trust-funder-like authority that elbows can pivot 360 degrees and all iron pumping and no flexibility training creates dangerous home run hitters!

  14. I see the Stro-man (in ferengi accent) is in mid-season form.

    Time for a 5 year extension.

  15. I fear that everyone is asleep….zzzzzz……

    1. And I thought that Horace and Bitty and Kevin and Roophlux were just heading home from the factory

    2. We had to stay for a second shift.


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