Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Elizabeth Edwards Makes Live Call to Scott Proctor: I'm Asking You to Stop All These Walks


Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards called into to YES Network's "Hardball" game last night to give Yankee pitcher Scott Proctor a piece of her mind.

Host Michael Kay allowed Proctor and Edwards to engage in debate for about three minutes.

Edwards asked Proctor numerous times to "stop walking in runs," especially ones that cost ballgames.

In response, Proctor told Edwards to "get out of the batter's box." Soon after, he walked in another winning run, losing to Baltimore by a score of 3-2.


  1. I am beginning to get worried.

    Scott Proctor, Brian Bruney, Mike Myers....they all seem to be unable to throw the ball anywhere near the plate when it matters.

    People are beginning to talk. At first, the siscourse was limited to sarcasm and innuendo. But now , they are starting to cite facts and statistics. In effect, to give evidence of what we are seeing on a regular basis. A fact-based analysis of the Yankee bullpen is un-evangelical.

    Please write a letter to Mr. Torre, Mr. Guidy and Mr. Cashman and let them know the Yankees still have a secret weapon.

    Help us to bring on Enwar. Or Edwar. From somewhere. Soon.

    In the "bonds."


  2. At least I'm not giving a shyster Las Vegas routine in front of illiterate juries to bankrupt doctors, who now can‘t deliver babies, and charging a poverty group $50,000 for a speech.


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